Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Who is buying health insurance under Obamacare if not poor people?

So does this money to buy insurance just magically appear when you sign up for obammycare?
The poor aren't paying,they're signing up for Medicaid or they get subsidized insurance. Which everyone else pays for.
Poor people don't pay a dime for Obamacare? It all gets paid for by the super-rich?

In what way does Obamacare take money from poor billionaires and redistribute it to drug-abusing moochers? Please explain.

Why the hell do you think obammycare is so expensive? And who do you think is paying for these freeloaders? Must be Obama money...
The Right conveniently ignores the fact that ACA requires people to buy insurance so that they will NOT take advantage of public assistance health care at the expense of hospital emergency rooms, which cost is then passed on to the rest of us in the form of $20 aspirin tablets.

Requires ......I have a problem with that.
You make it sound like something is going to change. All this has accomplished is to raise cost to the average American and give control of your life to the federal government.:cuckoo:
The Right conveniently ignores the fact that ACA requires people to buy insurance so that they will NOT take advantage of public assistance health care at the expense of hospital emergency rooms, which cost is then passed on to the rest of us in the form of $20 aspirin tablets.

Yet adding all those people to insurance programs means more people competing for the still limited medical supplies ensuring higher premiums and prices thanks to that cruel bitch-goddess Law of Supply and Demand.
The Right conveniently ignores the fact that ACA requires people to buy insurance so that they will NOT take advantage of public assistance health care at the expense of hospital emergency rooms, which cost is then passed on to the rest of us in the form of $20 aspirin tablets.

Requires ......I have a problem with that.
You make it sound like something is going to change. All this has accomplished is to raise cost to the average American and give control of your life to the federal government.:cuckoo:

Having worked for 50 years in the health insurance industry denying coverage to people for pre-existing conditions, I can assure you that you will be treated one hell of a lot better by the government run Medicare program than you will be by United Healthcare.
The Right conveniently ignores the fact that ACA requires people to buy insurance so that they will NOT take advantage of public assistance health care at the expense of hospital emergency rooms, which cost is then passed on to the rest of us in the form of $20 aspirin tablets.

Yet adding all those people to insurance programs means more people competing for the still limited medical supplies ensuring higher premiums and prices thanks to that cruel bitch-goddess Law of Supply and Demand.

You seem to be focusing on the demand part of the equation. The reason that my daughter became a nurse is because I explained to her that there is always going to be a high demand for health care. Therefore, such demand convinced her to increase the supply by becoming a nurse.
Considering the newly defined work week as 30 hrs by Obamacare, 2 jobs would sound about right ... Now had most of you lame brains stayed out of it, a single 40 hr a week job with 20 hrs of overtime would be much more lucrative ...

She can get all the jobs in life she wants, unless she has determination(not likely from this article / perspective of her life) or a better education she will always be stuck in poverty. She will have to be willing to make sacrifices and struggle to either get and education / skill or we will do what, take care of her and her children for till they start their own cycle of social dependance totally devoid of mother??

Until responsibility and self respect is learned this will always be a product of our current society. I mean really no one will even broach the subject to self respect here?? I work, take care of a family(raised a stepson that was not mine), pay taxes, own property, and have no problem accepting and solving my own problems in life.

So when you tell me this woman and her children need to be taken care of, why is she less capable of caring for herself than I am for me?? At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own actions, those with favorable actions usually have an easier time in society, those with unfavorable actions, well the misery they endure is of their own making and with perseverance, conviction in doing the right thing and hard work they could have a much easier path in life.
You are a fucking imbecile. I really don't like to insult people but God DAMN, man.

The woman had to leave her kids in the car to go to a job interview. She had to leave her kids in the car because she couldn't take them into the job interview with her. She had to leave her kids in the car because she didn't have anyone to ask for help. She had to leave her kids in the car to try to get a job so that she could take of her kids.

And you say that she is being irresponsible. FUCK YOU.

What about the fucker that called the cops? Did the brainiac ever think to just watch the kids to make sure they were okay? Wait for the driver of the vehicle to come back? Ask them, "Hey, did you know you left your kids in the car?" And what about the cops? Were they being good citizens by arresting her, ruining her chances of getting that job, and putting her kids in a loveless foster home?

