LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been a dismal failure

The whole idea behind Nafta etc is to outsource the menial textile jobs etc that we can't compete in, while investing in education and infrastructure so we can win the tech jobs that pay. That's what the Germans do... and of course Pubs/grasshoppers don't allow that...the richest will be fine...

And Clinton with a far left Congress made NAFTA happen.

With much consideration and emotional discussion, the House of Representatives approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993.

North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

102nd United States Congress

102nd United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your propaganda is well known and not based on any facts.

Sure. Then what happened to infrastrure and education spending, Pub dupe...
The whole idea behind Nafta etc is to outsource the menial textile jobs etc that we can't compete in, while investing in education and infrastructure so we can win the tech jobs that pay. That's what the Germans do... and of course Pubs/grasshoppers don't allow that...the richest will be fine...

And Clinton with a far left Congress made NAFTA happen.

With much consideration and emotional discussion, the House of Representatives approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993.

North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

102nd United States Congress

102nd United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your propaganda is well known and not based on any facts.

Sure. Then what happened to infrastrure and education spending, Pub dupe...

Obviously more far left propaganda from a far left Obama drone.
Canada will create all those trucker and longshoremen jobs. Good paying jobs. Cause the damn repubs won't spend money on improving our ports. Wonder if that's why we lost so many shipbuilding jobs. Poor infrastructure. Or did we allow a foreign company to buy up our shipbuilding companies and move the jobs elsewhere?

Why can't the shipping and freight companies improve the ports? They are the ones in a position to determine if doing so is profitable.

Damn...that argument is just so fucking stupid. How is it that so many of you buy it?

We buy it because it's obvious and we don't glug kool-aid and blindly believe what politicians tell us. You know, like you do.

No. Because it is retarded. Americans are not, by nature, moochers. They will not support a party that treats them like moochers.


If that were true, Obama would not be President. In fact, no one would have ever heard of him.
To the far lft who keep screeming education and infrastructure.

The infrastructure of this nation was put forth to make the great Military Industrial Complex more efficient, even the Interstate system was designed for moving military assets.

The far left has slowly dismantled this countries ability to continue to support it's infrastructure as they hate the Military Industrial Complex that built this nation.

Education on the national level has done nothing to increase education, just another far left point to run on and throw money at that has been broken for over 60+ years.
Today, the poverty rate is only slightly below where it was in 1964, and it came with a $20 trillion price tag. What’s more, a record 47 million Americans are now receiving food stamps, which is about 13 million more than when the President Obama took office.

Democrats are deeply vested in making sure we don't solve poverty as that would only eliminate the base source of their votes. Keep em poor, let illegals vote, expand welfare roles, send them checks and you're in power for life.

Damn...that argument is just so fucking stupid. How is it that so many of you buy it?

Why is it stupid?

Don't the politicians depend on votes for profit, power and fame?

To the far lft who keep screeming education and infrastructure.

The infrastructure of this nation was put forth to make the great Military Industrial Complex more efficient, even the Interstate system was designed for moving military assets.

The far left has slowly dismantled this countries ability to continue to support it's infrastructure as they hate the Military Industrial Complex that built this nation.

Education on the national level has done nothing to increase education, just another far left point to run on and throw money at that has been broken for over 60+ years.

Supreme Court denies RNC bid to end voter fraud consent decree - Los Angeles Times

well to bad for you the people get to decide what they want IF they can keep your side from cheating to win elections
What is your mental defect. You keep copy and pasting the same shit in every thread regardless of the topic. some partys even cheat to get those they don't want to vote kept from voting

True, like when Gore sent letters to every county in Florida before the 2004 election and gave them tips on disqualifying generally Republican write in military votes and how his campaign filed to have 10K in absentee ballots in two Republicans county thrown out on technicalities. Democrats want liberals voting, and then they are for letting them vote if they are illegal or even dead and definitely don't want to limit them to voting once.
sure it was a noble cause. no one is denying that. The problem is that it did not work. throwing govt money at a problem never fixes it.

You libs complain about jobs leaving the country, why is there no longer a textile industry in the US? Do you know? Unions and taxes, thats why. Said another way, the government and the unions destroyed the textile industry in the USA. Now those jobs are in Costa Rica and Mexico.

Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA? Unions, regulations, and taxes. Why did GM go broke? Unions, poor management, and taxes.

I could go on but maybe you get the idea.

Dude, I wish you were smart enough to respond to anything with out all the sound bites.
Look up the word "nuance"

Unions and taxes eh. Isn't that the same as saying greed by the corporations was the reason.

