Lazy Women Complains She Has No Food For Her Kids

Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

But, then you would be ainvading my privacy by telling me to wear a condom, or to stop having sex.

/sarcasm off.

LAMO It is her privacy and her decsion.

Your an idiot.

So, why do we have to pay to feed her kids then?
Really? I didn't see that in the article either!

Well she is 44 and has five kids. You don't think she started collecting last year do you? She probably started four units ago. Not only that. The second lady Camilla Lewis who says she can't feed her brood is tapping away on her smart phone right in the picture.

Okay, so you, too are a :eusa_liar:

Barb I really don't want to be rude. So if you want to be stupid do it with someone else.

Hey you seem to be stupid and sexist. Bad combination.

Yea cut the dudes dick off for all I care. There are men out there sperm donating to several women at a time. Fathering children with numerous women. Some men brag about the number of children they have and don't support.

Yea cut their dicks off. Perform hysterectomies after the last welfare baby is born to the women. Do what ever it takes to break the cycle.

And you know what. With DNA and a Social Security number, eventually a man can be made to pay for some of his neglect of not supporting his children. He will file a tax return someday.

But just blame it on the "slut." It's what sexists do.

Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

Ever heard of "rape"?

Oh wait, that's something 'God intended to happen'...

The vast majority of babies on welfare are not the result of rape. The vast majority are the result of women who sportfuck and figure if they get knocked up who needs a man when Uncle Sugar will cut a check.
Get real. Of course its the "sluts" fault. She's the one controlling if and when she has sex.

She's the one who should be on birth control.

She's the one who should demand her partner wear a condom or no sex.

Its all up to her.

The lady is the ultimate decider. SHE's the one who decides if she's going to have sex or not.

Ever heard of "rape"?

Oh wait, that's something 'God intended to happen'...

The vast majority of babies on welfare are not the result of rape. The vast majority are the result of women who sportfuck and figure if they get knocked up who needs a man when Uncle Sugar will cut a check.

I don't see a link, but it doesn't matter -- all of this is hypothetical. The poster (Claudette) made a blanket statement based on an assumption of motivations that none of us knows. I pointed out an exception that disproves that blanket statement.
No wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

Of course the OP gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the OP could kick that bitches ass Amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

The problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

Dont read the article or you'll find out she was working until she got fired a month ago like other people. The rest of your dribble assumes that there wouldnt be corruption if there wasnt socialism. Because there is a place with no socialism that has no corruption and that place is called *blank*

Fill in the blank for me

I've been laid off many times. Amazingly, all I did all of those times was..... (gasp) get a job, and work for my food.

I didn't say there was a country with zero socialism, and zero corruption. I said if there was no socialized welfare system, there would be no welfare connected socialism.

For the first 100+ years of this country, we had no food stamp or welfare system. Guess how much corruption there was in the food stamp and welfare system during that first 100+ years? Zero.

It's that simple.
Ever heard of "rape"?

Oh wait, that's something 'God intended to happen'...

The vast majority of babies on welfare are not the result of rape. The vast majority are the result of women who sportfuck and figure if they get knocked up who needs a man when Uncle Sugar will cut a check.

I don't see a link, but it doesn't matter -- all of this is hypothetical. The poster (Claudette) made a blanket statement based on an assumption of motivations that none of us knows. I pointed out an exception that disproves that blanket statement.

Five times?

No you didn't
The vast majority of babies on welfare are not the result of rape. The vast majority are the result of women who sportfuck and figure if they get knocked up who needs a man when Uncle Sugar will cut a check.

I don't see a link, but it doesn't matter -- all of this is hypothetical. The poster (Claudette) made a blanket statement based on an assumption of motivations that none of us knows. I pointed out an exception that disproves that blanket statement.

Five times?

No you didn't

Didn't what?

Again, what this woman's story is, none of us knows. The hatemongers have been filling that vacuum by making it up since this thread started, and here we have wags going on and on as if that made-up crap is real. So you're gonna sit there and tell me my made-up scenario of rape doesn't apply, while other made-up scenaria do? Please.

If bullshit points of bullshit logic were dollar bills, we could feed that family and put all the kids through college on this thread alone.
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I don't see a link, but it doesn't matter -- all of this is hypothetical. The poster (Claudette) made a blanket statement based on an assumption of motivations that none of us knows. I pointed out an exception that disproves that blanket statement.

Five times?

No you didn't

Didn't what?

Again, what this woman's story is, none of us knows. The hatemongers have been filling that vacuum by making it up since this thread started, and here we have wags going on and on as if that made-up crap is real. So you're gonna sit there and tell me my made-up scenario of rape doesn't apply, while other made-up scenaria do? Please.

