Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

No wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

The food stamp delays can be traced to troubles with a computer system designed by Accenture, one of the world’s largest consulting firms. The company is among a small group of politically connected technology contractors that receive government business across the country despite previous criticism of their work.

Accenture won the North Carolina contract after spending thousands of dollars on political contributions and lobbying in the state. North Carolina hired Accenture even though at least six other states -- Colorado, Florida, Wyoming, Kansas, Wisconsin and Texas -- have canceled contracts with the company in the past decade over problems with its computer systems.

The glitches in North Carolina mark another example of government technology gone awry, turning a program created to sustain millions of people through hard times into a new aggravation.

Of course the OP gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the OP could kick that bitches ass Amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent
Accenture was also involved with the system for Obamacare.
well you love peoples misfortune? I'll jump in with my own then!!Cannot wait for a tornado to wipe out a bunch entire white trash trailer parks, as the trash who should have provided a safer place for their family and kids to live. And its the season now or that, and when they beg for disaster relief , just tell em to take responsibility or their own families and we hope they learn their lesson for next time.

Hey genius....There IS a quote feature on this forum...
Your racist comment is duly noted. And has been reported.
Don't like it? Tough....
Well, she should of stocked up if she's RELYING on the guberment to not have glitches

she didn't learn from OScamCareinsurance?

the people in this country are becoming hopeless...or at least that what the Hufferpufferpost wants you to believe...

By that standard, poorly paid employees should stock up on what THEY don't get enough of to begin with ($$$) just in case some asshole in payroll fucks up.

You are at least two degrees less sentient than sand. You know that, right?

A word of advice.. Everyone, regardless of their level of pay should be prepared for the worst possible scenario. Which of course would be loss of income.
If you find that offensive, it is you who have a problem.
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

See, I understand that thinking. The problem is what happens to the kids? Do we abandon the kids because of the mother's poor choices? An awful lot of cons in this forum would be just fine with those kids starving to death because "it's the mother's fault".

Non sequitur...
The issue here is that she should have not decided that getting laid was the most important thing in the world.
Like it or not, unprotected sex has consequences.
i'd rather be a idiot with a heart and vision for my country then a monster that works for greed.

Idiots and people that make decisions based on emotion don't ever do well. If that's your vision for the country we are guaranteed to fail.
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

See, I understand that thinking. The problem is what happens to the kids? Do we abandon the kids because of the mother's poor choices? An awful lot of cons in this forum would be just fine with those kids starving to death because "it's the mother's fault".

The problem here is you libs thinking we the producers have mor money to give to government. We are over taxed right now.
It is not my problem if government cannot cover its expenses with what they take from us.
Only in America...
Woman has 4 kids, all different fathers, not sure exactly who the fathers really are.
Dropped out of high school.
Had her first child at 17.
And is pregnant again.
In the liberal mindscape...she is blameless. It is societies fault. We owe her.

See, I understand that thinking. The problem is what happens to the kids? Do we abandon the kids because of the mother's poor choices? An awful lot of cons in this forum would be just fine with those kids starving to death because "it's the mother's fault".

Non sequitur...
The issue here is that she should have not decided that getting laid was the most important thing in the world.
Like it or not, unprotected sex has consequences.

Not just a non sequitur, a complete strawman.
That scenario is not what's in the article. It doesn't even exist. IIWIS made it up, and admitted to making it up. Therefore, no kids, no pregnancy, no mindset, no consequences. Just bullshit.
Could you quote that from the link? I read the whole thing...didn't see that part. :eusa_liar:

I wasn't referring to her specifically.
Leftist social policies is what lead to the horrific out-of-wedlock children rate in the black race.
In the article, there is no judgement, there is no consideration for her role in her own life, and her children. None.
No blame, just handouts. And if the handouts fail - our fault. Look at those poor children.
When in reality - they have no chance. Overwhelming chances are her daughters will be in her shoes in about 12 years. And her son will be dead or in jail.
But let's not think about that.

So what is your realistic solution to the problem?

