Leaked Documents Coach Teachers About How to Spot and Recruit LGBT (or LGBT-Persuadable) Students, and How to Hide All of This From Mom and Dad


You're starting to sound increasingly like a leftist. :p

You're basically telling me the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and I'm telling you we ARE the many!

I'm not in Michigan lately. But three days ago I was in Burbank, now I'm in Oklahoma, and three days from now I'll be in Philly. Been to Philly lately? It's a mess.

Yes, I pay taxes. Lots of them. And you're absolutely right, that gives me the direct right as a taxpaying parent, to participate in "one" school district.

But - I'm not after "you". (Teachers). I'm only encouraging you to stand up.

I'm after bigger fish. I'm after the curriculum. The Superintendents of Education, or whatever they call them in your area. As I'm sure you well know, curriculum filters down all the way from the feds.

I'm organizing groups of parents, in various cities. Because this problem is all over the place, not just in San Francisco which we recently left - it's in Oklahoma and PA and I'm sure it's in Michigan too.

I can see that you're proud of your work. That's fine. If you're not giving up your kids to the leftists, then I have no complaint with you.

But if you're getting mandates from the state and you're not saying (or doing) anything about it then I have a bone to pick with you.

Yes, in the professional world we hire people for their expertise and we trust them to get the job done. Obviously, there some teachers and administrators we can NOT trust and therefore we have to watch. These rotten few are going to cause trouble for all y'all, and as a parent I'm very sorry but we need to enforce against these idiots and YOU SHOULD TOO.

I don't care what bone you pick with me; you are wholly unrelated to anything I do or am. I was here a long, long time before you arrived. I cared before you even had kids in school. But you have lost me. You will lose many more if you come at teachers with your Jerk Suit on.
These teachers need to be beaten and whipped on the town square then tarred and feathered.
Negative, but you can certainly file a complaint about a dangerous part of town and see what happens. That's the input I was referring to.

And I agree with you there. Anyone who pays in has input and A PUBLIC SERVANT is beholden to listen. I take that seriously and always have. However, someone who is YOUR servant must obey direct orders that come from you. That's a very big difference.

Nevermind that this cat said I am also his children's servant. What an attitude to teach your children huh? Their teachers are their servants. That'll work out great I'm sure.
I don't care what bone you pick with me; you are wholly unrelated to anything I do or am. I was here a long, long time before you arrived. I cared before you even had kids in school. But you have lost me. You will lose many more if you come at teachers with your Jerk Suit on.
Excuse me, but you didn't get the point.

You get curriculum. That's a piece of paper with instructions on it.

It DOES NOT MATTER if it comes from me, or the State of Michigan, or some leftist idiot in a clown suit.

Like it or not, you ARE the servant of whatever it says on that piece of paper.

And, regardless of who your master is, you have two choices: either do what the paper says, or lose your job.

You don't have to take any of this personally. However in a way I'm glad you did. Because right now the leftists are your masters, that's what it says on the piece of paper.

And if you don't like being a servant, then throw off the yoke!

I know a LOT about teachers and teaching. But only in the inner city liberal hellholes like San Francisco. I could tell you stories though, that would make your hair curl right up into an afro.

The thing is, it matters, because that's where all the kids are. In the population centers. They're getting a raw deal right now. They're not learning, instead they're being brainwashed. Test scores are the lowest in a dozen years. My choice of words is entirely, completely inconsequential, and I suggest you ignore me and just pay attention to the kids. They need your help.
Excuse me, but you didn't get the point.

You get curriculum. That's a piece of paper with instructions on it.

It DOES NOT MATTER if it comes from me, or the State of Michigan, or some leftist idiot in a clown suit.

Like it or not, you ARE the servant of whatever it says on that piece of paper.

And, regardless of who your master is, you have two choices: either do what the paper says, or lose your job.

You don't have to take any of this personally. However in a way I'm glad you did. Because right now the leftists are your masters, that's what it says on the piece of paper.

And if you don't like being a servant, then throw off the yoke!

I know a LOT about teachers and teaching. But only in the inner city liberal hellholes like San Francisco. I could tell you stories though, that would make your hair curl right up into an afro.

The thing is, it matters, because that's where all the kids are. In the population centers. They're getting a raw deal right now. They're not learning, instead they're being brainwashed. Test scores are the lowest in a dozen years. My choice of words is entirely, completely inconsequential, and I suggest you ignore me and just pay attention to the kids. They need your help.

I don't think you realize the depth of ignorance your posts reveal.

Just for starters--you bragged about the fact that you get curricular input once a YEAR at your private school, ASSUMING that no public schools allow for this. You assume a LOT which is in itself an admission that you are mostly ignorant about the entire process.

You cannot take what goes on in San Fran and overlay it on Lincoln Nebraska or Michigan or Florida. The schools in the US are as diverse as the US itself. That's just for starters.

For enders the leeway teachers have with curriculum is also very diverse. If you thought about it for a second you would recognize this. How is it you think these TikTok teachers are sneaking all this Leftist stuff in that's not in the curriculum? Because they have leeway.

This is just a peek at the stuff you THINK you know but do not.
This is the second time you've tried to avoid responsibility for any of this.

If you're a teacher, you HAVE responsibility. Part of your job is to protect the children, to stand up to the dimwits that are pushing this stuff on them

Yes, it's a risk. In CA you're likely to get fired. But you know what? FIGHT BACK! Don't sit there and take it. Our children are depending on you, you need to stand up. Even if it means personal risk.

