Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

And how do we know when that picture was taken?

This is another thing that drives me nutz.

If you are so poor.... that if you lose your job, you are instantly going to be without food.....

Why do you have a cell phone? Do you not get this?

Cancel the cell phone, and save up that money you are blowing, into a banking account for when you have an emergency like an unexpected lay off.

As I said before, I've been unemployed many times. Never once have I been in a position that I was needing welfare and food stamps, because if I don't have money in the bank, I don't spend money on anything. ANYTHING. I save up money in the bank until I have enough that if something should happen, then I have cash ready.

Let's say that picture is from 6 months prior to her lay off. $600 in the bank more, can buy a lot of rice. You can feed your kids for weeks, before needing food stamps.

I've done this myself. Now granted the longest I have ever been unemployed was about 2 months, because I get out there, and find myself a job. But even then, I had several thousand in the bank, and cut my spending down to ZILCH. You can last a long time, if you buy the bare necessities, and if you are not dumb as a rock, and blowing every extra dollar out of every check, so you have no money in the bank.

When you are that dumb, why should society be forced to pay for you?

And again.... what we teaching these kids? We are teaching them that as an adult you don't have to be responsible and frugal, and society will bail you out when you don't have money set aside for emergencies.

Then we wonder why we have constantly poor people.
And how do we know when that picture was taken?

This is another thing that drives me nutz.

If you are so poor.... that if you lose your job, you are instantly going to be without food.....

Why do you have a cell phone? Do you not get this?

Cancel the cell phone, and save up that money you are blowing, into a banking account for when you have an emergency like an unexpected lay off.

As I said before, I've been unemployed many times. Never once have I been in a position that I was needing welfare and food stamps, because if I don't have money in the bank, I don't spend money on anything. ANYTHING. I save up money in the bank until I have enough that if something should happen, then I have cash ready.

Let's say that picture is from 6 months prior to her lay off. $600 in the bank more, can buy a lot of rice. You can feed your kids for weeks, before needing food stamps.

I've done this myself. Now granted the longest I have ever been unemployed was about 2 months, because I get out there, and find myself a job. But even then, I had several thousand in the bank, and cut my spending down to ZILCH. You can last a long time, if you buy the bare necessities, and if you are not dumb as a rock, and blowing every extra dollar out of every check, so you have no money in the bank.

When you are that dumb, why should society be forced to pay for you?

And again.... what we teaching these kids? We are teaching them that as an adult you don't have to be responsible and frugal, and society will bail you out when you don't have money set aside for emergencies.

Then we wonder why we have constantly poor people.

I think somebody covered this before, but a cellphone seems essential for keeping track of either the kids or whoever's watching them.

Plus, by now there are a lot of people who have a cellphone in lieu of a landline. It becomes their only phone. I would do that myself if I had a cell signal where I live. It would cut my costs.

And I'm not sure how you equate 6 months of cell phone to $600. If that's what you're paying you're not much of a shopper. As for "dumb as a rock, and blowing every extra dollar out of every check, so you have no money in the bank", you don't know that's any part of the story here; it's an assumption. It's all very easy to make assumptions about the lot of somebody you don't know and know you'll never meet.
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And how do we know when that picture was taken?

This is another thing that drives me nutz.

If you are so poor.... that if you lose your job, you are instantly going to be without food.....

Why do you have a cell phone? Do you not get this?

Cancel the cell phone, and save up that money you are blowing, into a banking account for when you have an emergency like an unexpected lay off.

As I said before, I've been unemployed many times. Never once have I been in a position that I was needing welfare and food stamps, because if I don't have money in the bank, I don't spend money on anything. ANYTHING. I save up money in the bank until I have enough that if something should happen, then I have cash ready.

Let's say that picture is from 6 months prior to her lay off. $600 in the bank more, can buy a lot of rice. You can feed your kids for weeks, before needing food stamps.

I've done this myself. Now granted the longest I have ever been unemployed was about 2 months, because I get out there, and find myself a job. But even then, I had several thousand in the bank, and cut my spending down to ZILCH. You can last a long time, if you buy the bare necessities, and if you are not dumb as a rock, and blowing every extra dollar out of every check, so you have no money in the bank.

When you are that dumb, why should society be forced to pay for you?

And again.... what we teaching these kids? We are teaching them that as an adult you don't have to be responsible and frugal, and society will bail you out when you don't have money set aside for emergencies.

Then we wonder why we have constantly poor people.

If only we could be like you are, perfect in every way....
And how do we know when that picture was taken?

This is another thing that drives me nutz.

If you are so poor.... that if you lose your job, you are instantly going to be without food.....

Why do you have a cell phone? Do you not get this?

