Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.

Many churches run food pantries for people in their area. The people who fill those food pantries are the same people you are damning. What do you do to help hungry children?

Well, good for those churches, but they can't do 5% of what the government does for people.

You have a link to back that number or just pulling it out of your head?
CaféAuLait;8867315 said:
How 'bout if I take over for [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] and say -

Fuck you.

Read the article.

Live in the real world.


There, feel better?

Do tell why she can afford to buy chicken nuggets and not good old fashioned oatmeal, beans, lentils, brown rice, etc.

From the article:

Doctors diagnosed her 2-year-old son, Jamarri, with a digestive illness and told her not to feed him processed food. But without food stamps, her only options were low-priced items like chicken nuggets and instant mashed potatoes, she said.

There is no reason why he cant eat a fresh bowl of whole grain oats and fresh made beans, etc.

Please sir. More porridge?

She said he was not to eat garbage, yes? Why not whole grain pastas with sauce? Whole grain bread, beans a lot healthier and cheaper than chicken nuggets.

15 Healthy Foods for About $2
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This company is no more corrupt than Solyndra. The fat mama and her chubby kid do not look like they are particularly hungry. Nor does that fridge look particularly empty.

Solyndra. How much, half a million cost to taxpayers? Republicans make it sound worse than the bank bailout.
CaféAuLait;8867432 said:
CaféAuLait;8867315 said:
Do tell why she can afford to buy chicken nuggets and not good old fashioned oatmeal, beans, lentils, brown rice, etc.

From the article:

There is no reason why he cant eat a fresh bowl of whole grain oats and fresh made beans, etc.

Please sir. More porridge?

She said he was not to eat garbage, yes? Why not whole grain pastas with sauce? Whole grain bread, beans a lot healthier and cheaper than chicken nuggets.

Why stop there? When I was growing up in the South, poor people went out and gathered poke salad to eat, along the railroad tracks. Of course, in the old South, there was a lot of pellagra in children, unlike today.
And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

But, let children go hungry.

THAT is evil.

I didn't let my child go hungry, and i struggle everyday.
CaféAuLait;8867432 said:
Please sir. More porridge?

She said he was not to eat garbage, yes? Why not whole grain pastas with sauce? Whole grain bread, beans a lot healthier and cheaper than chicken nuggets.

Why stop there? When I was growing up in the South, poor people went out and gathered poke salad to eat, along the railroad tracks. Of course, in the old South, there was a lot of pellagra in children, unlike today.

Stop where, eating healthy instead of junk food?

15 Healthy Foods for About $2

Cheap and Healthy: 15 Nutritious Foods for About $2
What do i get out of supporting a woman with 4 kids via my taxes besides the vague promise of said people not revolting?

Look at india or central America. We're not that because of your support... ;)

India pays to educate their children so they won't end up like us.

We're too stupid to invest in our own country but we'll fight for Hobby Lobby to invest in China.

Hobby Lobby invests in "Communist" China. And the right wing hates commies almost as much as they do the poor. Go figure.
And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

But, let children go hungry.

THAT is evil.

These right wingers are worried about the cost. Why waste money feeding hungry kids when that money could go to buy the latest Glock 9mm or AR-15 they imagine they need for protection.
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.
Why is she so fat?
Obamacare strikes again...

Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.

Many churches run food pantries for people in their area. The people who fill those food pantries are the same people you are damning. What do you do to help hungry children?

Churches have tax free income. I hope some of them run food pantries.
And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

abortion isn't murder. murder is a legally defined term.

and your religious beliefs don't mean anyone else has to live by them....

but thanks for proving my point. it's always good to have misogynists tell women what to do with their bodies.

It takes one sick bitch to say something like that, a rose is a rose by any other name!!
Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.

Many churches run food pantries for people in their area. The people who fill those food pantries are the same people you are damning. What do you do to help hungry children?

Churches have tax free income. I hope some of them run food pantries.

Now we are starting to get to the crux of the conversation. Church's are non profits for a reason, for years they were responsible for the social welfare that most Demotards want the government to doll out.

Pathetic that they could not even worship God for food and comfort, looks like at some point and time society decided that atheism was the way to go but then whine when society has no compassion or sympathy for them.

So now we have pagans that think they are entitled to be taken care of.

A person must be able to take care of themselves in life before being able to take care of others, she is in an endless cycle and odds are even if given the chance to improve herself or her lot in life but at the expense of some hard work, I would be willing to be she would decline and tell you she is just fine being taken care of as things stand!!

When you come back to the world or reality, holla @ me, we'll talk ...
I'm a bit curious what you guys think about this. :smiliehug:

If she owns even a little land, she can buy a pack of carrot seeds for $0.20. Each pack has over 100 seeds in it. If you care for your crops you can reap a good harvest and blanch/store the remainder in the freezer. Garden food is cheaper and healthier than much of the processed food you find in the store.

