Leader Of Dem Sit-in Was On No-Fly List Himself

In the rush to take our guns, the hypocrisy by Democrats is glaring. Democrats think that love will protect us from a terrorist attack. Obama just released another terrorist from GITMO, most of which have gone back to terrorism, yet he and the Dems want to use an attack, the cause of which can be directly linked to the White House, as a reason to take away our rights. All of this screaming and yelling over a bill that will not save one single life.

Rep Lewis Was Once On The No-Fly List He Wants To Use To Restrict Gun Rights

Democratic Rep. John Lewis was erroneously put on the no-fly list he now wants to use to restrict gun ownership for U.S. citizens.

Lewis staged a “sit-in” at the House of Representatives Wednesday to call for a law barring people on the federal no-fly list from purchasing guns. But Lewis himself was erroneously put on the list at one point for an entire year, meaning he would have been unable to buy a gun had his new proposal been law.

Several different gun control measures have been circulating in Congress in the wake of Omar Mateen’s June 12 shooting spree at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida. One of the proposals would ban anybody on the federal government’s no-fly list from purchasing a gun. In the House, Lewis has become a champion of such a rule, leading an occupation of the House floor to demand a vote on the measure.

Lewis may view the no-fly list as a good vehicle for stopping terrorists from getting weapons. But terrorists wouldn’t be the only people hindered by Collins’ proposal. In fact, if such a law had existed a decade ago, Lewis himself would have been victimized by it.

Press accounts from 2004 to 2008 reveal that Lewis’ name somehow ended up on the federal no-fly list, and remained there for years despite his best efforts to get it off. In 2004, he claimed he was stopped 35 to 40 times in a single year by airport personnel who tried to keep him from flying. Presumably, if the “no fly, no gun” law had been in place then, Lewis would have had even more trouble buying a gun than he had getting on a plane.

Lewis isn’t the only prominent person to have trouble with the no-fly list, as Sen. Ted Kennedy and singer Cat Stevens also claimed they were mistakenly placed on it. Their experiences illustrate one of the chief criticisms of the no-fly list: That it can limit individual rights while giving individuals very limited power to fight back.

According to the FBI, the current no-fly list has about 81,000 names, although only a few hundred of them are Americans.​

These characters are just pissed off at the process by which they swore to uphold.
Typical liberal thinking. When the rules do not work to their advantage, cry FOUL and demand the rules be changed.
Your intro in that post is 100% bullshit.

We want your guns!!!!

Woman Standing: "hey guys, we gotta get up. They want to vacuum the carpet".
Guy sitting with his head turned right: What the fuck is this shit. Don't these picaninnies know what a sit in is?. We ain't movin'"
Even if Mateen couldn't have bought a gun, he could have driven a van full of explosives into the club. He could have walked into the club with a suicide vest. Thousands of Syrians get killed in their market places with bombs. Terrorists don't need guns to kill lots of people.
There will be another massacre by some kind of crazy for some other reason, and once again, we will find that there were all kinds of warning signs, but the NRA and the fruitloops here are more worried about the profits of the merchants of death than the safety of citizens.

There is no rational reason for citizens to own the modern weapons of war. Guns that were designed specifically for killing other humans and no other purpose. There have been many suggestions as to how to allow these weapons for citizens but keep them out of the hands of the crazies. And the gun nuts and NRA have scuttled everyone of them. At some point, the general population will tire of the slaughter and outlaw the ownership of the assault weapons. And you fools will have only yourselves to blame.
Define "modern weapons of war".
"Democratic Rep. John Lewis was erroneously put on the no-fly list"


The no fly list is not an issue by which to remove gun rights of all Americans.

Anyone who opposes blocking gun sales to those on the no fly list are terrorist sympathizers.

Bullshit. I oppose using the no fly list which is A) rife with mistakes and B) composed completely in secret as a tool to prevent people from exercising their 2nd Amendment rights, that doesn't mean I don't favor other , more transparent methods of doing so.

The solution is simple, Full FBI background checks for anyone who wants the ability to buy a gun. If you get caught owning a gun without having undergone said background check , 10 years in prison. NO exceptions.

If you don't want to undergo the FBI background check, tough shit.
That's essentially gun confiscation.

