Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

I don't know about her 23 state claim, but it's not totalbs

Although legal in all states there are states where baby killers are few and far btwn. Mississippi, for example has only one death clinic.

If you can get an abortion in Texas you can get one anywhere.

Sure, but is that the issue? She indicated it was difficult. If you have to travel a few hours or more to do the deed it can be difficult to impossible for some.

So a few hours of inconvenience is worse then raising a child for eighteen years?
And impossible? More BS.
What the hell is with these people? It's to hard to get a picture ID so I cant vote,it's to hard to get an abortion so I'll just have the child,never mind that I'll have to raise that child for eighte....oh wait,thats right someone else is picking up the tab.
If you can get an abortion in Texas you can get one anywhere.

Sure, but is that the issue? She indicated it was difficult. If you have to travel a few hours or more to do the deed it can be difficult to impossible for some.

So a few hours of inconvenience is worse then raising a child for eighteen years?
And impossible? More BS.
What the hell is with these people? It's to hard to get a picture ID so I cant vote,it's to hard to get an abortion so I'll just have the child,never mind that I'll have to raise that child for eighte....oh wait,thats right someone else is picking up the tab.

They can find a ride to the welfare office and they can find a ride to the bank, and they can also find that id they cannot find on election day to cash their welfare check.
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If she would get two jobs she would not have to worry about feeding her kids

What I like to call an Obama voter
And why stop at two jobs. Maybe she should get three, or four, or a dozen jobs. Sleeping, eating, and spending time with the family are over rated, anyway.
I had to make use of the community food bank for a few days until the national Guard started handing out Meals Ready to Eat following Katrina. The day I went, they had all the sauerkraut a person could want. They also had lots of canned salsa and some green chili peppers. I was in welfare heaven!

So you were too fucking stupid to leave a hurricane area with a weeks warning and had to rely on food banks and the Guard to keep you alive?

Impressive work ethic there asshole.

Well, dickhead, let me say this right before I put your ass on "ignore". I was in New Orleans during Katrina because I worked for Charity Hospital. Everyone who worked for Charity Hospital had signed an employment agreement requiring them to either work the hurricane shift, or the post hurricane shift. Failure to show up when a hurricane evacuation order was issued meant termination of employment. Most ignored this and left anyway. I didn't. So, I would ask you, fuck face, what YOU did for your fellow man during Katrina, but I won't, because your sorry ass is now invisible to me.

So let me see if I can follow this story. Your hospital forced you to be on site during one of the largest hurricanes in history with a full weeks advance notice. And somehow they made this demand of you and forgot to stock up on food and water. Did the patients have to go to the community food bank as well? You didn't think to have some supplies on hand either?

Spin me another yarn here wizard of bullshit.
If she would get two jobs she would not have to worry about feeding her kids

What I like to call an Obama voter
And why stop at two jobs. Maybe she should get three, or four, or a dozen jobs. Sleeping, eating, and spending time with the family are over rated, anyway.

No man, you got it all wrong.

You see, because of president's beliefs and his own words "if you spread wealth around, it would be better for everybody", government Redistribution programs do not require complete unemployment, but rather only an income below government standards. Citizens working part-time have their income supplemented to the same standards as full-time workers and peasants through redistributive programs that provide food, housing, and medical care. Therefore, only thing she needs is a part-time job. :eusa_whistle:
Probably $120 a month. Enough to get a 100 lb bag of rice and feed those starving kids for a month.

The answer is for her to stop having sex outside of marriage.

Pick the reply you prefer:
1) You hate women and children, and think poor people should just die.
2) Or Pogo's answer - your lying.

Okay...for the slower folks of the crowd.
The above post is a JOKE...I would think that was obvious...:eusa_eh:

Sounds a LOT like what a Left leaning flamer would post because there's no argument to counter his points.
How much has Obama redistributed from the rich to the poor?
Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep. 15, 2013

Wait till we get the bill for obammycare......
One of the biggest redistribution of wealth in history.
Are you retarded? A law that makes more poor people pay for health insurance is going to take more money from the rich and give it to the poor?

Who do you think runs the health insurance industry? Poor people on food stamps?

The 1% run the health insurance industry, and they're making a lot more money now thanks to Obomneycare. That's free-market Capitalism, isn't it?
If she would get two jobs she would not have to worry about feeding her kids

What I like to call an Obama voter
And why stop at two jobs. Maybe she should get three, or four, or a dozen jobs. Sleeping, eating, and spending time with the family are over rated, anyway.

Considering the newly defined work week as 30 hrs by Obamacare, 2 jobs would sound about right ... Now had most of you lame brains stayed out of it, a single 40 hr a week job with 20 hrs of overtime would be much more lucrative ...

She can get all the jobs in life she wants, unless she has determination(not likely from this article / perspective of her life) or a better education she will always be stuck in poverty. She will have to be willing to make sacrifices and struggle to either get and education / skill or we will do what, take care of her and her children for till they start their own cycle of social dependance totally devoid of mother??

Until responsibility and self respect is learned this will always be a product of our current society. I mean really no one will even broach the subject to self respect here?? I work, take care of a family(raised a stepson that was not mine), pay taxes, own property, and have no problem accepting and solving my own problems in life.

So when you tell me this woman and her children need to be taken care of, why is she less capable of caring for herself than I am for me?? At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own actions, those with favorable actions usually have an easier time in society, those with unfavorable actions, well the misery they endure is of their own making and with perseverance, conviction in doing the right thing and hard work they could have a much easier path in life.
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why not go after corporate welfare kings and make them pay back taxpayers, too?