-Find and remove those gaming the system from the public trough.
-Find the inefficiencies in the administration of social programs and eliminate it.
That means top to bottom.
-Get rid of the dead weight do nothing employees.
-Make managers fully accountable for every dime in their departments.
-Change the way these programs are funded. Right down to every scrap of paper. Every paper clip, etc.
-Eliminate ALL civil service protections for workers. If they screw up, no hiding behind the union thug.
The nerve of some people.

They should really be exercising their second amendment rights, Organize a militia, overthrow the government, set up a guillotine for all the rich oppressors and commence with the head chopping.

Refresh the tree of liberty!

You live in NYC....That makes you a rich guy. Be careful what you wish for.
Requires ......I have a problem with that.
You make it sound like something is going to change. All this has accomplished is to raise cost to the average American and give control of your life to the federal government.:cuckoo:

Having worked for 50 years in the health insurance industry denying coverage to people for pre-existing conditions, I can assure you that you will be treated one hell of a lot better by the government run Medicare program than you will be by United Healthcare.

Having unfortunately used the crap out of my Blue Cross over the last five years I can say with certainty that I've had nothing but top notch service. Zero complaints.
And again...anyone who thinks it's a good idea to hand your very life over to the government is a complete moron.
It's downright creepy watching people bare their throat willingly to the government when history tells us that's a bad idea.

You have no idea what goes on inside health insurance companies. I have had group insurance clients call me, as their insurer, and ask me whether or not they should hire a guy who has a child who had Down's Syndrome. My answer was that I can not advise them on that, but I can tell them that a Down's syndrome child could run as high as a million dollars, and since their group health insurance was experience ratested they could expect that their rates would go up appropriately.

The guy was not hired.
Requires ......I have a problem with that.
You make it sound like something is going to change. All this has accomplished is to raise cost to the average American and give control of your life to the federal government.:cuckoo:

Having worked for 50 years in the health insurance industry denying coverage to people for pre-existing conditions, I can assure you that you will be treated one hell of a lot better by the government run Medicare program than you will be by United Healthcare.

Having unfortunately used the crap out of my Blue Cross over the last five years I can say with certainty that I've had nothing but top notch service. Zero complaints.
And again...anyone who thinks it's a good idea to hand your very life over to the government is a complete moron.
It's downright creepy watching people bare their throat willingly to the government when history tells us that's a bad idea.

You have no idea what goes on inside health insurance companies. I have had group insurance clients call me, as their insurer, and ask me whether or not they should hire a guy who has a child who had Down's Syndrome. My answer was that I can not advise them on that, but I can tell them that a Down's syndrome child could run as high as a million dollars, and since their group health insurance was experience rated, they could expect that their rates would go up appropriately.

The guy was not hired.
Couldn't she just sell the kid who doesn't get the chicken leg to rich people needing spare parts like kidney's livers and hearts?

a modification of:

Jonathan Swift - A Modest Proposal


I can think of no one objection, that will possibly be raised against this proposal, unless it should be urged, that the number of people will be thereby much lessened in the kingdom. This I freely own, and 'twas indeed one principal design in offering it to the world. I desire the reader will observe, that I calculate my remedy for this one individual Kingdom of Ireland, and for no other that ever was, is, or, I think, ever can be upon Earth. Therefore let no man talk to me of other expedients: Of taxing our absentees at five shillings a pound: Of using neither cloaths, nor houshold furniture, except what is of our own growth and manufacture: Of utterly rejecting the materials and instruments that promote foreign luxury: Of curing the expensiveness of pride, vanity, idleness, and gaming in our women: Of introducing a vein of parsimony, prudence and temperance: Of learning to love our country, wherein we differ even from Laplanders, and the inhabitants of Topinamboo: Of quitting our animosities and factions, nor acting any longer like the Jews, who were murdering one another at the very moment their city was taken: Of being a little cautious not to sell our country and consciences for nothing: Of teaching landlords to have at least one degree of mercy towards their tenants. Lastly, of putting a spirit of honesty, industry, and skill into our shop-keepers, who, if a resolution could now be taken to buy only our native goods, would immediately unite to cheat and exact upon us in the price, the measure, and the goodness, nor could ever yet be brought to make one fair proposal of just dealing, though often and earnestly invited to it.
In what way does Obamacare take money from poor billionaires and redistribute it to drug-abusing moochers? Please explain.

