Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

So would you take your dog in with you for a job interview?

Why do you hate poor people and defend the greed of the rich at the same time? Do you think that you'll be rich like them one day? You won't. The real owners of this world have what is called "old money". You will never be a part of that group and they will never care about you, so why do you love the rich so much and hate the poor?
So would you take your dog in with you for a job interview?

Why do you hate poor people and defend the greed of the rich at the same time? Do you think that you'll be rich like them one day? You won't. The real owners of this world have what is called "old money". You will never be a part of that group and they will never care about you, so why do you love the rich so much and hate the poor?
I don't take my dogs in the car if it's hot and I'm going into a store for even a few minutes.

Most rich today are not old money and I don't care if they care about me. Why do you feel the need to be cared for? In a better economy the average Joes have more money, more options and opportunity. We are not on that road.
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

So would you take your dog in with you for a job interview?

Why do you hate poor people
and defend the greed of the rich at the same time? Do you think that you'll be rich like them one day? You won't. The real owners of this world have what is called "old money". You will never be a part of that group and they will never care about you, so why do you love the rich so much and hate the poor?

I would not bring my dog to a job interview in the fist place ...
Would you own a car if you could not afford insurance and gas??

Children are a huge undertaking in life, requiring both money and intelligence in today's society. The first "could" be termed a life's learning experience and attributed to an accident even by some one like me, but come on at what point and time does the "light go off"?

Just like Obumbbler, when do you folks start taking RESPONSIBILITY for your own actions?? When does accountability enter the equation?? When does self respect enter into this conversation?? I keep being character assassinated, but no on has yet to discuss her self respect or any of her advocates self respect. I don't like the society you folks want to live in, you want others to be responsible for your actions, but what if there is no recourse for your actions?? What if you go to the top of a tall building and STEP over the edge, when do you realize you want some intervention?? Is it when you are falling or when the realization that when you hit the ground it will hurt like hell??

We all make choices, we all need to learn to live with those choices. I keep hearing the word cruel thrown out but really if we can take these children and make them productive members of society even if it means being cruel to mommy by placing her children in foster homes and training her?? We all face misery in our lives, most of us learn to deal with it and go on, for most we are fine, well adjusted, productive members of society!!

Great talking points, but you can not quote me where I either implicitly or explicitly state I hate poor people?? Now an intelligent person would be able to comprehend from my post that I have much more empathy for the poor than most of you.
Can you quote where I defend "the greed of the rich"??

I don't need to be part of the group, I am a resourceful individual and even in these tough times I still own my own business. I am successful in life because I have good morale values, work hard and respect others ... wish I could put these traits in so many others!!
Sterilized may be a bit much. But long lasting birth control would be a great idea. Along with a DNA sample and social security number of the father of this welfare recipients children. Also any man who has fathered more than one kid and doesn't support that kid should be snipped to keep him from further injury of the society at large. (fatherless children is a big problem.)

No id of the Dad, not willing to take long term birth control, fine. No welfare.

If people themselves do not want to be responsible for their actions that harm society, then society itself should be able to take responsible actions on societies behalf. In the long term it will help the poor out as well. said sterilization was a bit much but go on to say it would be just fine for males to be sterilized.
If the slut would keep her legs closed we wouldnt have this problem. Talk about being responsible for actions.....

Two ways to end the cycle. Dont pay more for each kid and watch them magically learn the benefits of birth control. Remove the children from the home and put them in an environment that doesnt encourage irresponsible behavior.

The fathers of these kids dont care and wont pay child support. The women dont care if they do because the gov will pay. There are zero consequences for their irresponsible behavior....why change?
A monthly shot of birth control for anyone on welfare. They'd probably even be ok with it, because it can't be fun having 4 kids on welfare. Imagine, she'd still be lazy and on welfare, but have no kids, saving the state money.

I'd be fine with that. But you're assuming all those kids were accidents.
It's not like it's a big surprise to find yourself pregnant when you have unprotected sex.
You have to take away the profit aspect.
Sterilized may be a bit much. But long lasting birth control would be a great idea. Along with a DNA sample and social security number of the father of this welfare recipients children. Also any man who has fathered more than one kid and doesn't support that kid should be snipped to keep him from further injury of the society at large. (fatherless children is a big problem.)