Examples: $1.6 billion cost to taxpayers for bailing out failed junk bonds MAXXAM
used to buy out Pacific Lumber to raid workers' pension funds before going under.
Not to mention $535 million in taxes that went to Solyndra.

That could pay for a lot of student loans, health care, and assistance for Veterans.

We could replace welfare with a a system of microloans to help families with a training program to follow, step by step, to make sure it gets paid back. If you sign up, you agree to the education and training to become financially stable and sustainable.

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.
How much has Obama redistributed from the rich to the poor?
Obama admits 95% of income gains gone to top 1% - Sep. 15, 2013

Wait till we get the bill for obammycare......
One of the biggest redistribution of wealth in history.
Are you retarded? A law that makes more poor people pay for health insurance is going to take more money from the rich and give it to the poor?

Who do you think runs the health insurance industry? Poor people on food stamps?

The 1% run the health insurance industry, and they're making a lot more money now thanks to Obomneycare. That's free-market Capitalism, isn't it?

So poor people are now paying for their insurance? WOW ...that ACA thingy is amazing!
Considering the newly defined work week as 30 hrs by Obamacare, 2 jobs would sound about right ... Now had most of you lame brains stayed out of it, a single 40 hr a week job with 20 hrs of overtime would be much more lucrative ...

She can get all the jobs in life she wants, unless she has determination(not likely from this article / perspective of her life) or a better education she will always be stuck in poverty. She will have to be willing to make sacrifices and struggle to either get and education / skill or we will do what, take care of her and her children for till they start their own cycle of social dependance totally devoid of mother??

Until responsibility and self respect is learned this will always be a product of our current society. I mean really no one will even broach the subject to self respect here?? I work, take care of a family(raised a stepson that was not mine), pay taxes, own property, and have no problem accepting and solving my own problems in life.

So when you tell me this woman and her children need to be taken care of, why is she less capable of caring for herself than I am for me?? At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own actions, those with favorable actions usually have an easier time in society, those with unfavorable actions, well the misery they endure is of their own making and with perseverance, conviction in doing the right thing and hard work they could have a much easier path in life.
You are a fucking imbecile. I really don't like to insult people but God DAMN, man.

The woman had to leave her kids in the car to go to a job interview. She had to leave her kids in the car because she couldn't take them into the job interview with her. She had to leave her kids in the car because she didn't have anyone to ask for help. She had to leave her kids in the car to try to get a job so that she could take of her kids.

And you say that she is being irresponsible. FUCK YOU.

What about the fucker that called the cops? Did the brainiac ever think to just watch the kids to make sure they were okay? Wait for the driver of the vehicle to come back? Ask them, "Hey, did you know you left your kids in the car?" And what about the cops? Were they being good citizens by arresting her, ruining her chances of getting that job, and putting her kids in a loveless foster home?

What the fuck is wrong with you people that you would hate a woman for doing the only thing that she can do to try to get back on her feet?
Wait till we get the bill for obammycare......
One of the biggest redistribution of wealth in history.
Are you retarded? A law that makes more poor people pay for health insurance is going to take more money from the rich and give it to the poor?

Who do you think runs the health insurance industry? Poor people on food stamps?

The 1% run the health insurance industry, and they're making a lot more money now thanks to Obomneycare. That's free-market Capitalism, isn't it?

So poor people are now paying for their insurance? WOW ...that ACA thingy is amazing!
Who is buying health insurance under Obamacare if not poor people?
Are you retarded? A law that makes more poor people pay for health insurance is going to take more money from the rich and give it to the poor?

Who do you think runs the health insurance industry? Poor people on food stamps?

The 1% run the health insurance industry, and they're making a lot more money now thanks to Obomneycare. That's free-market Capitalism, isn't it?

So poor people are now paying for their insurance? WOW ...that ACA thingy is amazing!
Who is buying health insurance under Obamacare if not poor people?

So does this money to buy insurance just magically appear when you sign up for obammycare?
The poor aren't paying,they're signing up for Medicaid or they get subsidized insurance. Which everyone else pays for.
Are you retarded? A law that makes more poor people pay for health insurance is going to take more money from the rich and give it to the poor?

Who do you think runs the health insurance industry? Poor people on food stamps?

The 1% run the health insurance industry, and they're making a lot more money now thanks to Obomneycare. That's free-market Capitalism, isn't it?

So poor people are now paying for their insurance? WOW ...that ACA thingy is amazing!
Who is buying health insurance under Obamacare if not poor people?

Perhaps the imaginary ones that were not kicked off their policies that did not meet ACA standards.
So poor people are now paying for their insurance? WOW ...that ACA thingy is amazing!
Who is buying health insurance under Obamacare if not poor people?

So does this money to buy insurance just magically appear when you sign up for obammycare?
The poor aren't paying,they're signing up for Medicaid or they get subsidized insurance. Which everyone else pays for.
Poor people don't pay a dime for Obamacare? It all gets paid for by the super-rich?

In what way does Obamacare take money from poor billionaires and redistribute it to drug-abusing moochers? Please explain.
The Right conveniently ignores the fact that ACA requires people to buy insurance so that they will NOT take advantage of public assistance health care at the expense of hospital emergency rooms, which cost is then passed on to the rest of us in the form of $20 aspirin tablets.

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