Well taxpayers ARE paying for incarceration and medical care for convicts in prison
who AREN'T required to pay back these costs or work for their expenses.

And for those who do not believe in ACA for Constitutional objections by conscience,
they are facing tax fines to government of 1% of their income if that is higher than 95.00

So taxpayers who believe in paying for their own health care under the free market
ARE being fined for not buying into this plan, on top of already paying health care costs
of people convicted of crimes.

Is that close enough?

People in prisons and jail already got free health care. That is nothing new.
No, let's reward the parents instead. Let those who are responsible pay for upbringing the children of irresponsible parent's children as well as there own. The really cool part is irresponsibility perpetuates itself so following generations will have to do exactly the same.

Just because a mother is poor with a few kids doesn't mean she was poor when she first had them. You are so goddamn narrow minded.

She was already on welfare 'aka' poor before she got knocked up with the current one. Go ahead and try that one again.

Really? I didn't see that in the article either!
Just because a mother is poor with a few kids doesn't mean she was poor when she first had them. You are so goddamn narrow minded.

She was already on welfare 'aka' poor before she got knocked up with the current one. Go ahead and try that one again.

Really? I didn't see that in the article either!

Well she is 44 and has five kids. You don't think she started collecting last year do you? She probably started four units ago. Not only that. The second lady Camilla Lewis who says she can't feed her brood is tapping away on her smart phone right in the picture.
She was already on welfare 'aka' poor before she got knocked up with the current one. Go ahead and try that one again.

Really? I didn't see that in the article either!

Well she is 44 and has five kids. You don't think she started collecting last year do you? She probably started four units ago. Not only that. The second lady Camilla Lewis who says she can't feed her brood is tapping away on her smart phone right in the picture.

Okay, so you, too are a :eusa_liar:
why can't people pay for their own health care WITHOUT passing it on to others
and WITHOUT being forced to buy insurance or pay fines through ACA?

Simple. It's too damned expensive.

That still doesn't make insurance mandates the only solution to avoid being penalized.

Other ways health care could be paid for
* investing in real estate has allowed regular working people to retire in 5 years,
where they can pay for their own expenses, not just the insurance if they want,
but all the other costs not covered by insurance. such investments have been shown to generate greater returns faster than 401K or stocks, so why not "mandate" training
and microlending to assist all citizens in being independently wealthy and off welfare?
* spiritual healing is free and reduces the cost of disease and crime that also
costs taxpayers billions per year. if we are going to pay for everyone's health care, why not reduce the cost as much as possible by "mandating" healing for everyone?
* requiring restitution and/or issuing credits back to taxpayers for money we spend on either individual criminals or corporate fraud and govt corruption/abuses, including violations of immigration, labor and trafficking laws that otherwise waste billions
* instead of penalties, giving tax breaks to citizens or companies that invest in building or expanding health care facilities, or medical school and teaching hospital programs that not only train the nurses doctors and service providers but cover costs of education by internships and residencies working in public health
* converting failed prison systems into treatment centers for physical mental and criminal illness, again to cut costs we are already spendign and reinvesting in more sustainable cost effective systems of health care services and education/training
* two other friends came up with ideas for setting up accounts and getting credits off purchases to pay for costs of health care and insurance

these are just some examples

the point is why not let everyone choose the methods they want to use to cover and reduce costs. even insurance would be cheaper if we cut down on all the unnecessary health risks from addictions and abuses that could be cured by spiritual healing, does that mean we should mandate that?

it seems ridiculous that other choices are not allowed, when some of these would work more cost-effectively and would allow free choice to avoid contested mandates.

People could still buy insurance as part of their financial plans, but keep it as a free market choice so it doesn't cause legal problems.

by solving the problems of why the costs are greater than people can afford, if more people can cover their expenses, of course more people will buy insurance anyway as part of their planning, so it doesn't have to be forced by law.
Just because a mother is poor with a few kids doesn't mean she was poor when she first had them. You are so goddamn narrow minded.

She was already on welfare 'aka' poor before she got knocked up with the current one. Go ahead and try that one again.

Really? I didn't see that in the article either!
Yeah, because a Huffpost article designed to make hearts bleed is going to inform us that this 44-year old matron has been on welfare all her life like her mother and her mother's mother.:cuckoo:

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