If bullshit points of bullshit logic were dollar bills, we could feed that family and put all the kids through college on this thread alone.


Unless your pretend game was her being the victim of rape five time resulting in giving birth

The farce that the assumptions being made are offensive to you is hard to grasp. Are you not in favor of the system which helped create her situation and so many like it?
I don't see a link, but it doesn't matter -- all of this is hypothetical. The poster (Claudette) made a blanket statement based on an assumption of motivations that none of us knows. I pointed out an exception that disproves that blanket statement.

Five times?

No you didn't

Didn't what?

Again, what this woman's story is, none of us knows. The hatemongers have been filling that vacuum by making it up since this thread started, and here we have wags going on and on as if that made-up crap is real. So you're gonna sit there and tell me my made-up scenario of rape doesn't apply, while other made-up scenaria do? Please.

If bullshit points of bullshit logic were dollar bills, we could feed that family and put all the kids through college on this thread alone.

It does not matter what her story is. The absolute best thing that we can teach people, is that the solution to their problems, are them.

Seriously. You realize that 75% of all McDonald's franchises are owned by people who started off as line cooks? Minimum wage (or close), flipping burgers over.

They worked their way up, cashier, shift manager, front manager, assistant store manager, store manager, district manager... store owner.

From minimum wage to six figure incomes.

How did they do that? They worked their butt off. I know a guy right now who as done exactly that. Started off making $7.75 an hour. Now he's manages his own store for Advance Auto Parts, making six figures.

You can't get there from welfare and food stamps, and as other have pointed out, the longer you are on those things, doing nothing at home, the less chance you have of even landing a job.

The whole reason we have multiple generational welfare food stamp recipients is because we have taught them falsely, that the way to advance themselves, is to sit on their ass, and vote for someone who promises hope and change. That somehow government will magically make their lives better. We have done these people a massive amount of harm.

The best thing we can possibly teach them, is to get off their butt, and go make their own lives themselves.
Five times?

No you didn't

Didn't what?

Again, what this woman's story is, none of us knows. The hatemongers have been filling that vacuum by making it up since this thread started, and here we have wags going on and on as if that made-up crap is real. So you're gonna sit there and tell me my made-up scenario of rape doesn't apply, while other made-up scenaria do? Please.

If bullshit points of bullshit logic were dollar bills, we could feed that family and put all the kids through college on this thread alone.


Unless your pretend game was her being the victim of rape five time resulting in giving birth

The farce that the assumptions being made are offensive to you is hard to grasp. Are you not in favor of the system which helped create her situation and so many like it?

I don't purport to know what created her situation. That's the difference. Must be nice to just make it up and go with that, but I don't believe in bullshit.
Unless you're talking about the computer failure as 'what created her situation'.
That's something we actually do know.
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Are you retarded? A law that makes more poor people pay for health insurance is going to take more money from the rich and give it to the poor?

You're wanting us to ignore the subsidies?
Five times?

No you didn't

Didn't what?

Again, what this woman's story is, none of us knows. The hatemongers have been filling that vacuum by making it up since this thread started, and here we have wags going on and on as if that made-up crap is real. So you're gonna sit there and tell me my made-up scenario of rape doesn't apply, while other made-up scenaria do? Please.

If bullshit points of bullshit logic were dollar bills, we could feed that family and put all the kids through college on this thread alone.

It does not matter what her story is. The absolute best thing that we can teach people, is that the solution to their problems, are them.

Seriously. You realize that 75% of all McDonald's franchises are owned by people who started off as line cooks? Minimum wage (or close), flipping burgers over.

They worked their way up, cashier, shift manager, front manager, assistant store manager, store manager, district manager... store owner.

From minimum wage to six figure incomes.

How did they do that? They worked their butt off. I know a guy right now who as done exactly that. Started off making $7.75 an hour. Now he's manages his own store for Advance Auto Parts, making six figures.

You can't get there from welfare and food stamps, and as other have pointed out, the longer you are on those things, doing nothing at home, the less chance you have of even landing a job.

The whole reason we have multiple generational welfare food stamp recipients is because we have taught them falsely, that the way to advance themselves, is to sit on their ass, and vote for someone who promises hope and change. That somehow government will magically make their lives better. We have done these people a massive amount of harm.

The best thing we can possibly teach them, is to get off their butt, and go make their own lives themselves.

Ah, if only life were that black-and-white simple. Talk is cheap.
no wonder he mentioned lazy, black and bastard all in one sentence. He didnt want you to read this part

of course the op gets mad at some single mother trying to feed her kids and not about the outright corruption in the artcle.