Cancel the cell phone, and save up that money you are blowing, into a banking account for when you have an emergency like an unexpected lay off.

As I said before, I've been unemployed many times. Never once have I been in a position that I was needing welfare and food stamps, because if I don't have money in the bank, I don't spend money on anything. ANYTHING. I save up money in the bank until I have enough that if something should happen, then I have cash ready.

Let's say that picture is from 6 months prior to her lay off. $600 in the bank more, can buy a lot of rice. You can feed your kids for weeks, before needing food stamps.

I've done this myself. Now granted the longest I have ever been unemployed was about 2 months, because I get out there, and find myself a job. But even then, I had several thousand in the bank, and cut my spending down to ZILCH. You can last a long time, if you buy the bare necessities, and if you are not dumb as a rock, and blowing every extra dollar out of every check, so you have no money in the bank.

When you are that dumb, why should society be forced to pay for you?

And again.... what we teaching these kids? We are teaching them that as an adult you don't have to be responsible and frugal, and society will bail you out when you don't have money set aside for emergencies.

Then we wonder why we have constantly poor people.

If only we could be like you are, perfect in every way....

"Bye Bye Birdie", 1963. :thup:
Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

But, then you would be ainvading my privacy by telling me to wear a condom, or to stop having sex.

/sarcasm off.

LAMO It is her privacy and her decsion.

Your an idiot.

So her decision to be an idiot over rides our decision she's an idiot and don't want to pay for her stupid life decisions.

We get no say in how she got in her position and have to pay for it regardless. Nice lefty leap there.
It does not matter what her story is. The absolute best thing that we can teach people, is that the solution to their problems, are them.

Seriously. You realize that 75% of all McDonald's franchises are owned by people who started off as line cooks? Minimum wage (or close), flipping burgers over.

They worked their way up, cashier, shift manager, front manager, assistant store manager, store manager, district manager... store owner.

From minimum wage to six figure incomes.

How did they do that? They worked their butt off. I know a guy right now who as done exactly that. Started off making $7.75 an hour. Now he's manages his own store for Advance Auto Parts, making six figures.

You can't get there from welfare and food stamps, and as other have pointed out, the longer you are on those things, doing nothing at home, the less chance you have of even landing a job.

The whole reason we have multiple generational welfare food stamp recipients is because we have taught them falsely, that the way to advance themselves, is to sit on their ass, and vote for someone who promises hope and change. That somehow government will magically make their lives better. We have done these people a massive amount of harm.

The best thing we can possibly teach them, is to get off their butt, and go make their own lives themselves.

Ah, if only life were that black-and-white simple. Talk is cheap.

Ah, but it is. It really is. People who work, and work hard, and work smart, rarely end up impoverished for life.

Bravo! Learn it, Live It, KNOW it.
And how do we know when that picture was taken?

This is another thing that drives me nutz.

If you are so poor.... that if you lose your job, you are instantly going to be without food.....

Why do you have a cell phone? Do you not get this?

Cancel the cell phone, and save up that money you are blowing, into a banking account for when you have an emergency like an unexpected lay off.

As I said before, I've been unemployed many times. Never once have I been in a position that I was needing welfare and food stamps, because if I don't have money in the bank, I don't spend money on anything. ANYTHING. I save up money in the bank until I have enough that if something should happen, then I have cash ready.

Let's say that picture is from 6 months prior to her lay off. $600 in the bank more, can buy a lot of rice. You can feed your kids for weeks, before needing food stamps.

I've done this myself. Now granted the longest I have ever been unemployed was about 2 months, because I get out there, and find myself a job. But even then, I had several thousand in the bank, and cut my spending down to ZILCH. You can last a long time, if you buy the bare necessities, and if you are not dumb as a rock, and blowing every extra dollar out of every check, so you have no money in the bank.

When you are that dumb, why should society be forced to pay for you?

And again.... what we teaching these kids? We are teaching them that as an adult you don't have to be responsible and frugal, and society will bail you out when you don't have money set aside for emergencies.

Then we wonder why we have constantly poor people.

If only we could be like you are, perfect in every way....
Where is the Vomitarium?
Didn't what?

Again, what this woman's story is, none of us knows. The hatemongers have been filling that vacuum by making it up since this thread started, and here we have wags going on and on as if that made-up crap is real. So you're gonna sit there and tell me my made-up scenario of rape doesn't apply, while other made-up scenaria do? Please.

If bullshit points of bullshit logic were dollar bills, we could feed that family and put all the kids through college on this thread alone.

It does not matter what her story is. The absolute best thing that we can teach people, is that the solution to their problems, are them.

