LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been a dismal failure

Ah bullshit dude. That's a sound bite again. They started moving jobs in the late 70ties for cheaper labor costs. And to break the unions. Period.

And how is it that a country like Germany, with a large manufacturing base, can keep their jobs, turn a profit and pay their workers very well?

I thought we were "the best". And we couldn't figure out what the Germans did. Instead of talking to China about sending them our jobs maybe our manufactures need to talk to Germans about how to keep our jobs here.

I do not have all the specifics about Germany.

But Germany is not a WARFARE STATE - they are not all over creation invading countries.

Secondly, Germans still adhere to the work ethic. The gimme gimme virus has not affected them as bad as in the US.


When nutters start respecting American workers again....we might get somewhere.

And you define respect how?

Black poverty has dropped by half since the war on poverty began.

If you really want to help further, raise the minimum wage.

“The Republicans believe in the minimum wage — the more the minimum, the better.” - Harry Truman

You can raise the minimum wage in your own business.

You can suggest that other entrepreneurs do it.

But if you FORCE them to do it becomes yet another expensive regulation which will motivate them to move elsewhere.


dear fact adverse idiot,

this country already decided this one.


we can raise it any time we chose to .

your insane

Dear Fucktard

I am very aware that the "country" has adopted fascism as a socioeconomic system

It can continue the course until it becomes another Somalia or it can abandon the welfare policy and become again an economic power house.

China - The new economic powerhouse

In just five years, China has surpassed the United States as one of the main trading partners for most of the world, including in countries like South Korea and Australia who have close ties with the USA.

Associated Press analysis of trade data revealed that, as recently as 2006, the U.S. was the larger trading partner for 127 countries, Whilst China was larger in 70. As of last year, the two traded places with China being the larger partner in 124 countries and the U.S being the larger in 76.

The findings show that China has ascended ridiculously fast to challenge America's century-old status as the globe's premier economic trader."

LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been a dismal failure

Today, the poverty rate is only slightly below where it was in 1964, and it came with a $20 trillion price tag. What’s more, a record 47 million Americans are now receiving food stamps, which is about 13 million more than when the President Obama took office.

Actually, the war on poverty hasn’t failed. It has done exactly what it was intended to do: enrich and empower the state and its interest groups. One of the problems of being a think-tank is that you must accept the state’s bona fides, or be fired. Only radical criticism, however, criticism that goes to the root, in other words, has a chance of delegitimizing these evil activities.


Yep. As was the War on Drugs, the War on Iraq and the War on the Taliban. It's hard to say which was the most costly, thought the War on Iraq likely cost the most innocent lives.

I suppose the war on poverty save the most lives but it never defeated poverty.
And the far left trots out the same old tired talking points.


The government (taxpayers) owes me a living ;

I am a dishwasher - I deserve to be paid the same amount as a Google CEO

Working is for the birds , I want to stay home , smoke medical marihuana and impregnate my BFF;

etc etc ad nauseam

And the far left trots out the same old tired talking points.

We're talking facts and history, brainwashed functional moron. Newt invented talking points to brainwash the ignorant while raping them- Turned the Silent ''Majority'' into the loudmouth idiot minority. Just LOOK at the arguments here. AND MEMORIZE my sig, paragraph one.

Has Fox shown Christie's presser yet, dingbats...pathetic.

I see, so pathetic parasites who reject the work ethic and use the voting booth as an ATM machine are not "brainwashed morons" , they are not the idiot majority?


It has not been a failure. It was simply too small an effort to offset this:


America has become a much richer country since 70s, but almost all those gains went to the high income earners. The incomes of the poor (working poor) remained constant at best.
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I watched a program about LBJ's War On Poverty last night.

4 of 5 people living in poverty in the 1960ties were white.

LBJ wanted more jobs training programs than hand outs.

The exact same arguments that people make today were being made then.

Head Start was/is a success and was a cornerstone when this was implemented.

Education was the key.

Of course LBJ couldn't imagine that we would send so much manufacturing out of the country.
He was relying on those kinds of jobs to be available when people got educated and trained and ready to work.

LBJ couldn't have imagined that we would go from the number 1 educational system in the world to number 18 or whatever it is. He just had to make sure kids were in school.

No I think that LBJ thought if he could just get poor people educated and trained, there would be jobs to be filled. And they wouldn't be poor no more. With a good paying union job. Had to say that.

But at least he had a pretty good educational system to work with and jobs jobs jobs.

My Mom and Dad both grew up in poverty in the mountains of Va. They were so poor they didn't know they were poor. Cause no one they knew had it any better. No running water, no electricity till the late 40ties. You can go up some of them hollers today and not much has changed.

