Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Snivelling, conniving, selfish Liberals.

Yep, the they go around beating their high and mighty chest as if they are personally involved with this woman...

it's a hoot to watch

and pride is something lost today in this country..that's why you see articles such as this posted...the poor dear could have five kids but can't FEED THEM so it's our fault
Tell me rightwingers, why should the children pay for their parents' irresponsibility?

I doubt you will get an answer from them.

I will gladly answer that.
Why should society have to pay the debts/costs that irresponsible people incur on everyone else?
These kids are a national embarrassment and is an unfortunate example of what happens when you have a self defeating culture of amorality, self centeredness and no clue of the word responsibility.
Bill Clinton's campaign slogan was "It's the economy stupid"
Well the answer to the 50 year depressed urban black condition is "It's the culture stupid"

Who below has no chance of attaining gainful employment?


Murdering. Being irresponsible doesn't give you a pass to commit murder.

The problem isn't lack of murdering kids. The problem is irresponsibility.

The people on the left, not only encourage irresponsibility, funded by tax payer dollars, but then try and cover up their promotion of irresponsibility, by murdering innocent children.

Leftist are almost all inherently evil people.

But, let children go hungry.

THAT is evil.

I didn't let my child go hungry, and i struggle everyday.

I bet you and yours eat a lot of beans and rice and lentils. Correct?
Tell me rightwingers, why should the children pay for their parents' irresponsibility?

I doubt you will get an answer from them.

I will gladly answer that.

Why should society have to pay the debts/costs that irresponsible people incur on everyone else?
These kids are a national embarrassment and is an unfortunate example of what happens when you have a self defeating culture of amorality, self centeredness and no clue of the word responsibility.
Bill Clinton's campaign slogan was "It's the economy stupid"
Well the answer to the 50 year depressed urban black condition is "It's the culture stupid"

You think answering a question with a question is providing an answer to the original question? And you even offered to answer the question.

No wonder people can't have any meaningful conversation around here.
i love the conservative attitude of abortions are bad but damn you for having 5 kids....

yall need to pick a fucking side and stay on it....

could you imagine the poverty and welfare roles if all those abortions did not occur?
I doubt you will get an answer from them.

I will gladly answer that.

Why should society have to pay the debts/costs that irresponsible people incur on everyone else?
These kids are a national embarrassment and is an unfortunate example of what happens when you have a self defeating culture of amorality, self centeredness and no clue of the word responsibility.
Bill Clinton's campaign slogan was "It's the economy stupid"
Well the answer to the 50 year depressed urban black condition is "It's the culture stupid"

You think answering a question with a question is providing an answer to the original question? And you even offered to answer the question.

No wonder people can't have any meaningful conversation around here.

That giant whooshing sound coupled with your hair blown back was the obvious point you just missed.
Tell me rightwingers, why should the children pay for their parents' irresponsibility?
No, let's reward the parents instead. Let those who are responsible pay for upbringing the children of irresponsible parent's children as well as there own. The really cool part is irresponsibility perpetuates itself so following generations will have to do exactly the same.

Just because a mother is poor with a few kids doesn't mean she was poor when she first had them. You are so goddamn narrow minded.
You cons have this warped idea in your heads that ANYONE can get a decent paying job. America isn't what it used to be. Since the recession there has been a significant increase in low wage jobs and a decrease of higher wage jobs. Saying laziness is the root the issue is just moronic. You want to think that because it makes you feel superior. In reality you people are so dense.

15% of the country lives in poverty and 1% of the top earners own 40% of the wealth. This problem could easily be solved by higher wages. You think that's going to happen without gov intervention? You people need to wake up.
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i love the conservative attitude of abortions are bad but damn you for having 5 kids....

yall need to pick a fucking side and stay on it....

could you imagine the poverty and welfare roles if all those abortions did not occur?

yeah, good comparison

instead of keeping her legs closed or getting on birth control, she should just go kill them instead in your eyes...and then when her Guberment assistance has glitches we the people GET FUCKING BLAMED for her problems

it's you liberals who are sick

peanut butter and jelly and a loaf of bread IS CHEAP...rice and beans, etc
but she's too hopeless to go buy that I guess
i love how steph puts words in my post....i never advocated killing them...i simply pointed out cannot be against abortion and then bitch about someone having kids....

but rant on

normally when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs..the one that yelps is the one you hit
You cons have this warped idea in your heads that ANYONE can get a decent paying job. America isn't what it used to be. Since the recession there has been a significant increase in low wage jobs and a decrease of higher wage jobs. Saying laziness is the route of the issue is just moronic. You want to think that because it makes you feel superior. In reality you people are so dense.

shut up...didn't you just get subsidized by taxpayers for OscamCare?
you aren't some hero who is giving and caring about others...only on a message board most of you CARE and beat your chest like apes how, YOU CARE MORE
i love how steph puts words in my post....i never advocated killing them...i simply pointed out cannot be against abortion and then bitch about someone having kids....

but rant on

normally when you throw a rock into a pack of dogs..the one that yelps is the one you hit

Sure you can, you can tell em to wrap it up. If one is conscientious about birth control, it is pretty easy. No abortion necessary.
arent conservatives against giving out condoms and free birth control pills?

am i wrong about that?
arent conservatives against giving out condoms and free birth control pills?

am i wrong about that?

Giving out free? Yeah I don't like that. People using them? No, not against that.

Why should the State have to pay for you getting your rocks off, or the results of you getting your rocks off?
arent conservatives against giving out condoms and free birth control pills?

am i wrong about that?

THEY can already get those frikken things...I got birth control by how much I made in my paychecks when I was on them...50cents pack for a month....I can panhandle that for Christs sakes to pay for them if I had to
do you live in some ivory tower and reality of jill and joe sixpack? or just spew your masters talking points?
You cons have this warped idea in your heads that ANYONE can get a decent paying job. America isn't what it used to be. Since the recession there has been a significant increase in low wage jobs and a decrease of higher wage jobs. Saying laziness is the route of the issue is just moronic. You want to think that because it makes you feel superior. In reality you people are so dense.

shut up...didn't you just get subsidized by taxpayers for OscamCare?
you aren't some hero who is giving and caring about others...only on a message board most of you CARE and beat your chest like apes how, YOU CARE MORE

Good god Steph you make this shit so personal lol. You don't even know me. Grow up for Chrissakes
because marty that is just pennywise and pound foolish

i mean isnt the conservative way to figure out the less cost with the most benefit?

free birth control is much cheaper than abortions or aid to dependent isnt it?

just think for ......hell i realize suddenly i have no clue how much birth control pills are?

could someone toss that figure in..but i am sure 12 months of birth control pills are much cheaper than having more kids on medicare etc and so forth...

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