LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been a dismal failure

Black poverty has dropped by half since the war on poverty began.

If you really want to help further, raise the minimum wage.

“The Republicans believe in the minimum wage — the more the minimum, the better.” - Harry Truman

You can raise the minimum wage in your own business.

You can suggest that other entrepreneurs do it.

But if you FORCE them to do it becomes yet another expensive regulation which will motivate them to move elsewhere.

OP- wreck the program and complain it doesn't work- only the dupes would fall for it....much like Obama's policies failing to complete the recovery- when he hasn't been able to pass anything since 2/2010.

AGAIN, ELDERLY POVERTY HAS GONE FROM 47 PER CENT IN 1964 TO 15 NOW, BUT Pub discrimination against minorities and the poor in general has never been healthier, a disgrace...
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Of course LBJ couldn't imagine that we would send so much manufacturing out of the country.
He was relying on those kinds of jobs to be available when people got educated and trained and ready to work.


Those jobs were exported because entrepreneurs did not want to be subjected to confiscatory taxation and massive regulations.

Someone has to pay the 20 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion tab.


Ah bullshit dude. That's a sound bite again. They started moving jobs in the late 70ties for cheaper labor costs. And to break the unions. Period.

And how is it that a country like Germany, with a large manufacturing base, can keep their jobs, turn a profit and pay their workers very well?

I thought we were "the best". And we couldn't figure out what the Germans did. Instead of talking to China about sending them our jobs maybe our manufactures need to talk to Germans about how to keep our jobs here.

I do not have all the specifics about Germany.

But Germany is not a WARFARE STATE - they are not all over creation invading countries.

Secondly, Germans still adhere to the work ethic. The gimme gimme virus has not affected them as bad as in the US.

Those jobs were exported because entrepreneurs did not want to be subjected to confiscatory taxation and massive regulations.

Someone has to pay the 20 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion tab.


Ah bullshit dude. That's a sound bite again. They started moving jobs in the late 70ties for cheaper labor costs. And to break the unions. Period.

And how is it that a country like Germany, with a large manufacturing base, can keep their jobs, turn a profit and pay their workers very well?

I thought we were "the best". And we couldn't figure out what the Germans did. Instead of talking to China about sending them our jobs maybe our manufactures need to talk to Germans about how to keep our jobs here.

I do not have all the specifics about Germany.

But Germany is not a WARFARE STATE - they are not all over creation invading countries.

Secondly, Germans still adhere to the work ethic. The gimme gimme virus has not affected them as bad as in the US.


When nutters start respecting American workers again....we might get somewhere.
What’s wrong with thinking is that we have not, of course, been fighting any kind of serious war on poverty for five decades. We fought it with truly adequate funding for about one decade. Less, even. Then the backlash started, and by 1981, Ronald Reagan’s government was fighting a war on the war on poverty. The fate of many anti-poverty programs has ebbed and flowed ever since.

But at the beginning, in the ’60s, those programs were fully funded, or close. And what happened? According to Joseph Califano, who worked in the Johnson White House, “the portion of Americans living below the poverty line dropped from 22.2 percent to 12.6 percent, the most dramatic decline over such a brief period in this century.” That’s a staggering 43 percent reduction. In six years.
Black poverty has dropped by half since the war on poverty began.

If you really want to help further, raise the minimum wage.

“The Republicans believe in the minimum wage — the more the minimum, the better.” - Harry Truman

You can raise the minimum wage in your own business.

You can suggest that other entrepreneurs do it.

But if you FORCE them to do it becomes yet another expensive regulation which will motivate them to move elsewhere.


dear fact adverse idiot,

this country already decided this one.


we can raise it any time we chose to .

your insane
Today, the poverty rate is only slightly below where it was in 1964, and it came with a $20 trillion price tag. What’s more, a record 47 million Americans are now receiving food stamps, which is about 13 million more than when the President Obama took office.

Democrats are deeply vested in making sure we don't solve poverty as that would only eliminate the base source of their votes. Keep em poor, let illegals vote, expand welfare roles, send them checks and you're in power for life.

Damn...that argument is just so fucking stupid. How is it that so many of you buy it?

We buy it because it's obvious and we don't glug kool-aid and blindly believe what politicians tell us. You know, like you do.
The whole idea behind Nafta etc is to outsource the menial textile jobs etc that we can't compete in, while investing in education and infrastructure so we can win the tech jobs that pay. That's what the Germans do... and of course Pubs/grasshoppers don't allow that...the richest will be fine...
And the far left trots out the same old tired talking points.