And what the hey. The latter part of the article with Camilla Lewis has her saying her son can't eat processed food because of a stomach disorder. SO, she keeps buying processed food... When I was dirt poor I'd buy super cheap bags of dried lentils, beans, and brown rice. Poor people in 3rd world countries like Africa would kill for what America's poor have. I saw a photo of a little African girl with just a rag around her little hips, a bloated, hungry belly, and neither hope nor opportunity for a good future.

We Americans need to count the many blessings we have, and be damned grateful for them. That, and buy healthy, cheap staples like beans and lentils. You don't need processed food and stuff like that to live. You'll feel better, too, with a nice bowl of simple brown rice with a little dash of pepper. People should tighten their belts and buy only what they need; live below your means as much as you can and save your money!

[MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] [MENTION=23094]martybegan[/MENTION] [MENTION=25032]ClosedCaption[/MENTION] [MENTION=24535]jknowgood[/MENTION] [MENTION=12997]auditor0007[/MENTION] [MENTION][/MENTION] [MENTION=24610]iamwhatiseem[/MENTION] [MENTION=39530]AceRothstein[/MENTION]

When my wife and I got our first place in 1988, it was a 4 room "fixer upper". $12,000.
We had no money. What did we do?
We saved up for a used woodstove and used that to heat the house.
We planted a garden in the backyard.
She took a weekend job.
Myself and three other guys started to build decks for people, then we started roofing houses. That made money. Good money. So we did more roofs, all in the evenings and weekends.
I saved up a pretty tidy sum of money over that summer, and spent all of it on materials for our house. Redid everything - drywall, windows, roof, siding built a nice deck on the front and the back of the house.
We sold the house for $39,000..materials was about $8000, so we cleared $19,000.
Used that as a down payment on our 2nd house...also a fixer upper. Repeat. Cleared almost $30,000 plus the original $19,000.
In 2 years, both of us together made less than $13 an hour...generated $50,000 in the bank.
Then I got a better job, as did the wife, had two children, a better job, then another better job. One child graduates college this year, the other starts his 2nd year this fall.
Both doing very well thank you.

THE AMAZING PART..............READY..........BETTER SIT DOWN...HARD TO BELIEVE I KNOW.... I never accepted one red cent of government money.
I KNOW RIGHT??? is called making your own way.
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And this is my problem..... How?
And why does she have so many kids if she can't feed them....
Also the number of people on food stamps is at a historical high.
There are so many programs in place to help people....Do we need even more.
Does this woman have no friends or family to help her out?
Where is the father of these kids....
Or where are the Father's of these kids...
She's not getting child support?
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And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

abortion isn't murder. murder is a legally defined term.

and your religious beliefs don't mean anyone else has to live by them....

but thanks for proving my point. it's always good to have misogynists tell women what to do with their bodies.

Yes, it is. Is it alive? Yes. Dead things don't grow, and consume oxygen and nourishment.

What are you doing to it? Putting it to death. After you abort it, it isn't alive anymore.

Is it human? What do you think it is? A Bald Eagle? A Turtle? It's a human. Do a DNA test, it is a human.

Is the action of putting it to death, justified? You put a murderer to death, because they did something that was worthy of death.

What did it do that warranted death? What law did it break? What rule did it refuse to follow?

No it is not justified.

Now you tell me.... What do you call it when someone kills another human without justification? We call that murder.

The only argument the evil left puts forward for this, is that it is not a person. Last time we assumed we had the authority to determine who was, and who was not, a person..... We had slavery and the 3/5th compromise. You support that position... you are EVIL. You are an EVIL person. You should be ashamed.
And the ones who say she should not have had them would be the first to stop her from aborting.

Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

Maybe if you're a guy and you get someone pregnant you need to be there? One person can't be expected to take care of 4 children.

Maybe we should fine guys for being irresponsible?

We already do, and it doesn't work.

Women hate this, but the fact is, women have the power in the sexual relationship. If they give themselves away to some idiot, there is nothing the government can do to fix that.

Until we get back to a 'death do us part' marriage system, and until women actually demand men commit to marriage before getting in their panties, there is very little we can do to a man to force him to take care of the woman.
Might know you would say that.

What we need in this world is a lot less damn christians celebrating hungry children.

Many churches run food pantries for people in their area. The people who fill those food pantries are the same people you are damning. What do you do to help hungry children?

Churches have tax free income. I hope some of them run food pantries.

You hope? Are you blind? The vast vast majority of all charity organizations throughout this entire country are all funded, or run, by churches.

You hope..... lol....

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