
You need to replace Dem with Repub and Drumpf with Obama and 4 with 8. "You lie"
So the MSM and Hollywood were unfair to Obama to the point of writing 93% negative stories and insulting shows about him? Bullshit.
So the FBI, CIA, and DOJ setup Obama by falsifying evidence to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Obama? Bullshit.
So the FBI setup an Obama staff member like Comey setup General Flynn with a Perjury Trap? Bullshit.
So the DOJ setup something like the Mueller Investigation into Russia Collusion? Bullshit.
So Obama's wingman agreed to wear a wire to setup Obama for the 25th Amendment? Bullshit.

Obama got a pass from a fawning press corp, and Trump had a hostile fake news corp to deal with. TRUTH.
So the MSM and Hollywood were unfair to Obama to the point of writing 93% negative stories and insulting shows about him? Bullshit.
So the FBI, CIA, and DOJ setup Obama by falsifying evidence to get illegal FISA warrants to spy on Obama? Bullshit.
So the FBI setup an Obama staff member like Comey setup General Flynn with a Perjury Trap? Bullshit.
So the DOJ setup something like the Mueller Investigation into Russia Collusion? Bullshit.
So Obama's wingman agreed to wear a wire to setup Obama for the 25th Amendment? Bullshit.

Obama got a pass from a fawning press corp, and Trump had a hostile fake news corp to deal with. TRUTH.
Drumpf was a fucking crook. Obama was a leader. The reason Drumpf got dragged through the dirt is because he was nothing but a crime lord that convinced enough dumb people to vote for him so that the electoral college appointed him prez. You cant compare two totally different personas and expect people to treat them identically.

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