Poverty is the conditions you live in. Poor is what you are. And it will always be with us to some extent. LBJ just wanted cut the numbers way down. Noble cause.

And it would have worked better if we hadn't got rid of all those jobs. And our education system was still the best.

sure it was a noble cause. no one is denying that. The problem is that it did not work. throwing govt money at a problem never fixes it.

You libs complain about jobs leaving the country, why is there no longer a textile industry in the US? Do you know? Unions and taxes, thats why. Said another way, the government and the unions destroyed the textile industry in the USA. Now those jobs are in Costa Rica and Mexico.

Why is there no commercial shipbuilding industry in the USA? Unions, regulations, and taxes. Why did GM go broke? Unions, poor management, and taxes.

I could go on but maybe you get the idea.

Dude, I wish you were smart enough to respond to anything with out all the sound bites.
Look up the word "nuance"

Unions and taxes eh. Isn't that the same as saying greed by the corporations was the reason.

The corporations didn't want to pay an American worker a decent wage. And they didn't want to pay taxes to the country where they built their business to a success story.

And you applaud greed by the corporations.

Yea Greeeeeeeeed was the reason. Greed begets greed. Corporations get greedy unions got greedy government stood buy and did nothing.

BTW. The textile industry in making a come back in this country. All automated.

Hey did you know that the Panama Canal is being deepened to handle supertankers. On our east coast, we only have two ports deep enough to handle them. We have neglected our infrastructure to the point we can't keep up.

Canada will create all those trucker and longshoremen jobs. Good paying jobs. Cause the damn repubs won't spend money on improving our ports. Wonder if that's why we lost so many shipbuilding jobs. Poor infrastructure. Or did we allow a foreign company to buy up our shipbuilding companies and move the jobs elsewhere?

Where to start, where to start :confused:

If a company raises its labor cost it must also raise the price it charges for its products. Unions forced the price of labor so high that textile companies and shipbuilding companies could not compete with foreign companies making the same products---So, in the case of textiles they moved out of this country, in the case of shipbuilding they closed their doors except for military ships which by law must be built in this country.

Infrastructure is mostly state and local. Why don't states and cities have the money for infrastructure improvements?? Because of ridiculous salaries and benefits going to state and city employees--and corruption of course.

Want jobs in the USA??? Eliminate all corporate taxes (they are always paid by the consumer anyway), get the EPA off the backs of businesses--I am not saying allow pollution, just get realistic about it.

On the Panama canal--------The USA built it, Carter gave it away.

You keep saying "decent wage" How much is a "decent wage" for a minimally skilled worker? Give me an hourly rate that you consider "decent" for someone with no marketable skills. Because the only people making minimum wage are those with no marketable skills.

It has not been a failure. It was simply too small an effort to offset this:


America has become a much richer country since 70s, but almost all those gains went to the high income earners. The incomes of the poor (working poor) remained constant at best.

What has obama done to reverse the trend of the red line? answer: nothing. The rich/poor gap has gotten larger under obama's version of marxist collectivism.
LBJs War on Poverty may not have worked

But Reagans War on the Poor sure did
my ignore list of idiots:
lone laugher
Mr shaman

newest member in red. no one is reading your shit TM, go away.
Remembering what REAL poverty used to be in this least we do not have that degree of devastation. What HAS changed, IMO, is the definition of what constitutes poverty today.
Obamas gonna take all the riches money. Loves the poor

*Show them a report showing the opposite happened*

Obama is at war with the Poor. Loves the Rich
Remembering what REAL poverty used to be in this least we do not have that degree of devastation. What HAS changed, IMO, is the definition of what constitutes poverty today.

You are correct about that. The so-called poor in the US today are much much better off than the middle class in many third world nations.

BTW, who changed the definition? Who keeps raising the income level under which one is considered in "poverty"?

Are you saying that the people currently classified as living in poverty should be removed from that classification and have their welfare payments reduced or eliminated?

What exactly do you dems want? Oh, I know, everyone to be equal, fairness, tolerance, , oh, and punish the evil rich. About right?
Remembering what REAL poverty used to be in this least we do not have that degree of devastation. What HAS changed, IMO, is the definition of what constitutes poverty today.

You are correct about that. The so-called poor in the US today are much much better off than the middle class in many third world nations.

BTW, who changed the definition? Who keeps raising the income level under which one is considered in "poverty"?

Are you saying that the people currently classified as living in poverty should be removed from that classification and have their welfare payments reduced or eliminated?

What exactly do you dems want? Oh, I know, everyone to be equal, fairness, tolerance, , oh, and punish the evil rich. About right?

One must consider the great strides in the War on Poverty. Why the poor are richer than they once were.
No matter how much the poor have, since poverty is relative, they will always be poor.

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