Lead Prosecutor in Rittenhouse Political Prosecution Says Rittenhouse Chased His Antifa Attackers. Then He Shows Video Of Antifa Chasing Rittenhouse.

I just did tell you.

It was said he was there to render medical aide....now you are moving the goal post and getting mad at me for making you do it

No, you are merely playing word salad because you know you are wrong, but are too pig headed to admit it.
You guys following the trial....

Legal Insurrection has some of the best coverage...

I’ll cover all of this in greater detail in my end-of-day analysis but couldn’t resist getting this out to all of you promptly.

The direct questioning of STATE witness Richard McGinnis by ADA Binger was an absolute trainwreck for the prosecution–and, of course, the jury watched it all happen in real-time.

UPDATE: To provide some context, for more than 12 minutes ADA Binger tried to get McGinnis to testify that Rosenbaum was already falling to the ground when Rittenhouse began shooting him–in other words, that Rittenhouse simply executed Rosenbaum by shooting him in the back when he was helplessly falling.

The actual exchange is in the video, so you can watch it for yourself, but a reasonable paraphrase would go something like this:
Binger: So Rittenhouse shot Rosenbaum, in the back, as he was falling, correct?

McGinnis: No, Rittenhouse didn’t fire until Rosenbaum charged and lunged at him.
Binger: So he shot him as he was falling?

McGinnis: No, not falling, lunging.
Binger: So you’re saying he shot him while he was falling?

McGinnis: No, that’s not my testimony. Lunging.
This is NOT how it’s supposed to be done, folks.


TRAIN WRECK: Rittenhouse Prosecution Implodes With State Witness Richard McGinnis of Daily Caller

This is NOT supposed to be how the direct examination of your own witnesses is done.

Is the prosecutor actually trying to lose this case?
It's not over till it's over.

We saw what happened to chauvin. He should have won the trial but he got buried "because racism".

The one difference is Rittenhouse shot 3 white guys....nobody really cares about them except for the hard core leftists who want to punish Rittenhouse....

No riots if Rittenhouse is rightfully found not guilty...
I don't expect him to get off; I'm certain the jury has already been properly inundated with death threats against them and their relatives, same as with the Chauvin jurors.

I don't know about that...he shot 3 white guys...nobody cares about that........
Not the one that moved the goal post, I said he did not have medical training and that is still what I am saying
you said it that way to change the context and narrative,,

everyone know hes had first aid training and was there to render it if need be,,

no one claimed he was going to treat cancer patients,,

you can play word games,, all it does is prove youre being dishonest and a liar,,
I do not consider CPR to be medical training.
It doesn't make you a nurse or an EMT but it is medical training. Just like Triage training in the Navy was medical training.

Did it make us a doctor to know pressure points............no.....In regards to CPR training you are taught to say I have been CPR trained........may I assist you........if they say yes...........well.......then they really don't need it...........If not..........then you may proceed ...

You really are splitting hairs on this BS.........He ran away from the fight and the IDIOT chased him down when they both had guns. The Dead guy got the Darwin Award and is a nut job. Oh well.
I've had several people tell me they was gonna kill me yet here I am still alive.
I had so many people threaten to kill me I started telling them to take a number and stand in line.

Only one time, my car was bombed and I slept through the noise.
The prosecutors may have screwed up again....by asking the first thugs girlfriend if Rosenbaum had taken his medication that day, they opened up bringing in the psychiatric hospitalization of Rosenbaum...

Suddenly, however, ADA Kraus asked Ms. Swart if Rosenbaum had taken his medication that day. She said he had—but the defense took note of the question. After direct questioning by Kraus was done, and before the defense began its cross, the defense asked for the opportunity for a conversation with the judge outside the hearing of the jury and Ms. Swart.

During that conversation, the defense argued that Kraus asking about the medications opened the door to the defense exploring that issue of medication in more detail. Medication, what kind of medication, for what purpose?

The State objected, of course, but the judge ultimately decided that the issue was relevant if the medications involved were psychiatric in nature, and if Ms. Swart actually possessed personal knowledge on that issue.

Before the matter could be discussed in front of the jury, then, it would be necessary to bring Ms. Swart into the courtroom alone and explore her knowledge of Rosenbaum’s medications and their therapeutic purpose, in a process of voir dire very similar in nature to that of jury selection.

If Ms. Swart didn’t really know anything about the medications or their purpose, no further evidence on the matter could be introduced, and surely not through her testimony.

Well, it turned out Ms. Swart was rather amazingly well-informed about both the medications and their therapeutic purpose, because she was Rosenbaum’s emergency contact for medical purposes, and was in regular communication with his healthcare providers on such matters.

Did she know exactly what drugs Rosenbaum was taking, and for what purpose? She sure did! He was taking this gabapentin for bi-polar disorder and Seroquel for depression, and more.

You could almost hear the State gulp.

Having demonstrated the possession of personal knowledge of Rosenbaum’s medications and their purpose, and with the State having opened the door to Rosenbaum’s use of medications in the first place, the defense was now permitted to question Ms. Swart on these matters in front of the jury, and get that evidence into the record.

And another screw up.....


Another interesting witness today was the first of the morning, Jason Lackowski. Jason had previously been a United States Marine Corps infantry rifleman, and was friendly with Ryan Balch. He, like Ryan, had been present in the company of Kyle on August 25 in Kenosha, and had his own share of interactions with Joseph Rosenbaum in particular.

Highlights of Lackowski’s testimony included his description of Rosenbaum as acting very belligerently, asking people bluntly to shoot him, making “fasle steps” as if attacking, trying to incite violence, and shouting the N-word at a Black Lives Matter rally.

On direct, ADA Binger went though his usual weapons laundry-list question: Did Rosenbaum have a gun? No. Knife? No. Bat? No. Club? No.

Did you personally feel threatened by Rosenbaum, asked Binger, and the USMC rifleman who at the scene had been armed with an AR rifle, a knife, and a can of CS spray, as well as in the company of similarly armed friends, answered that he had not felt personally threatened.

This turned around to bite the State when the defense got to Lackowski on cross examination, however.

Chirafisi asked him, you were never alone one-on-one with Rosenbaum were you? No. You had support with you? Yes. Rosenbaum had never threatened to kill him? No. Never told him, if I get you alone, I’ll f’ing kill you? No.

What if, Chirafisi asked, you had been alone, and Rosenbaum had threatened to kill you under that circumstance, and you saw him charging you at full speed, screaming “F-you!” and fighting to take your gun from you, would you feel then that he was a threat?

Lackowski: “Oh, yeah, a threat to my life, yes.”


Otherwise, Lackowski’s testimony was much along the lines of Ryan Balch, very favorable to Kyle Rittenhouse, very negative about Rosenbaum.
Yes. I wasn't considering that. But, one was still a pedophile, and Democrats love deviants and rapists, especially those with 'initiative' like the vermin who chased Rittenhouse down to kill him.

If an outsider comes into my neighborhood with a gun and starts doing threating things (like shooting people) then look for me to chase them down and kill them unless the cops intervenes. And I don't give a crap what party affiliation they have nor what I have. Kyle is damned lucky he did it there. Around here, he would be dead.

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