We're talking facts and history, brainwashed functional moron. Newt invented talking points to brainwash the ignorant while raping them- Turned the Silent ''Majority'' into the loudmouth idiot minority. Just LOOK at the arguments here. AND MEMORIZE my sig, paragraph one.

Has Fox shown Christie's presser yet, dingbats...pathetic.
The whole idea behind Nafta etc is to outsource the menial textile jobs etc that we can't compete in, while investing in education and infrastructure so we can win the tech jobs that pay. That's what the Germans do... and of course Pubs/grasshoppers don't allow that...the richest will be fine...

And Clinton with a far left Congress made NAFTA happen.

With much consideration and emotional discussion, the House of Representatives approved NAFTA on November 17, 1993, 234-200. The agreement's supporters included 132 Republicans and 102 Democrats. NAFTA passed the Senate 61-38. Senate supporters were 34 Republicans and 27 Democrats. Clinton signed it into law on December 8, 1993.

North American Free Trade Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

102nd United States Congress

102nd United States Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Your propaganda is well known and not based on any facts.
And the far left trots out the same old tired talking points.

We're talking facts and history, brainwashed functional moron. Newt invented talking points to brainwash the ignorant while raping them- Turned the Silent ''Majority'' into the loudmouth idiot minority. Just LOOK at the arguments here. AND MEMORIZE my sig, paragraph one.

Has Fox shown Christie's presser yet, dingbats...pathetic.

ANd yet you have posted nothing but far left propaganda and have been called on it many times.

Same old tired far left talking points.
Democrats are deeply vested in making sure we don't solve poverty as that would only eliminate the base source of their votes. Keep em poor, let illegals vote, expand welfare roles, send them checks and you're in power for life.

Damn...that argument is just so fucking stupid. How is it that so many of you buy it?

We buy it because it's obvious and we don't glug kool-aid and blindly believe what politicians tell us. You know, like you do.

No. Because it is retarded. Americans are not, by nature, moochers. They will not support a party that treats them like moochers.

Damn...that argument is just so fucking stupid. How is it that so many of you buy it?

We buy it because it's obvious and we don't glug kool-aid and blindly believe what politicians tell us. You know, like you do.

No. Because it is retarded. Americans are not, by nature, moochers. They will not support a party that treats them like moochers.


Says the far left moocher that voted for Obama twice.
And the far left trots out the same old tired talking points.

We're talking facts and history, brainwashed functional moron. Newt invented talking points to brainwash the ignorant while raping them- Turned the Silent ''Majority'' into the loudmouth idiot minority. Just LOOK at the arguments here. AND MEMORIZE my sig, paragraph one.

Has Fox shown Christie's presser yet, dingbats...pathetic.

ANd yet you have posted nothing but far left propaganda and have been called on it many times.

Same old tired far left talking points.

the scotus decision was not talking points.

now what do you say?
Those jobs were exported because entrepreneurs did not want to be subjected to confiscatory taxation and massive regulations.

Someone has to pay the 20 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion tab.


Ah bullshit dude. That's a sound bite again. They started moving jobs in the late 70ties for cheaper labor costs. And to break the unions. Period.

And how is it that a country like Germany, with a large manufacturing base, can keep their jobs, turn a profit and pay their workers very well?

I thought we were "the best". And we couldn't figure out what the Germans did. Instead of talking to China about sending them our jobs maybe our manufactures need to talk to Germans about how to keep our jobs here.

I do not have all the specifics about Germany.

But Germany is not a WARFARE STATE - they are not all over creation invading countries.

Secondly, Germans still adhere to the work ethic. The gimme gimme virus has not affected them as bad as in the US.


First of all Germans are Germans and they check every pfennig they give as a handout.

there is no fraud in the social services even at approximate proportions as we have here, in the US
Black poverty has dropped by half since the war on poverty began.

If you really want to help further, raise the minimum wage.

“The Republicans believe in the minimum wage — the more the minimum, the better.” - Harry Truman

You can raise the minimum wage in your own business.

You can suggest that other entrepreneurs do it.

But if you FORCE them to do it becomes yet another expensive regulation which will motivate them to move elsewhere.


dear fact adverse idiot,

this country already decided this one.


we can raise it any time we chose to .
your insane

Not without congressional approval dumbass.

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