Leader in Whitmer kidnap plot sentenced to 16 years

Just a word of thanks to all those who thank me for my posts. You are easily the majority of late, who outnumber the 'thumb downs' by a wide margin.

Attitudes in America are changing!

Thanks for that!

Does he look like a typical MAGA? HA! No wonder the kidnap plot failed?
"Typical MAGA" is a white, black, brown, red, or yellow, man or woman who loves America and does not want to see it divided, weakened and corrupted by the Chinacrats.

Does he look like a typical MAGA? HA! No wonder the kidnap plot failed?
Just goes to prove that planning to kidnap and execute a sitting governor is generally a pretty dumb idea.

This may, hopefully, send a signal to the keyboard warriors, Nutjob-militia nutters, general huff&puffers who threaten that an insurrection is nigh, that justice is coming for (it's a U-Pick-Em): Democrats, Progressives, Liberals, College Educated, LGBTQ, marxists (small '
m'), communists (even smaller 'c'), vaxxers, and in general, anybody that the RWNJ's think is one of the Lizard People.

"They were accused of being at the helm of a wild plot to whip up anti-government extremists just before the 2020 presidential election. Their arrest, as well as the capture of 12 others, was a stunning coda to a tumultuous year of racial strife and political turmoil in the U.S.

The government had pushed for a life sentence, saying Croft offered bomb-making skills and ideology while Fox was the “driving force urging their recruits to take up arms, kidnap the governor and kill those who stood in their way.”
But Judge Robert J. Jonker said that while Fox’s sentence was needed as a punishment and deterrent to future similar acts, the government’s request for life in prison is “not necessary to achieve those purposes.”
“It’s too much. Something less than life gets the job done in this case,” Jonker said, later adding that 16 years in prison “is still in my mind a very long time.”

In addition to the 16-year prison sentence, Fox will have to serve five years of supervised release.
Yesterday's "news".

When are you asswipes going to bother looking down a little bit, to see if a thread has already been started on the given topic?

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