Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

I don't see some CEO wasting his life away on government handouts, or my taxes going to perpetuate said lifestyle. I perpetuate it by buying a product or service from his company and getting something of value out of it.

It's not generally pointed out in the nightly news.

This kind of comedy writes itself.

It just isn't funny.

What do i get out of supporting a woman with 4 kids via my taxes besides the vague promise of said people not revolting?

Look at india or central America. We're not that because of your support... ;)
The woman who cuts our hair, manages the salon, also works cleaning houses on her days off, single mother of three, ex doesn't pay child support, has no choice but to go to the food pantry before the end of the month.

Bet she has a refrigerator too.
It's not generally pointed out in the nightly news.

This kind of comedy writes itself.

It just isn't funny.

What do i get out of supporting a woman with 4 kids via my taxes besides the vague promise of said people not revolting?

Look at india or central America. We're not that because of your support... ;)

India pays to educate their children so they won't end up like us.

We're too stupid to invest in our own country but we'll fight for Hobby Lobby to invest in China.
I'm a bit curious what you guys think about this. :smiliehug:

If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

And what the hey. The latter part of the article with Camilla Lewis has her saying her son can't eat processed food because of a stomach disorder. SO, she keeps buying processed food... When I was dirt poor I'd buy super cheap bags of dried lentils, beans, and brown rice. Poor people in 3rd world countries like Africa would kill for what America's poor have. I saw a photo of a little African girl with just a rag around her little hips, a bloated, hungry belly, and neither hope nor opportunity for a good future.

We Americans need to count the many blessings we have, and be damned grateful for them. That, and buy healthy, cheap staples like beans and lentils. You don't need processed food and stuff like that to live. You'll feel better, too, with a nice bowl of simple brown rice with a little dash of pepper. People should tighten their belts and buy only what they need; live below your means as much as you can and save your money!

[MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] [MENTION=23094]martybegan[/MENTION] [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] [MENTION=24535]jknowgood[/MENTION] [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION] [MENTION][/MENTION] [MENTION=24610]iamwhatiseem[/MENTION] [MENTION=39530]AceRothstein[/MENTION]

FUCK YOU @ wake The kid can't eat processed food - 1 of 4 - and she had to stretch BE 4. BECAUSE there wasn't bennie and BECAUSE they fucked up, NOT BECAUSE she's the fucked up version of YOU.

I wish you wouldn't explode like that in response to someone else's thoughts. This is the 2nd time you've said "fuck you" to me simply because my worldview is different than yours. You're better than that. You don't see me raging against you because I can't keep my emotions in check.

Now, please reread what I said. If you read my post you would know that I understand the child cannot eat processed food, but that she continues to buy it. What she should be doing is buying cheap and healthy unprocessed staples like dried lentils, beans, and brown rice. That food is very inexpensive, filling, and really good for lowering your cholesterol, helping your liver and bowels, giving you extra protein, etc. Did you know you can get 2lbs of dried black beans for less than $2 a bag? And also, black beans sport really high amounts of fiber, protein, and antioxidants. Servings of black beans would be a far cry better than slices of greasy, processed pizza, and easier on the wallet and your health, too.

Please don't explode on me, Barb. I am not your enemy, and have no ill will towards you. We simply disagree on some stuff. Do you think it'd be better to buy some healthy and cheap staples instead of processed food?
The woman who cuts our hair, manages the salon, also works cleaning houses on her days off, single mother of three, ex doesn't pay child support, has no choice but to go to the food pantry before the end of the month.

Bet she has a refrigerator too.

Time for men to take responsibility and come back into the family. This utter lack of being there for your own family is just sad.

Both deserves refrigerators but they deserve the guy that knocked them up to be there even more.
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Just because someone has it worse doesnt mean someone else pain isnt real

Do you believe poor Americans should be grateful for the things they do have?

Sure but that doesnt make the hunger pangs go away. You cant eat grateful

A cheap bag of healthy staples like brown rice, lentils, and beans can be very filling. I lived on that when dirt poor, and it helped greatly. It may not be flavorful and salty like processed food, but it's good for you, and your wallet.
The word "responsibility" should be removed from the dictionary. No one is ever responsible and keeping the word around only creates hurt feelings and confuses the weak-minded.

Friggin pathetic.


rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......
Do you believe poor Americans should be grateful for the things they do have?

Sure but that doesnt make the hunger pangs go away. You cant eat grateful

A cheap bag of healthy staples like brown rice, lentils, and beans can be very filling. I lived on that when dirt poor, and it helped greatly. It may not be flavorful and salty like processed food, but it's good for you, and your wallet.

How 'bout if I take over for [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] and say -

Fuck you.

Read the article.

Live in the real world.


There, feel better?
The woman who cuts our hair, manages the salon, also works cleaning houses on her days off, single mother of three, ex doesn't pay child support, has no choice but to go to the food pantry before the end of the month.

Bet she has a refrigerator too.

Time for men to take responsibility and come back into the family. This utter lack of being there for your own family is just sad.

Both deserves refrigerators but they deserve the guy that knocked them up to be there even more.

people are removed from public housing if they commit a criminal act.

people in impoverished areas commit criminal acts to live...

we have more people in jail than any country in this world and poor blacks are arrested and convicted far more often than whites who do and sell as much drugs as anyone in the black community, probably more, statistically.

and you ask why the men aren't in the community?
The word "responsibility" should be removed from the dictionary. No one is ever responsible and keeping the word around only creates hurt feelings and confuses the weak-minded.