The corporations didn't want to pay an American worker a decent wage. And they didn't want to pay taxes to the country where they built their business to a success story.

And you applaud greed by the corporations.

Yea Greeeeeeeeed was the reason. Greed begets greed. Corporations get greedy unions got greedy government stood buy and did nothing.

BTW. The textile industry in making a come back in this country. All automated.

Hey did you know that the Panama Canal is being deepened to handle supertankers. On our east coast, we only have two ports deep enough to handle them. We have neglected our infrastructure to the point we can't keep up.

Canada will create all those trucker and longshoremen jobs. Good paying jobs. Cause the damn repubs won't spend money on improving our ports. Wonder if that's why we lost so many shipbuilding jobs. Poor infrastructure. Or did we allow a foreign company to buy up our shipbuilding companies and move the jobs elsewhere?

you idiot, GREED is what makes life better.

yes, you heard me.
If not greed and the means to it - we would still be in caves.

ignorant leftards and their parroting the masters :rolleyes:

LMAO. If we were still living in a cave, I would steal every bit of food you have (being greedy and all) and let you starve to death. Seems fair to me.

No, there are two people on here that are simply to stupid to speak with again. You and Kosh. Dumb and dumber. some partys even cheat to get those they don't want to vote kept from voting

True, like when Gore sent letters to every county in Florida before the 2004 election and gave them tips on disqualifying generally Republican write in military votes and how his campaign filed to have 10K in absentee ballots in two Republicans county thrown out on technicalities. Democrats want liberals voting, and then they are for letting them vote if they are illegal or even dead and definitely don't want to limit them to voting once.

go get your proof that there is ANY facts to back that one scumbucket.

You see FOX news paid the BIG money in court for the right to lie to you
Dude, I wish you were smart enough to respond to anything with out all the sound bites.
Look up the word "nuance"

Unions and taxes eh. Isn't that the same as saying greed by the corporations was the reason.

The corporations didn't want to pay an American worker a decent wage. And they didn't want to pay taxes to the country where they built their business to a success story.

And you applaud greed by the corporations.

Yea Greeeeeeeeed was the reason. Greed begets greed. Corporations get greedy unions got greedy government stood buy and did nothing.

BTW. The textile industry in making a come back in this country. All automated.

Hey did you know that the Panama Canal is being deepened to handle supertankers. On our east coast, we only have two ports deep enough to handle them. We have neglected our infrastructure to the point we can't keep up.

Canada will create all those trucker and longshoremen jobs. Good paying jobs. Cause the damn repubs won't spend money on improving our ports. Wonder if that's why we lost so many shipbuilding jobs. Poor infrastructure. Or did we allow a foreign company to buy up our shipbuilding companies and move the jobs elsewhere?

you idiot, GREED is what makes life better.

yes, you heard me.
If not greed and the means to it - we would still be in caves.

ignorant leftards and their parroting the masters :rolleyes:

LMAO. If we were still living in a cave, I would steal every bit of food you have (being greedy and all) and let you starve to death. Seems fair to me.

No, there are two people on here that are simply to stupid to speak with again. You and Kosh. Dumb and dumber.

or I would kill you at your attempt :rolleyes:

ignorant stupid leftards, don't even know the way humanity developed:lol: some partys even cheat to get those they don't want to vote kept from voting

True, like when Gore sent letters to every county in Florida before the 2004 election and gave them tips on disqualifying generally Republican write in military votes and how his campaign filed to have 10K in absentee ballots in two Republicans county thrown out on technicalities. Democrats want liberals voting, and then they are for letting them vote if they are illegal or even dead and definitely don't want to limit them to voting once.

go get your proof that there is ANY facts to back that one scumbucket.

You see FOX news paid the BIG money in court for the right to lie to you

Wow, you heard that on Fox? I didn't. I didn't know you watch them, good for you.
OP- OF COURSE Nixon wrecked as much he could, and then Reagan has ruined the middle class.

Medicare hasn't been wrecked, and poverty among the elderly has gone from 47 per cent in 1964 to 15
now. And poverty is a lot lower, too low for the GOP I GATHER...

How do you know that their prosperity was the result of government intervention and not the competitive marketplace.

OP- OF COURSE Nixon wrecked as much he could, and then Reagan has ruined the middle class.

Medicare hasn't been wrecked, and poverty among the elderly has gone from 47 per cent in 1964 to 15
now. And poverty is a lot lower, too low for the GOP I GATHER...

elaborate -lots of links I .


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