No id of the Dad, not willing to take long term birth control, fine. No welfare.

If people themselves do not want to be responsible for their actions that harm society, then society itself should be able to take responsible actions on societies behalf. In the long term it will help the poor out as well. said sterilization was a bit much but go on to say it would be just fine for males to be sterilized.
If the slut would keep her legs closed we wouldnt have this problem. Talk about being responsible for actions.....

Two ways to end the cycle. Dont pay more for each kid and watch them magically learn the benefits of birth control. Remove the children from the home and put them in an environment that doesnt encourage irresponsible behavior.

The fathers of these kids dont care and wont pay child support. The women dont care if they do because the gov will pay. There are zero consequences for their irresponsible behavior....why change?

Hey you seem to be stupid and sexist. Bad combination.

Yea cut the dudes dick off for all I care. There are men out there sperm donating to several women at a time. Fathering children with numerous women. Some men brag about the number of children they have and don't support.

Yea cut their dicks off. Perform hysterectomies after the last welfare baby is born to the women. Do what ever it takes to break the cycle.

And you know what. With DNA and a Social Security number, eventually a man can be made to pay for some of his neglect of not supporting his children. He will file a tax return someday.

But just blame it on the "slut." It's what sexists do.

But it's just fine when you do it....:cuckoo:
I was pointing out your hypocrisy dipshit.
Stop paying people to have kids and they'll stop having unprotected sex.
I don't think that word means what you think it does
No, I am quite sure I'm right:

Use Parasite in a sentence

par·a·site [par-uh-sahyt] Show IPA
an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.
(in ancient Greece) a person who received free meals in return for amusing or impudent conversation, flattering remarks, etc.

Try a little harder next time.

Don't truncate my post to make yourself seem correct. Your name fits you.
So would you take your dog in with you for a job interview?

Why do you hate poor people and defend the greed of the rich at the same time? Do you think that you'll be rich like them one day? You won't. The real owners of this world have what is called "old money". You will never be a part of that group and they will never care about you, so why do you love the rich so much and hate the poor?

So that is the only other option? You stupid fuck

Ever ask a neighbor? Get a favor from family? Not spend your last $30 on a carton of smokes so that you can pay a babysitter?

Funny how the richest people at the top have more and more NEW MONEY people...

I love freedom and I love that I am responsible for my own family... even now with me looking for a new job at this very minute... And when I was laid off before.. and my ex wife was working and I needed a sitter to go on interviews, I MADE ARRANGEMENTS..

Jeez.. people, unlike what left wingers believe, are not so helpless that they cannot do what is necessary... many refuse to do what is necessary or make the right decisions.. but that does not make them incapable of doing it
Sterilized may be a bit much. But long lasting birth control would be a great idea. Along with a DNA sample and social security number of the father of this welfare recipients children. Also any man who has fathered more than one kid and doesn't support that kid should be snipped to keep him from further injury of the society at large. (fatherless children is a big problem.)

No id of the Dad, not willing to take long term birth control, fine. No welfare.

If people themselves do not want to be responsible for their actions that harm society, then society itself should be able to take responsible actions on societies behalf. In the long term it will help the poor out as well. said sterilization was a bit much but go on to say it would be just fine for males to be sterilized.
If the slut would keep her legs closed we wouldnt have this problem. Talk about being responsible for actions.....

Two ways to end the cycle. Dont pay more for each kid and watch them magically learn the benefits of birth control. Remove the children from the home and put them in an environment that doesnt encourage irresponsible behavior.

The fathers of these kids dont care and wont pay child support. The women dont care if they do because the gov will pay. There are zero consequences for their irresponsible behavior....why change?

Hey you seem to be stupid and sexist. Bad combination.

Yea cut the dudes dick off for all I care. There are men out there sperm donating to several women at a time. Fathering children with numerous women. Some men brag about the number of children they have and don't support.

Yea cut their dicks off. Perform hysterectomies after the last welfare baby is born to the women. Do what ever it takes to break the cycle.

And you know what. With DNA and a Social Security number, eventually a man can be made to pay for some of his neglect of not supporting his children. He will file a tax return someday.