What the fuck is wrong with you people that you would hate a woman for doing the only thing that she can do to try to get back on her feet?

Um, you lost?

Homeless Mom Arrested After Leaving Kids in Car During Job Interview | KTLA 5.
The Right conveniently ignores the fact that ACA requires people to buy insurance so that they will NOT take advantage of public assistance health care at the expense of hospital emergency rooms, which cost is then passed on to the rest of us in the form of $20 aspirin tablets.

Requires ......I have a problem with that.
You make it sound like something is going to change. All this has accomplished is to raise cost to the average American and give control of your life to the federal government.:cuckoo:

There's already laws REQUIRING THE ER TO ACCEPT YOUR ASS for treatment. The aca is another way that forces you to pay some of it.
How much does that smart phone cost her per month?

Probably $120 a month. Enough to get a 100 lb bag of rice and feed those starving kids for a month.

The answer is for her to stop having sex outside of marriage.

Pick the reply you prefer:
1) You hate women and children, and think poor people should just die.
2) Or Pogo's answer - your lying.

You WERE lying. Not only were you lying, you admitted you were lying when Barb called you on it. And I just reposted it. And if you still deny it I'll do it again.
Considering the newly defined work week as 30 hrs by Obamacare, 2 jobs would sound about right ... Now had most of you lame brains stayed out of it, a single 40 hr a week job with 20 hrs of overtime would be much more lucrative ...

She can get all the jobs in life she wants, unless she has determination(not likely from this article / perspective of her life) or a better education she will always be stuck in poverty. She will have to be willing to make sacrifices and struggle to either get and education / skill or we will do what, take care of her and her children for till they start their own cycle of social dependance totally devoid of mother??

Until responsibility and self respect is learned this will always be a product of our current society. I mean really no one will even broach the subject to self respect here?? I work, take care of a family(raised a stepson that was not mine), pay taxes, own property, and have no problem accepting and solving my own problems in life.

So when you tell me this woman and her children need to be taken care of, why is she less capable of caring for herself than I am for me?? At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our own actions, those with favorable actions usually have an easier time in society, those with unfavorable actions, well the misery they endure is of their own making and with perseverance, conviction in doing the right thing and hard work they could have a much easier path in life.
You are a fucking imbecile. I really don't like to insult people but God DAMN, man.

The woman had to leave her kids in the car to go to a job interview. She had to leave her kids in the car because she couldn't take them into the job interview with her. She had to leave her kids in the car because she didn't have anyone to ask for help. She had to leave her kids in the car to try to get a job so that she could take of her kids.

And you say that she is being irresponsible. FUCK YOU.

What about the fucker that called the cops? Did the brainiac ever think to just watch the kids to make sure they were okay? Wait for the driver of the vehicle to come back? Ask them, "Hey, did you know you left your kids in the car?" And what about the cops? Were they being good citizens by arresting her, ruining her chances of getting that job, and putting her kids in a loveless foster home?

What the fuck is wrong with you people that you would hate a woman for doing the only thing that she can do to try to get back on her feet?
NOT an advocate of keeping your legs closed and being responsible I see. YOU need to STOP making excuses for abhorrant behavior. SHE SHOULD have avoided this in the first place by choosing more WISELY. :eusa_hand:
The Right conveniently ignores the fact that ACA requires people to buy insurance so that they will NOT take advantage of public assistance health care at the expense of hospital emergency rooms, which cost is then passed on to the rest of us in the form of $20 aspirin tablets.

As if that is the only remedy? those are the only choices?

why can't people pay for their own health care WITHOUT passing it on to others
and WITHOUT being forced to buy insurance or pay fines through ACA?

Why do liberals keep ignoring all the other choices
and make this the only solution?

The liberals I know have been railing against the death penalty, and rallying for
drug legalization which would save billions of dollars. Why not push for THAT to pay costs
instead of imposing a whole new system charging taxpayers who didn't agree to mandates?
why can't people pay for their own health care WITHOUT passing it on to others
and WITHOUT being forced to buy insurance or pay fines through ACA?

Simple. It's too damned expensive.
In what way does Obamacare take money from poor billionaires and redistribute it to drug-abusing moochers? Please explain.

Well taxpayers ARE paying for incarceration and medical care for convicts in prison
who AREN'T required to pay back these costs or work for their expenses.

