Lead Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Political Prosecution Says Rittenhouse Chased His Antifa Attackers. Then He Shows Video Of Antifa Chasing Rittenhouse.

If an outsider comes into my neighborhood with a gun and starts doing threating things (like shooting people) then look for me to chase them down and kill them unless the cops intervenes. And I don't give a crap what party affiliation they have nor what I have. Kyle is damned lucky he did it there. Around here, he would be dead.

Did what there? You shoot strangers at random for walking around? lol you're a nutjob.
If an outsider comes into my neighborhood with a gun and starts doing threating things (like shooting people) then look for me to chase them down and kill them unless the cops intervenes. And I don't give a crap what party affiliation they have nor what I have. Kyle is damned lucky he did it there. Around here, he would be dead.
But, if thugs come to your neighborhood and loot, burn, riot, etc. you won't do shit about it?
Keep that in mind if or when you decide to come here with your stupid "Revolution". And you may need to know that not only you rightwing nutjobs are armed or skilled in the use of weapons.
I have no desire to go to whatever commie shit hole you call "here."

You come to Texas and start that shit, EVERYBODY will shot your punk ass.

Notice how there have been ZERO riots in Texas? The only BLM traffic-blocking riot happened in Plano. NOBODY know about it, and it was over in a matter of about 10 minutes.

You know why?

If an outsider comes into my neighborhood with a gun and starts doing threating things (like shooting people) then look for me to chase them down and kill them unless the cops intervenes. And I don't give a crap what party affiliation they have nor what I have. Kyle is damned lucky he did it there. Around here, he would be dead.

He didn't threaten anyone, in fact, according to the actual witnesses.....rosenbaum threatened to kill him and the others, then attacked Rittenhouse...
I asked a question in general, I did not make any judgements about this specific case.
If I go into a bar and throw my beer on some guy and he then attempts to beat my ass and I kill him, is that really self defense? That is all I am asking.
More to the point:
If you go into a bar, throw a beer in a guys face, run away, get chased by the guy out of the bar, across the parking lot and down street - and then that guys pulls a gun on you, you have -every- right to shoot him.
Keep that in mind if or when you decide to come here with your stupid "Revolution". And you may need to know that not only you rightwing nutjobs are armed or skilled in the use of weapons.

You're just another loud noise who would wet himself and hide under his bed, then when the shooting stoped you would run out and start sucking the asses of the winners and offering to rat out your neighbors and family to save your own ass, like most other wingers who make big noises on the innernetz all about how badass they are.

And, I'm not a 'right winger', tard, never claimed to be and never have been; that's just you being too stupid and stump trained to think for yourself is all. Now run along and cry to your peer group of deviants and punks for solace, gimp.
I have no desire to go to whatever commie shit hole you call "here."

You come to Texas and start that shit, EVERYBODY will shot your punk ass.

Notice how there have been ZERO riots in Texas? The only BLM traffic-blocking riot happened in Plano. NOBODY know about it, and it was over in a matter of about 10 minutes.

You know why?


Because you are too busy shooting up your state in mass shootings.
You're just another loud noise who would wet himself and hide under his bed, then when the shooting stoped you would run out and start sucking the asses of the winners and offering to rat out your neighbors and family to save your own ass, like most other wingers who make big noises on the innernetz all about how badass they are.

And, I'm not a 'right winger', tard, never claimed to be and never have been; that's just you being too stupid and stump trained to think for yourself is all. Now run along and cry to your peer group of deviants and punks for solace, gimp.

I earned a Vietnam Service medal and a few others. Your violence, hatred and I've been to Texas numerous times. Your nonsense isn't welcome here. You can terrorize others in Texas all you want until they finally have enough. There are more in Texas that disagree than agrees with you.

You rightwingnutjobs sure to like to strut your stuff.
And made up crap out of context.
Well, yes - but mostly by those who believe Rittenhouse committed murder.
Fact remains - your statement is only true if, by "exactly" you mean "after you remove a number of important details".
Well, yes - but mostly by those who believe Rittenhouse committed murder.
Fact remains - your statement is only true if, by "exactly" you mean "after you remove a number of important details".
The fact is. Kyle was 17, unauthorized to possess the weapon. Plus, he should have never been there in the first place. He is being reprogrammed right now.
The fact is. Kyle was 17, unauthorized to possess the weapon.
That's all you got?
The judge himself said the weapons charge was questionable because thw wording is vague.

Fact remains - your statement is only true if, by "exactly" you mean "after you remove a number of important details".

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