But just blame it on the "slut." It's what sexists do.

Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.
I don't think that word means what you think it does
No, I am quite sure I'm right:

Use Parasite in a sentence

par·a·site [par-uh-sahyt] Show IPA
an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.
(in ancient Greece) a person who received free meals in return for amusing or impudent conversation, flattering remarks, etc.

Try a little harder next time.

Don't truncate my post to make yourself seem correct. Your name fits you.
You have a quote by a fellow dingbat. I have a reputable dictionary definition. I think "Dingbat" would be a very suitable name for you.

Try harder again.
Child Care

If I am on CalWORKs cash assistance, when am I eligible for child care benefits?

If you are receiving CalWORKs cash assistance and are in one of the following situations, you could be eligible for child care benefits:

You are attending a county welfare department-approved education or training program;
You are working and need child care;
You are a teen participating in Cal-Learn; or
You choose to refuse a cash aid payment and need child care.

Would I be eligible for child care benefits if I transitioned off cash assistance?

Child care benefits may be provided to permit a parent or adult in a formerly-aided family to accept, continue or retain employment for up to two years after the family exits the CalWORKs Program.

Who can I call for more information about child care for families at risk of going on cash assistance, or for families transitioning out of CalWORKs?

You can call the CalWORKs Child Care Program information toll-free telephone number at 1-800-998-9114.

How can I find out about subsidized child care programs?

If you are on CalWORKs cash assistance, you can contact your eligibility worker at the county welfare department. If you are not in the CalWORKs Program, you can contact your local Resource and Referral Agency to obtain this information.

What is Trustline?

Trustline is a registry for license-exempt child care providers that may include nannies and babysitters. It provides a unique and useful service to those who wish to have their children cared for in their own homes or in the home of the provider and who wish to check the potential caregiver's criminal and child abuse record histories. Trustline checks, through the Department of Justice, the California Criminal History file and the Child Abuse Central Index, to see if a license-exempt child care provider has a record of criminal convictions or substantiated reports of child abuse. Applicants for Trustline have been denied registry for some of the following reasons: murder, assault, neglect, sexual and physical abuse, etc.

As usual there are probably already taxpayer subsidized plans that would cover this. The one I provided is from Cali, but most states have some equivalent aided by federal subsidies.

Once again one simply needs to be intelligent to know they exist and humble enough to ask for help ...
No, I am quite sure I'm right:

Use Parasite in a sentence

par·a·site [par-uh-sahyt] Show IPA
an organism that lives on or in an organism of another species, known as the host, from the body of which it obtains nutriment.
a person who receives support, advantage, or the like, from another or others without giving any useful or proper return, as one who lives on the hospitality of others.
(in ancient Greece) a person who received free meals in return for amusing or impudent conversation, flattering remarks, etc.

Try a little harder next time.

Don't truncate my post to make yourself seem correct. Your name fits you.
You have a quote by a fellow dingbat. I have a reputable dictionary definition. I think "Dingbat" would be a very suitable name for you.

Try harder again.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

You're the meathead who doesn't know the difference between a philosophical question about governmental power and "polls in Europe". Hell, you don't even know the difference between me and Indofred. Face it, you're nothing but a troll.
Don't truncate my post to make yourself seem correct. Your name fits you.
You have a quote by a fellow dingbat. I have a reputable dictionary definition. I think "Dingbat" would be a very suitable name for you.

Try harder again.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

You're the meathead who doesn't know the difference between a philosophical question about governmental power and "polls in Europe". Hell, you don't even know the difference between me and Indofred. Face it, you're nothing but a troll.
I don't know you personally, in fact I wouldn't know you from Adam, but I would not be at all surprised if you were a parasite by the definition I supplied.

Nobody likes being exposed for a fool, but one would think you would have learned to be more graceful about it by now. said sterilization was a bit much but go on to say it would be just fine for males to be sterilized.
If the slut would keep her legs closed we wouldnt have this problem. Talk about being responsible for actions.....

Two ways to end the cycle. Dont pay more for each kid and watch them magically learn the benefits of birth control. Remove the children from the home and put them in an environment that doesnt encourage irresponsible behavior.