And for those who do not believe in ACA for Constitutional objections by conscience,
they are facing tax fines to government of 1% of their income if that is higher than 95.00

So taxpayers who believe in paying for their own health care under the free market
ARE being fined for not buying into this plan, on top of already paying health care costs
of people convicted of crimes.

Is that close enough?
You are a fucking imbecile. I really don't like to insult people but God DAMN, man.

The woman had to leave her kids in the car to go to a job interview. She had to leave her kids in the car because she couldn't take them into the job interview with her. She had to leave her kids in the car because she didn't have anyone to ask for help. She had to leave her kids in the car to try to get a job so that she could take of her kids.

And you say that she is being irresponsible. FUCK YOU.

What about the fucker that called the cops? Did the brainiac ever think to just watch the kids to make sure they were okay? Wait for the driver of the vehicle to come back? Ask them, "Hey, did you know you left your kids in the car?" And what about the cops? Were they being good citizens by arresting her, ruining her chances of getting that job, and putting her kids in a loveless foster home?

What the fuck is wrong with you people that you would hate a woman for doing the only thing that she can do to try to get back on her feet?

there are exception, where sometimes people from no fault of their own, end up in helpless situations.

But overall, most of the cases of crises where I've helped people over the years,
most of them are from a string of bad decisions that either killed off relationships
so the person couldn't get help, or people reject certain people or groups who could help.

Some of this could be helped, but some cannot at the time of the crisis.

The only way to prevent it is to nip it in the bud.

Where is the father of the children, where are the grandparents.

Are there any churches or charities the women could have asked for help
but "didn't believe in going there."

I'm sorry but I've seen too many friends suffer because they couldn't forgive Christians or certain family members and refused help.
They would rather suffer than ask for help from "certain groups" or people. I've suffered terrible crises in my family because people wouldn't forgive and cut people out who could have helped.

This woman and those children do deserve help.
The support networks should be set up in advance and not wait for crisis to strike.
You don't end up with four kids overnight without support to handle one, this had to be an accumulation over time.

Here is one group that is a good example of organizing resources to help women:
The Nurturing Network

If all people developed networks like that, no women or children would ever suffer from lack of support. But if we as a society remain divided politically or religiously in cliques,
we will continue to see sad stories of people like this poor woman suffering because of segregation from any resources that could have helped if we knew about each other.

We have so much wealth and yet people still fall through the cracks.
That is more a reflection of how segregated we are, for these imbalances and disconnects to happen.

We could all do more to solve these problems, before they get to this point.
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The Right conveniently ignores the fact that ACA requires people to buy insurance so that they will NOT take advantage of public assistance health care at the expense of hospital emergency rooms, which cost is then passed on to the rest of us in the form of $20 aspirin tablets.

Requires ......I have a problem with that.
You make it sound like something is going to change. All this has accomplished is to raise cost to the average American and give control of your life to the federal government.:cuckoo:

Having worked for 50 years in the health insurance industry denying coverage to people for pre-existing conditions, I can assure you that you will be treated one hell of a lot better by the government run Medicare program than you will be by United Healthcare.

Having unfortunately used the crap out of my Blue Cross over the last five years I can say with certainty that I've had nothing but top notch service. Zero complaints.
And again...anyone who thinks it's a good idea to hand your very life over to the government is a complete moron.
It's downright creepy watching people bare their throat willingly to the government when history tells us that's a bad idea.
Tell me rightwingers, why should the children pay for their parents' irresponsibility?
No, let's reward the parents instead. Let those who are responsible pay for upbringing the children of irresponsible parent's children as well as there own. The really cool part is irresponsibility perpetuates itself so following generations will have to do exactly the same.

Just because a mother is poor with a few kids doesn't mean she was poor when she first had them. You are so goddamn narrow minded.

She was already on welfare 'aka' poor before she got knocked up with the current one. Go ahead and try that one again.
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

I don't think it is possible to be more obvious in trolling.
You do not even rise to the level of making it worthwhile to insult you.
Guarantee before the end of the first page of responses one of the resident brainiancs will say she should have thought about that before having 5 children.

You have a problem with personal responsibility?
maybe this woman should have kept her pants on instead of being a cum dumpster.

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