Seriously. You realize that 75% of all McDonald's franchises are owned by people who started off as line cooks? Minimum wage (or close), flipping burgers over.

They worked their way up, cashier, shift manager, front manager, assistant store manager, store manager, district manager... store owner.

From minimum wage to six figure incomes.

How did they do that? They worked their butt off. I know a guy right now who as done exactly that. Started off making $7.75 an hour. Now he's manages his own store for Advance Auto Parts, making six figures.

You can't get there from welfare and food stamps, and as other have pointed out, the longer you are on those things, doing nothing at home, the less chance you have of even landing a job.

The whole reason we have multiple generational welfare food stamp recipients is because we have taught them falsely, that the way to advance themselves, is to sit on their ass, and vote for someone who promises hope and change. That somehow government will magically make their lives better. We have done these people a massive amount of harm.

The best thing we can possibly teach them, is to get off their butt, and go make their own lives themselves.

Ah, if only life were that black-and-white simple. Talk is cheap.
Talk is cheap, and not very profitable unless you're a politician. Action is the key. Get the job, work your way up and some day you will finally succeed after you have out distanced the people that just talk. Which isn't very hard to do because they are idiots.

Success takes work, no way around that. No short cuts and no handouts will ever make you succeed. Keep talking, the key to making money is doing.
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

I don't understand. In our city, there are no less than 4 community meals each week. Free, all you have to do is show up. Plus, one of the churches hands out free lunches Mon-Thurs. They're not great, but they're free. Plus we have the foodbank. Plus food stamps. In this day and age, any woman who lets her kids go without food should lose custody of those kids. There is NO excuse.
It does not matter what her story is. The absolute best thing that we can teach people, is that the solution to their problems, are them.

Seriously. You realize that 75% of all McDonald's franchises are owned by people who started off as line cooks? Minimum wage (or close), flipping burgers over.

They worked their way up, cashier, shift manager, front manager, assistant store manager, store manager, district manager... store owner.

From minimum wage to six figure incomes.

How did they do that? They worked their butt off. I know a guy right now who as done exactly that. Started off making $7.75 an hour. Now he's manages his own store for Advance Auto Parts, making six figures.

You can't get there from welfare and food stamps, and as other have pointed out, the longer you are on those things, doing nothing at home, the less chance you have of even landing a job.

The whole reason we have multiple generational welfare food stamp recipients is because we have taught them falsely, that the way to advance themselves, is to sit on their ass, and vote for someone who promises hope and change. That somehow government will magically make their lives better. We have done these people a massive amount of harm.

The best thing we can possibly teach them, is to get off their butt, and go make their own lives themselves.

Ah, if only life were that black-and-white simple. Talk is cheap.
Talk is cheap, and not very profitable unless you're a politician. Action is the key. Get the job, work your way up and some day you will finally succeed after you have out distanced the people that just talk. Which isn't very hard to do because they are idiots.

Success takes work, no way around that. No short cuts and no handouts will ever make you succeed. Keep talking, the key to making money is doing.

-- says the internet message board poster. :rofl:
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

WAKE FOREST, N.C. -- Janette Simon has four chicken legs and five kids to feed.

Her freezer is bare. And her latest trip to the food pantry yielded little else for dinner this night: a bag of day-old croissants, a box of Corn Flakes, and some canned goods.

She slathers barbecue sauce on the chicken, slides the pan in the oven, and begins her nightly ritual of distracting her five children from hunger.

The 44-year-old single mother often skips dinner herself. She hides Ramen noodle packets in her closet to ration food. She tells her two youngest kids to play outside “so they ain’t thinking about eating.”

“That’s what I have to worry about,” she says. “I gotta look at these kids with their sad faces and no food.”

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

I don't understand. In our city, there are no less than 4 community meals each week. Free, all you have to do is show up. Plus, one of the churches hands out free lunches Mon-Thurs. They're not great, but they're free. Plus we have the foodbank. Plus food stamps. In this day and age, any woman who lets her kids go without food should lose custody of those kids. There is NO excuse.

That's addressed in the OP article. The local food bank is overwhelmed, largely because of this computer malfunction.
No wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

The food stamp delays can be traced to troubles with a computer system designed by Accenture, one of the world’s largest consulting firms. The company is among a small group of politically connected technology contractors that receive government business across the country despite previous criticism of their work.

Accenture won the North Carolina contract after spending thousands of dollars on political contributions and lobbying in the state. North Carolina hired Accenture even though at least six other states -- Colorado, Florida, Wyoming, Kansas, Wisconsin and Texas -- have canceled contracts with the company in the past decade over problems with its computer systems.