Some people have guns that have been in the family for decades if not over a hundred years. Are you gonna throw then in prison for that?
I think we as level headed intelligent adults can come to an understanding that although the right to keep and bear arms is sacrosanct, we can also come to an understanding that that right is not absolute.
For example, I see nothing wrong with a person going through a similar licensing procedure ( written test and training courses) as one does when they wish to operate a motor vehicle on a public roadway. I also see no reason to not undergo at least a State background check. Heck we are subject to these when we accept employment offers.
What I see here are two fringe factions engaging in this fight. One is for absolute gun rights. The other is in support of eliminating the right to keep and bear arms.
Meanwhile the rest of us are growing weary of this bickering.
Show us Obama "caught red-handed, giving guns to drug cartels."
Barack Obama ATF Scandal: 8 Facts About Fast and Furious You Might Not Know
And don't come back with "Obama had no knowledge"...
There you go. Circling the wagons around your liberal brethren
Circling wagons to protect truth always from you far right reactionary rump raiders.
Truth? What truth?....And jakey....I warn you. Don't make this personal.
If you want a bar room brawl. Let me know. Because I will not hold back. And I don't give a rat's ass about forum rules.
I did not engage in issues of sexuality. So cut the shit.
Now, it's your call.
(1) Every member of Congress swears an Oath of Office, promising to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.

(2) The Second Amendment affirms every American's individual right to "...keep and bear arms." (The right is granted by God, and protected by Government).

(3) The Fifth Amendment states that Americans shall not be deprived of "...life, liberty, or property..." without "due process of law."

(4) The laws on which the Democrats are "demanding" a vote would deprive Americans of the right to purchase (and own) firearms if they are found on a list that is generated without "due process," on the theory that such persons could probably, after spending time and money in some court, have their names removed from the "no-fly" list. This provision would be blatantly unconstitutional, as pointed out by the Speaker of the House. Consequently, he decreed that the House will (and should) not vote on a measure that it knows to be unconstitutional.

(5) Nothing in the proposed legislation would have prevented or significantly altered any aspect of the recent mass killings, other than the tools that were chosen to carry out those killings. It is like noting the large number of people killed in traffic accidents involving Chevy's, then making Chevy's illegal in the hope that that will stop traffic fatalities. It is mere silliness.

(6) The "Negro" legislators participating in this farce should be censured for their dishonesty. The problem in the "Black" community is not assault weapons or people on the "no fly" list buying guns. It is the devaluation of human life brought about by the welfare state.

Until someone comes up with a concept that can be Constitutionally implemented in a law or regulation that can have a significant impact on these lone-wolf mass-killers, Congress should have the humility to recognize that it is pointless to pass stupid laws (e.g., the creation of TSA) in response to any bad event or circumstance.
Fallacy of False Authority to Appeal and False Bias Conclusion.

No civil liberty is completely unrestricted. None.
While it is obvious our rights in the Bill of Rights are not absolute, the OP was not discussing this issue.
"Democratic Rep. John Lewis was erroneously put on the no-fly list"


The no fly list is not an issue by which to remove gun rights of all Americans.

Anyone who opposes blocking gun sales to those on the no fly list are terrorist sympathizers.
Then Democrats are terrorist sympathizers, because they refused to work with Republicans and pass a bill.

You see nothing with selling Omar Mateen an assault weapon...

You are just really a sick fucker...
"Democratic Rep. John Lewis was erroneously put on the no-fly list"


The no fly list is not an issue by which to remove gun rights of all Americans.

Anyone who opposes blocking gun sales to those on the no fly list are terrorist sympathizers.
Then Democrats are terrorist sympathizers, because they refused to work with Republicans and pass a bill.

You see nothing with selling Omar Mateen an assault weapon...

You are just really a sick fucker...
Just how in the hell did you arrive at that conclusion?
The no fly list is not an issue by which to remove gun rights of all Americans.

No, it's a secretive list with no oversight that would remove gun rights of Americans put on it even erroneously, which lots of innocent people have, including members of Congress.

Anyone who opposes blocking gun sales to those on the no fly list are terrorist sympathizers.

Anyone who opposes the Fifth Amendment right to Due Process is a totalitarian fascist.

Which one are you, Jake?
Show us Obama "caught red-handed, giving guns to drug cartels."
Barack Obama ATF Scandal: 8 Facts About Fast and Furious You Might Not Know
And don't come back with "Obama had no knowledge"...
There you go. Circling the wagons around your liberal brethren
Circling wagons to protect truth always from you far right reactionary rump raiders.
Truth? What truth?....And jakey....I warn you. Don't make this personal.
If you want a bar room brawl. Let me know. Because I will not hold back. And I don't give a rat's ass about forum rules.
I did not engage in issues of sexuality. So cut the shit.
Now, it's your call.
Personal? You?? :) If you are not a rump raider, don't act like one. Your only warning.

The sit in is pointing out the fallacy of either or on the no fly list issue.

Bottom line: those banned should not have access to weapons.

So: come up with a way that meets 2d Amendment concerns.
The no fly list is not an issue by which to remove gun rights of all Americans.

No, it's a secretive list with no oversight that would remove gun rights of Americans put on it even erroneously, which lots of innocent people have, including members of Congress.

Anyone who opposes blocking gun sales to those on the no fly list are terrorist sympathizers.

Anyone who opposes the Fifth Amendment right to Due Process is a totalitarian fascist.

Which one are you, Jake?
That is a fallacy of either or when alternatives are available. You know it.

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