I bet the op could kick that bitches ass amirite! Too bad he doesnt have the stones to go after a bigger opponent

the problem would be fix if she was working for a living like the rest of us.

If you don't need socialism..... Then inherently you don't have corruption. If we didn't have a multi-billion dollar socialist system running, there wouldn't be a need for any company, and thus no need to lobby for those contracts.

The people on the left, want to have a huge socialist system, but magically don't want corruption. Sorry, that's not possible. If you have government involved, there is going to be corruption. You can scream and yell about accenture, but as long as you have a system giving out money, there is going to be companies lobbying to get that money.

That's how government has always worked in every system, in every country, in every age. I'm not saying you are wrong, but i am saying you are wasting your time. If it wasn't them, it will be someone else.

what is she doing with her kids while she works?

Do you think a minimum wage job pays for her to feed those kids?

And where are they going to live when she takes that minimum wage job?

And where are the jobs when there are 6 applicants for every one job?

and knowing that what you're saying is absurd does not make anyone a socialist. so you should probably understand the terms you use.

maybe she should have thought about that before having 4 kids.....

At makes me wonder if having the kids was not the "job" she intended...... all of the entitlements that come along with them.
Well she is 44 and has five kids. You don't think she started collecting last year do you? She probably started four units ago. Not only that. The second lady Camilla Lewis who says she can't feed her brood is tapping away on her smart phone right in the picture.

Okay, so you, too are a :eusa_liar:

Barb I really don't want to be rude. So if you want to be stupid do it with someone else.


oh look at woe is me cant feed her kids talking on her cell hungry she is hording ramen noodles in the closet... hasn't had a food stamps in a month....

and yet... the little one sitting on the right.... has a nice bag of chips... and not even generic knock off cheap chips.....

yep...starving. That is our entitlement dollars at work right there.....
Didn't what?

Again, what this woman's story is, none of us knows. The hatemongers have been filling that vacuum by making it up since this thread started, and here we have wags going on and on as if that made-up crap is real. So you're gonna sit there and tell me my made-up scenario of rape doesn't apply, while other made-up scenaria do? Please.

If bullshit points of bullshit logic were dollar bills, we could feed that family and put all the kids through college on this thread alone.


Unless your pretend game was her being the victim of rape five time resulting in giving birth

The farce that the assumptions being made are offensive to you is hard to grasp. Are you not in favor of the system which helped create her situation and so many like it?

I don't purport to know what created her situation. That's the difference. Must be nice to just make it up and go with that, but I don't believe in bullshit.
Unless you're talking about the computer failure as 'what created her situation'.
That's something we actually do know.

It doesn't matter, and you did make up rape.

Fact is her situation is a dependency on the system at this point. A system you agree with, but pretend to be offended when others point out families like hers are typical of those needing the assistance.

Sheer hypocrisy. On one hand lets give handouts to those who can't do for themselves, on the other and lets berate those pointing out she is incapable of caring for her own.
Didn't what?

Again, what this woman's story is, none of us knows. The hatemongers have been filling that vacuum by making it up since this thread started, and here we have wags going on and on as if that made-up crap is real. So you're gonna sit there and tell me my made-up scenario of rape doesn't apply, while other made-up scenaria do? Please.

If bullshit points of bullshit logic were dollar bills, we could feed that family and put all the kids through college on this thread alone.

It does not matter what her story is. The absolute best thing that we can teach people, is that the solution to their problems, are them.

Seriously. You realize that 75% of all McDonald's franchises are owned by people who started off as line cooks? Minimum wage (or close), flipping burgers over.

They worked their way up, cashier, shift manager, front manager, assistant store manager, store manager, district manager... store owner.

From minimum wage to six figure incomes.

How did they do that? They worked their butt off. I know a guy right now who as done exactly that. Started off making $7.75 an hour. Now he's manages his own store for Advance Auto Parts, making six figures.

You can't get there from welfare and food stamps, and as other have pointed out, the longer you are on those things, doing nothing at home, the less chance you have of even landing a job.

The whole reason we have multiple generational welfare food stamp recipients is because we have taught them falsely, that the way to advance themselves, is to sit on their ass, and vote for someone who promises hope and change. That somehow government will magically make their lives better. We have done these people a massive amount of harm.

The best thing we can possibly teach them, is to get off their butt, and go make their own lives themselves.

Ah, if only life were that black-and-white simple. Talk is cheap.

Ah, but it is. It really is. People who work, and work hard, and work smart, rarely end up impoverished for life.

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