The fathers of these kids dont care and wont pay child support. The women dont care if they do because the gov will pay. There are zero consequences for their irresponsible behavior....why change?

Hey you seem to be stupid and sexist. Bad combination.

Yea cut the dudes dick off for all I care. There are men out there sperm donating to several women at a time. Fathering children with numerous women. Some men brag about the number of children they have and don't support.

Yea cut their dicks off. Perform hysterectomies after the last welfare baby is born to the women. Do what ever it takes to break the cycle.

And you know what. With DNA and a Social Security number, eventually a man can be made to pay for some of his neglect of not supporting his children. He will file a tax return someday.

But just blame it on the "slut." It's what sexists do.

Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

But, then you would be ainvading my privacy by telling me to wear a condom, or to stop having sex.

/sarcasm off.
Hey you seem to be stupid and sexist. Bad combination.

Yea cut the dudes dick off for all I care. There are men out there sperm donating to several women at a time. Fathering children with numerous women. Some men brag about the number of children they have and don't support.

Yea cut their dicks off. Perform hysterectomies after the last welfare baby is born to the women. Do what ever it takes to break the cycle.

And you know what. With DNA and a Social Security number, eventually a man can be made to pay for some of his neglect of not supporting his children. He will file a tax return someday.

But just blame it on the "slut." It's what sexists do.

Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

But, then you would be ainvading my privacy by telling me to wear a condom, or to stop having sex.

/sarcasm off.

noun: privacy

the state or condition of being free from being observed or disturbed by other people.

As long as you are ALONE you are free to do as you please, condom / no condom .... doesn't much matter ...

Have sex with YOURSELF, condoms are optional, just what ever mood you are in at the time ... just don't ask how the KY Yours / Hers is supposed to work.

Hey you seem to be stupid and sexist. Bad combination.

Yea cut the dudes dick off for all I care. There are men out there sperm donating to several women at a time. Fathering children with numerous women. Some men brag about the number of children they have and don't support.

Yea cut their dicks off. Perform hysterectomies after the last welfare baby is born to the women. Do what ever it takes to break the cycle.

And you know what. With DNA and a Social Security number, eventually a man can be made to pay for some of his neglect of not supporting his children. He will file a tax return someday.

But just blame it on the "slut." It's what sexists do.

Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

But, then you would be ainvading my privacy by telling me to wear a condom, or to stop having sex.

/sarcasm off.

LAMO It is her privacy and her decsion.

Your an idiot.
You have a quote by a fellow dingbat. I have a reputable dictionary definition. I think "Dingbat" would be a very suitable name for you.

Try harder again.

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

You're the meathead who doesn't know the difference between a philosophical question about governmental power and "polls in Europe". Hell, you don't even know the difference between me and Indofred. Face it, you're nothing but a troll.
I don't know you personally, in fact I wouldn't know you from Adam, but I would not be at all surprised if you were a parasite by the definition I supplied.

Nobody likes being exposed for a fool, but one would think you would have learned to be more graceful about it by now.

Nobody likes being exposed as illiterate, but you don't seem to mind, so...
on what basis do you address me as "Indoboy"? :eusa_whistle:

Dumbass. said sterilization was a bit much but go on to say it would be just fine for males to be sterilized.
If the slut would keep her legs closed we wouldnt have this problem. Talk about being responsible for actions.....

Two ways to end the cycle. Dont pay more for each kid and watch them magically learn the benefits of birth control. Remove the children from the home and put them in an environment that doesnt encourage irresponsible behavior.

The fathers of these kids dont care and wont pay child support. The women dont care if they do because the gov will pay. There are zero consequences for their irresponsible behavior....why change?

Hey you seem to be stupid and sexist. Bad combination.

Yea cut the dudes dick off for all I care. There are men out there sperm donating to several women at a time. Fathering children with numerous women. Some men brag about the number of children they have and don't support.

Yea cut their dicks off. Perform hysterectomies after the last welfare baby is born to the women. Do what ever it takes to break the cycle.

And you know what. With DNA and a Social Security number, eventually a man can be made to pay for some of his neglect of not supporting his children. He will file a tax return someday.

But just blame it on the "slut." It's what sexists do.

Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

Ever heard of "rape"?

Oh wait, that's something 'God intended to happen'...

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