Lead Investigator Says President Biden ‘Committed Many Crimes’

The Democrats ran some pretty good interference with Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine. In fact they even tried to impeach Trump over looking into it. Dishonest Democrats are very good at obfuscating and deflecting. Look at you, supporting a pedophilic rapist bribe taking embezzler and fighting to apologize for this piece of shit running our country right now. The FBI had that laptop, that's the problem, they had been corrupted by Obama.
You got an excuse for everything don’t you. Just not very good excuses.,:.
Trump was impeached for trying to leverage aid for dirt. His AG Bill Barr looked into the Ukraine allegations. Found nothing…. Looked into the laptop…. Found nothing.

Your BS is so easy to debunk if you just dig in.
You mean like they DIDN'T go after Hunter?
lol ... are you talking about the federal prosecutors that coordinated with hunters legal team in an attempt to give him lifelong immunity ?

I just did dumbass, arguing with someone as stupid and dense as you is proving to be pretty pointless other than to expose you. Hopefully that will help


You didn't post proof, inbred. You referenced an unverified document which fell apart under scrutiny.
Is that the same as "experts agree"? LOL Biden didn't care about corruption in Ukraine. He only cared about his pocketbook. It's too bad that Democrats didn't allow Trump to look into the Bidens meddling in Ukraine. Biden wouldn't be president right now fucking up our country
It’s a fact that you have no answer for. Why did all the career diplomats want Shokin out? Was he bribing them? Why did our allies want Shokin out? Was he bribing them? Why did the Ukrainian people want Shokin out? Was he bribing them?

Zlochevsky was apparently bribing everyone. Millions of people, all being bribed. And yet no evidence of any of it.

No one stopped Trump from doing anything. His DoJ wasn’t investigating Biden because they have to follow the rules and can’t investigate people based on total bullshit.
Moron, the original document was never verified to begin with. And with the exception of the director level, the FBI is comprised by career employees.

And as long as you're alive and breathing, I can't possibly be the dumbest shit on the planet.
No you win the prize is being the dumbest shit on the planet. This is an Administration that jails its political enemies and has weaponized the justice system for its own purposes. When I saw the story of this FBI agent who has been a hero all of his career being jailed by Joe I knew. Stalin would be proud of you all. Dishonest and disgraceful to America, you fit the bill. Did I forget stupid? Oh no I didn't.

You didn't post proof, inbred. You referenced an unverified document which fell apart under scrutiny.
A real document, by a real person. A twat like you really only good to suck my dick. Stupid uneducated ignoramus.
Of course he is lining his pockets. That’s why people take jobs. But what your little scariest does not prove is what you claimed…. That Joe was illegally bribing… he was in fact following US foreign policy objectives. It’s documented
Nah, the US didn't care about corruption in Ukraine. At least as much as we care about corruption anywhere else in the world . You thinking they did only shows how gullible you are , you really do believe any shit they shovel down your throat don't you ? The only thing Joe cared about was the money
No you win the prize is being the dumbest shit on the planet. This is an Administration that jails its political enemies and has weaponized the justice system for its own purposes. When I saw the story of this FBI agent who has been a hero all of his career being jailed by Joe I knew. Stalin would be proud of you all. Dishonest and disgraceful to America, you fit the bill. Did I forget stupid? Oh no I didn't.


Funny how you think that that makes your hallucinations real. :itsok:

Still, your "proof" is an unverified document which fell apart under scrutiny.

And if it was as true as you hallucinate, why aren't Republicans impeaching him for that?
You got an excuse for everything don’t you. Just not very good excuses.,:.
Trump was impeached for trying to leverage aid for dirt. His AG Bill Barr looked into the Ukraine allegations. Found nothing…. Looked into the laptop…. Found nothing.

Your BS is so easy to debunk if you just dig in.
No, Trump wanted to look into Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine. That was the whole premise of Trump's phone call that you all whined and cried about . You didn't think Trump would release the transcript of the call and prove you all wrong but he immediately did . You were shown to be Liars and cheats at the very beginning of the impeachment . It was all laughable We see now that that was happening The Democrats drummed up the deception and lined up the Trump haters. You don't care about Biden's corruption in Ukraine that's understandable, we are all not going to be traitors like you however.
Nah, the US didn't care about corruption in Ukraine. At least as much as we care about corruption anywhere else in the world . You thinking they did only shows how gullible you are , you really do believe any shit they shovel down your throat don't you ? The only thing Joe cared about was the money
Really then why did Congress write a bipartisan letter calling for reform to the prosecutors office prior to Biden doing this so called bribery corruption? Please explain

Funny how you think that that makes your hallucinations real. :itsok:

Still, your "proof" is an unverified document which fell apart under scrutiny.

And if it was as true as you hallucinate, why aren't Republicans impeaching him for that?
You being the dumbest shit on the planet? Every time we have a conversation I hand you your ass, how's it taste?
Really then why did Congress write a bipartisan letter calling for reform to the prosecutors office prior to Biden doing this so called bribery corruption? Please explain
When did we become the world's police for corruption? When there was money to be made for the bidens in Ukraine?
lol ... are you talking about the federal prosecutors that coordinated with hunters legal team in an attempt to give him lifelong immunity ?

No goofball, that was just an error, as shown by the prosecutor at the hearing.
You being the dumbest shit on the planet? Every time we have a conversation I hand you your ass, how's it taste?

I note you didn't answer why Republicans didn't impeach Biden for that. So I'll answer for you. Here's why...

Even Republicans know you're retarded. No wonder they're not impeaching him for that fake news. But you know better, right, inbred?

A document from an FBI agent detailing 2 5 million wires to the bidens, twat. Hahaha I hope you wash yourself once in awhile, but somehow I doubt it.

Which was never verified. Exactly how retarded are you to not be able to grasp that, inbred?
No, Trump wanted to look into Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine. That was the whole premise of Trump's phone call that you all whined and cried about . You didn't think Trump would release the transcript of the call and prove you all wrong but he immediately did . You were shown to be Liars and cheats at the very beginning of the impeachment . It was all laughable We see now that that was happening The Democrats drummed up the deception and lined up the Trump haters. You don't care about Biden's corruption in Ukraine that's understandable, we are all not going to be traitors like you however.
The transcript showed exactly what Trump did and lead to his impeachment. Damn man you drink way too much koolaid.

Trump wanted dirt on a political rival and he abused the power of his office to try and get it. In the end still NO evidence of anything he and his idiot supporters have been claiming
I note you didn't answer why Republicans didn't impeach Biden for that. So I'll answer for you. Here's why...

Even Republicans know you're retarded. No wonder they're not impeaching him for that fake news. But you know better, right, inbred?

Is that why they're still working on the impeachment dumbass?
When did we become the world's police for corruption? When there was money to be made for the bidens in Ukraine?
Are you implying the the republicans in Congress wrote that letter to try and help Joe Biden?

Would you say the same for our allies who made the same calls about the prosecutor?

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