Leaked audio tapes of hunter. Too bad for the anti tiktokers on the conservative side. Can't hear them.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Their hero folks.....sigh....

I am literally running out of things to say...

There is quite literally nothing to say. Nothing. Just feelings of pity for him, the pathetic people in the demonic party he belongs to, and the vast millions of mesmerized contaminated souls that follow them.

Just pity
Oh, wait. Sorry. I forgot that folks were largely in bipartisan agreement that the son of a sitting President should, by default, receive special treatment simply because he is the son of a sitting President.

Forgot where I was for a minute there...
There's still a lot to be said about Hunter. For example he can cop to crimes that deflect from the Bidens' crimes in fomenting war in the Ukraine.

The Trump side needs to resist the temptation of going for the lowhanging fruit.

Joe and Hunter are guilty as hell but the rightist dogs might not really want to catch the car.

The rest of the world is on the verge of understanding how America started a proxy war against Russia. And the reason why!
It's like a train wreck in slow motion. Tomorrow we should hear more damaging evidence. But some useful idiots will still say "I didn't vote for Hunter." And think that they are clever. At this point every thinking American must face the fact that Joe Biden's family has profited in illegal commerce.
And once that has been settled they must consider the possibility that China , Ukraine and other countries might have "smoking gun proof" that would destroy Pedo Peter instantly. That would explain a lot. $100 Billion to Ukraine with very little accountability. A Chinese spy balloon allowed. "Green" policies that cripple our nation and create huge profits for China. Perhaps..just perhaps..We have a president that has been "compromised". To dismiss this idea is idiotic at this point.
For me I find it interesting that when Joe Biden claimed to have never discussed business with Hunter,... all thinking American's saw that as an obvious lie. Joe wanted his supporters to believe that many of his family member were quickly becoming millionaires and that the particular subject of how they were doing that never came up at the dinner table..... And so many useful idiots believed that. Now they must feel stupid.
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For me I find it interesting that when Joe Biden claimed to have never discussed business with Hunter,... all thinking American's saw that as an obvious lie. Joe wanted is supporters to believe that many of his family member were quickly becoming millionaires and that the particular subject of how they were doing that never came up at the dinner table..... And so many useful idiots believed that. Now they must feel stupid.
Be prepared. Make yourself good with the Lord. Not kidding. Make yourself good. Repent, confess, all of it. Pray, and ask for the courage and grace. Cause martyrdom is on its way.

If we can persevere in a state of grace....

Pray now. The tribulations are upon us.
Hunter is now a loose cannon like no other loose cannon in American history. He just admitted to Chinese payouts, essentially calling the "big guy" out as a fibber. His plea deal fell through, and he is now realizing that he won't be given permission to do drugs and buy hookers from now on. Cannons don't get much looser than that.

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