The glitches in North Carolina mark another example of government technology gone awry, turning a program created to sustain millions of people through hard times into a new aggravation.

Of course the OP gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the OP could kick that bitches ass Amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

Can't we be mad at both? I mean seriously, who let's their kids go hungry these days? There are soup kitchens, missions, food banks, churches, etc. How come this woman doesn't have any family or friends that will help? Lord knows we never would have made it through our 3 years of hell when my husband was unemployed without the help of our family and friends. And we didn't even qualify for foodstamps.
How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

How A Government Computer Glitch Forced Thousands Of Families To Go Hungry

Good to see that taxpayers got a break from having to feed this lazy black woman and her bastard kids for a few months. I'm sure she's missing all the steak and lobster every night because of this. Fuckin lazy people.

I don't understand. In our city, there are no less than 4 community meals each week. Free, all you have to do is show up. Plus, one of the churches hands out free lunches Mon-Thurs. They're not great, but they're free. Plus we have the foodbank. Plus food stamps. In this day and age, any woman who lets her kids go without food should lose custody of those kids. There is NO excuse.

That's addressed in the OP article. The local food bank is overwhelmed, largely because of this computer malfunction.

Community meals, churches, friends, family. There is no excuse for letting your children go hungry. None. And of course, there are free breakfasts and lunches at school.
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Hey you seem to be stupid and sexist. Bad combination.

Yea cut the dudes dick off for all I care. There are men out there sperm donating to several women at a time. Fathering children with numerous women. Some men brag about the number of children they have and don't support.

Yea cut their dicks off. Perform hysterectomies after the last welfare baby is born to the women. Do what ever it takes to break the cycle.

And you know what. With DNA and a Social Security number, eventually a man can be made to pay for some of his neglect of not supporting his children. He will file a tax return someday.

But just blame it on the "slut." It's what sexists do.

Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

Ever heard of "rape"?

Oh wait, that's something 'God intended to happen'...

You're really going to go there?
Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

But, then you would be ainvading my privacy by telling me to wear a condom, or to stop having sex.

/sarcasm off.

LAMO It is her privacy and her decsion.

Your an idiot.

That's "You're" and "decision"
If it's her business and decision,then why should I be responsible for paying for them?
Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

Ever heard of "rape"?

Oh wait, that's something 'God intended to happen'...

You're really going to go there?

"There" was already went to. In both senses.
I don't understand. In our city, there are no less than 4 community meals each week. Free, all you have to do is show up. Plus, one of the churches hands out free lunches Mon-Thurs. They're not great, but they're free. Plus we have the foodbank. Plus food stamps. In this day and age, any woman who lets her kids go without food should lose custody of those kids. There is NO excuse.

That's addressed in the OP article. The local food bank is overwhelmed, largely because of this computer malfunction.

Community meals, churches, friends, family. There is no excuse for letting your children go hungry. None. And of course, there are free breakfasts and lunches at school.

That community network, I just noted, is strained. It's in the article. I'm sure she's availing herself of what there is, otherwise they'd all be dead by now. I believe it's a story about how this computer glitch was a setback for some people.

And keep in mind if you're dependent on a food bank that even if it is functioning has a four-hour wait line, that's four hours you can't be seeking a job. A setback.

Unless what you're saying is that it's impossible to have to go hungry 100% of the time, and I know you know better.

By the way I've never seen a school that serves breakfast. Was I born too late?

Never did I say "leave your kids with the church" I said go to the church for help. The churches around here do help the hungry. All except the Catholic church, which seems to be only for Catholics, and the Mega Church, which seems to be more concerned with how much money it can make than with how much good it can do.

Monday, the Presbyterian church has a free dinner, Wednesday Good Hope has a free dinner, Thursday, the Calvary Lutheran church provides a free dinner. Mon-Thur, the Calvary Lutheran church provide free lunches.

School provide free breakfasts and lunches. Then there is the food bank. And all of this doesn't take away from your food stamps.
That's addressed in the OP article. The local food bank is overwhelmed, largely because of this computer malfunction.

Community meals, churches, friends, family. There is no excuse for letting your children go hungry. None. And of course, there are free breakfasts and lunches at school.

That community network, I just noted, is strained. It's in the article. I'm sure she's availing herself of what there is, otherwise they'd all be dead by now. I believe it's a story about how this computer glitch was a setback for some people.

And keep in mind if you're dependent on a food bank that even if it is functioning has a four-hour wait line, that's four hours you can't be seeking a job. A setback.

Unless what you're saying is that it's impossible to have to go hungry 100% of the time, and I know you know better.

By the way I've never seen a school that serves breakfast. Was I born too late?

Apparently. All the ones around here serve breakfasts.

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