Friggin pathetic.


rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.
No wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

The food stamp delays can be traced to troubles with a computer system designed by Accenture, one of the world’s largest consulting firms. The company is among a small group of politically connected technology contractors that receive government business across the country despite previous criticism of their work.

Accenture won the North Carolina contract after spending thousands of dollars on political contributions and lobbying in the state. North Carolina hired Accenture even though at least six other states -- Colorado, Florida, Wyoming, Kansas, Wisconsin and Texas -- have canceled contracts with the company in the past decade over problems with its computer systems.

The glitches in North Carolina mark another example of government technology gone awry, turning a program created to sustain millions of people through hard times into a new aggravation.

Of course the OP gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the OP could kick that bitches ass Amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

The problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

If you don't need socialism..... then inherently you don't have corruption. If we didn't have a multi-billion dollar socialist system running, there wouldn't be a need for any company, and thus no need to lobby for those contracts.

The people on the left, want to have a huge socialist system, but magically don't want corruption. Sorry, that's not possible. If you have government involved, there is going to be corruption. You can scream and yell about Accenture, but as long as you have a system giving out money, there is going to be companies lobbying to get that money.

That's how government has always worked in every system, in every country, in every age. I'm not saying you are wrong, but I am saying you are wasting your time. If it wasn't them, it will be someone else.
The woman who cuts our hair, manages the salon, also works cleaning houses on her days off, single mother of three, ex doesn't pay child support, has no choice but to go to the food pantry before the end of the month.

Bet she has a refrigerator too.

Time for men to take responsibility and come back into the family. This utter lack of being there for your own family is just sad.

Both deserves refrigerators but they deserve the guy that knocked them up to be there even more.

people are removed from public housing if they commit a criminal act.

people in impoverished areas commit criminal acts to live...

we have more people in jail than any country in this world and poor blacks are arrested and convicted far more often than whites who do and sell as much drugs as anyone in the black community, probably more, statistically.

and you ask why the men aren't in the community?

Family is what I said...

I believe we should legalize some of the drugs as no one should be going to prison for it.
no wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

the food stamp delays can be traced to troubles with a computer system designed by accenture, one of the world’s largest consulting firms. the company is among a small group of politically connected technology contractors that receive government business across the country despite previous criticism of their work.

accenture won the north carolina contract after spending thousands of dollars on political contributions and lobbying in the state. North carolina hired accenture even though at least six other states -- colorado, florida, wyoming, kansas, wisconsin and texas -- have canceled contracts with the company in the past decade over problems with its computer systems.

the glitches in north carolina mark another example of government technology gone awry, turning a program created to sustain millions of people through hard times into a new aggravation.

of course the op gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the op could kick that bitches ass amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

the problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

If you don't need socialism..... Then inherently you don't have corruption. If we didn't have a multi-billion dollar socialist system running, there wouldn't be a need for any company, and thus no need to lobby for those contracts.

The people on the left, want to have a huge socialist system, but magically don't want corruption. Sorry, that's not possible. If you have government involved, there is going to be corruption. You can scream and yell about accenture, but as long as you have a system giving out money, there is going to be companies lobbying to get that money.

That's how government has always worked in every system, in every country, in every age. I'm not saying you are wrong, but i am saying you are wasting your time. If it wasn't them, it will be someone else.

what is she doing with her kids while she works?

Do you think a minimum wage job pays for her to feed those kids?

And where are they going to live when she takes that minimum wage job?

And where are the jobs when there are 6 applicants for every one job?

and knowing that what you're saying is absurd does not make anyone a socialist. so you should probably understand the terms you use.
The word "responsibility" should be removed from the dictionary. No one is ever responsible and keeping the word around only creates hurt feelings and confuses the weak-minded.

Friggin pathetic.


rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.
rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

abortion isn't murder. murder is a legally defined term.

and your religious beliefs don't mean anyone else has to live by them....

but thanks for proving my point. it's always good to have misogynists tell women what to do with their bodies.
rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

Maybe if you're a guy and you get someone pregnant you need to be there? One person can't be expected to take care of 4 children.

Maybe we should fine guys for being irresponsible?
The word "responsibility" should be removed from the dictionary. No one is ever responsible and keeping the word around only creates hurt feelings and confuses the weak-minded.

Friggin pathetic.


rightwingers don't want women to have birth control

they don't want women to have sex ed

they don't want women to have reproductive choice

they don't want to feed hungry kids

they don't want to pay for job training and daycare so the women can get jobs that pay a living wage or education for decent jobs.

and they whine....

and whine.....

and whine......

You seem to like the sound of your own voice. Please drone on.

I have to get back to the barricades - there is a woman attempting to buy birth control at my local drug store. :eek:

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No wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

The food stamp delays can be traced to troubles with a computer system designed by Accenture, one of the world’s largest consulting firms. The company is among a small group of politically connected technology contractors that receive government business across the country despite previous criticism of their work.

Accenture won the North Carolina contract after spending thousands of dollars on political contributions and lobbying in the state. North Carolina hired Accenture even though at least six other states -- Colorado, Florida, Wyoming, Kansas, Wisconsin and Texas -- have canceled contracts with the company in the past decade over problems with its computer systems.

The glitches in North Carolina mark another example of government technology gone awry, turning a program created to sustain millions of people through hard times into a new aggravation.

Of course the OP gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the OP could kick that bitches ass Amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

The problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

Dont read the article or you'll find out she was working until she got fired a month ago like other people. The rest of your dribble assumes that there wouldnt be corruption if there wasnt socialism. Because there is a place with no socialism that has no corruption and that place is called *blank*

Fill in the blank for me
So she doesn't have any alternatives, despite all the government handouts, and private organizations and Churches that offer food to people who need it?

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