LBJ's "War on Poverty" has been a dismal failure

Remembering what REAL poverty used to be in this least we do not have that degree of devastation. What HAS changed, IMO, is the definition of what constitutes poverty today.

You are correct about that. The so-called poor in the US today are much much better off than the middle class in many third world nations.

BTW, who changed the definition? Who keeps raising the income level under which one is considered in "poverty"?

Are you saying that the people currently classified as living in poverty should be removed from that classification and have their welfare payments reduced or eliminated?

What exactly do you dems want? Oh, I know, everyone to be equal, fairness, tolerance, , oh, and punish the evil rich. About right?

One must consider the great strides in the War on Poverty. Why the poor are richer than they once were.

yeah, but, the dems still tell them they are too poor to survive without momma govt.

sure the poor are not as poor as they once were, but we now have a dependent class of citizens who contribute nothing and live on the largess of the rest of us. Do you really think that is good for the country?
my ignore list of idiots:
lone laugher
Mr shaman

newest member in red. no one is reading your shit TM, go away.

It is a pathetic thing for one to try to gain attention by announcing who they have on ignore.

Just rubbing it in, sorry if I put your butt buddy on ignore. :lol::lol::lol:

Now you create fantasies about those you announce you have put on ignore. This is funny as well as pathetic. An interesting combo. :D
It is a pathetic thing for one to try to gain attention by announcing who they have on ignore.

Just rubbing it in, sorry if I put your butt buddy on ignore. :lol::lol::lol:

Now you create fantasies about those you announce you have put on ignore. This is funny as well as pathetic. An interesting combo. :D

Glad to provide some entertainment for your pathetic life :lol:

I forgot, you are a lesbian, you don't have butt buddies, what do you call them? dildo buddies?
Damn...that argument is just so fucking stupid. How is it that so many of you buy it?

We buy it because it's obvious and we don't glug kool-aid and blindly believe what politicians tell us. You know, like you do.

No. Because it is retarded. Americans are not, by nature, moochers. They will not support a party that treats them like moochers.


Really? Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Why then is the Health and Human Services Budget



That could be the dust bowl of the 1930s in oklahoma or appalachia yesterday. Whats your point? There have always been poor people and sadly the liberal dems have done nothing to reduce the number of poor.

Where do you think the poor in the south went in the 30s and 40s to find work? How about Detroit in the car companies? Yep, thats where a lot of them went. Can poor people find jobs in the auto industry in Detroit today? Nope, but they can find jobs in the non-union car factories in the south---Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai-----good paying blue collar jobs with good benefits----and no union dues to pay.
Just rubbing it in, sorry if I put your butt buddy on ignore. :lol::lol::lol:

Now you create fantasies about those you announce you have put on ignore. This is funny as well as pathetic. An interesting combo. :D

Glad to provide some entertainment for your pathetic life :lol:

I forgot, you are a lesbian, you don't have butt buddies, what do you call them? dildo buddies?

Let your sexual fantasies continue. Apparently they consist of being submissive, thus the pathetic part, and being a voyeur.

Now you create fantasies about those you announce you have put on ignore. This is funny as well as pathetic. An interesting combo. :D

Glad to provide some entertainment for your pathetic life :lol:

I forgot, you are a lesbian, you don't have butt buddies, what do you call them? dildo buddies?

Let your sexual fantasies continue. Apparently they consist of being submissive, thus the pathetic part, and being a voyeur.


No fantasies here, Just a very active heterosexual relationship with a beautiful sexy wife.
We're talking facts and history, brainwashed functional moron. Newt invented talking points to brainwash the ignorant while raping them- Turned the Silent ''Majority'' into the loudmouth idiot minority. Just LOOK at the arguments here. AND MEMORIZE my sig, paragraph one.

Has Fox shown Christie's presser yet, dingbats...pathetic.

ANd yet you have posted nothing but far left propaganda and have been called on it many times.

Same old tired far left talking points.

the scotus decision was not talking points.

now what do you say?

Are the "justices" federal bureaucrats?

Do both parties get to nominate the "justices"?

Do any one investigates whether they are REALLY committed to support and defend the Constitution, individual liberty and Capitalism?


That could be the dust bowl of the 1930s in oklahoma or appalachia yesterday. Whats your point? There have always been poor people and sadly the liberal dems have done nothing to reduce the number of poor.

Where do you think the poor in the south went in the 30s and 40s to find work? How about Detroit in the car companies? Yep, thats where a lot of them went. Can poor people find jobs in the auto industry in Detroit today? Nope, but they can find jobs in the non-union car factories in the south---Mercedes, BMW, Honda, Toyota, Subaru, Kia, Hyundai-----good paying blue collar jobs with good benefits----and no union dues to pay.
And many areas of the country, as shown by the LBJ photos, were no better by the 60s. Yes...we still have poverty...some are too lazy, too stupid, or too something to pull themselves up...But I would like to think that everyone has a roof over their heads now, heat, electicity, food....which many did not have back then.
We buy it because it's obvious and we don't glug kool-aid and blindly believe what politicians tell us. You know, like you do.

No. Because it is retarded. Americans are not, by nature, moochers. They will not support a party that treats them like moochers.


If that were true, Obama would not be President. In fact, no one would have ever heard of him.

That is correct.

He was elected because willing to steal, plunder and loot in order to pay back his supporters.

To the far lft who keep screeming education and infrastructure.

The infrastructure of this nation was put forth to make the great Military Industrial Complex more efficient, even the Interstate system was designed for moving military assets.

The far left has slowly dismantled this countries ability to continue to support it's infrastructure as they hate the Military Industrial Complex that built this nation.

Education on the national level has done nothing to increase education, just another far left point to run on and throw money at that has been broken for over 60+ years.

Only if Republican is in power. They gave Clinton and Obama Carte Blanche.

.U.S. deploys military advisers to Somalia

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Remembering what REAL poverty used to be in this least we do not have that degree of devastation. What HAS changed, IMO, is the definition of what constitutes poverty today.


there is NO POVERTY in this country.
therefore the war has been won.

or if you still consider there is poverty in this country - the war has been an abysmal failure.

you are free to chose either way because the conclusion for either is ONE - time to cut the spending on useless social welfare programs.
Reform our educational system with adopting Japans educational system = winning.

ABOLISH government schools

Every politically controlled educational system will inculcate the doctrine of state supremacy sooner or later. . . . Once that doctrine has been accepted, it becomes an almost superhuman task to break the stranglehold of the political power over the life of the citizen. It has had his body, property and mind in its clutches from infancy. An octopus would sooner release its prey. A tax-supported, compulsory educational system is the complete model of the totalitarian state.

– Isabel Paterson, The God of the Machine (1943)


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