If you get fired for fighting the good fight, there are people who will cover your back. You don't have to be fearful.
How do you fight something not in your state? There is this legal term called "standing". She has none.
Excuse me, but you didn't get the point.

You get curriculum. That's a piece of paper with instructions on it.

It DOES NOT MATTER if it comes from me, or the State of Michigan, or some leftist idiot in a clown suit.

Like it or not, you ARE the servant of whatever it says on that piece of paper.

And, regardless of who your master is, you have two choices: either do what the paper says, or lose your job.

You don't have to take any of this personally. However in a way I'm glad you did. Because right now the leftists are your masters, that's what it says on the piece of paper.

And if you don't like being a servant, then throw off the yoke!

I know a LOT about teachers and teaching. But only in the inner city liberal hellholes like San Francisco. I could tell you stories though, that would make your hair curl right up into an afro.

The thing is, it matters, because that's where all the kids are. In the population centers. They're getting a raw deal right now. They're not learning, instead they're being brainwashed. Test scores are the lowest in a dozen years. My choice of words is entirely, completely inconsequential, and I suggest you ignore me and just pay attention to the kids. They need your help.
Curriculum tells you what to teach, not how to teach.
How do you fight something not in your state? There is this legal term called "standing". She has none.

Oh you know in this cat's head I teach in MI so I'm responsible for what every teacher in every classroom all across the entire USA does.

That makes sense right?


Isn't this exactly the dunderheaded crap the Left was saying about "defund the police"? That all cops were twisted and crooked and they were all responsible for what one of them did?

Hey how did that particular Moral Panic turn out? huh
I don't think you realize the depth of ignorance your posts reveal.

Just for starters--you bragged about the fact that you get curricular input once a YEAR at your private school, ASSUMING that no public schools allow for this. You assume a LOT which is in itself an admission that you are mostly ignorant about the entire process.

You cannot take what goes on in San Fran and overlay it on Lincoln Nebraska or Michigan or Florida. The schools in the US are as diverse as the US itself. That's just for starters.

For enders the leeway teachers have with curriculum is also very diverse. If you thought about it for a second you would recognize this. How is it you think these TikTok teachers are sneaking all this Leftist stuff in that's not in the curriculum? Because they have leeway.

This is just a peek at the stuff you THINK you know but do not.
Why are you fighting with me?

Don't fight me, it's a bad idea.

My parents' groups are already very, very powerful. We WILL control the curriculum. Trust me, we have all kinds of people who can make educators' heads explode.

I repeat: you're not the problem here. You shouldn't be fighting me. You should be paying attention to the kids, not to me.

The problem with curriculum, is the people listen to policy wonks instead of scientists and engineers. And THAT is going to change. Because we know how the money flows.

You have very thin skin for a teacher. Bent out of shape by a word? Yeah really?

Hey, look over there, there's a kid.

No one over here but us old farts.
Why are you fighting with me?

Don't fight me, it's a bad idea.

My parents' groups are already very, very powerful. We WILL control the curriculum. Trust me, we have all kinds of people who can make educators' heads explode.

I repeat: you're not the problem here. You shouldn't be fighting me. You should be paying attention to the kids, not to me.

The problem with curriculum, is the people listen to policy wonks instead of scientists and engineers. And THAT is going to change. Because we know how the money flows.

You have very thin skin for a teacher. Bent out of shape by a word? Yeah really?

Hey, look over there, there's a kid.

No one over here but us old farts.

You need to get a lot better at this if you really hope to make inroads.
You need to get a lot better at this if you really hope to make inroads.
Inroads on a discussion forum? :p

Why, you want to join my group? :p :p :p

Nah, this is R&R. Just a hobby. I'm not operating under the delusion that I'm going to change anyone's vote by saying a few words. :)
This is your government.

The absolute perfect hunting grounds for a child predator. Kids are being pre-coached that they're supposed to keep sex stuff secret.
I am convicted in my spirit to tell you all that if America continues in this direction then all people should redouble their efforts to examine themselves and their relationship with and or belief in God. I cannot see such wickedness stand for very long before God decides it's time to wind up the prophetical clock and sound the first trumpet, break the first seal, and pour the first bowl of wrath upon the Earth.

This comes on the heals of the HHS secretary declaring that minors can now have sex change surgeries. This administration is actively pushing and promoting homosexuality on our children and at the same time is giving a wink and a nod to pedophilia.

Secretary Xavier Becerra

On this International #TransDayofVisibility, I say to our transgender communities: we see you, we stand with you, and we will be there for you. For the first time in history, the transgender flag is flying in front of a federal agency,
@HHSGov’s Hubert Humphrey building.

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My salary is funded by local property taxes and the state. Do you live in Michigan? That's first.

Second, being a salaried employee does not make you the employer's SERVANT. From Merriam-Webster:
The meaning of SERVANT is one that serves others; especially : one that performs duties about the person or home of a master or personal employer.--

Note the strong connotation here is "master". But the biggest point of all is that I teach many multiple children at one time, making the demands of odious parents like you immaterial and impossible to fulfill. I cannot and do not act as your "servant" because I am not hired in any such capacity as personal tutor there to fulfill your personal needs. I see to the needs of MANY children and families, not just YOURS.
Uh oh....now you are getting into REAL definitions of words. Certain people here HATE that and will call you a troll for actually asking for or providing REAL definitions.
Uh oh....now you are getting into REAL definitions of words. Certain people here HATE that and will call you a troll for actually asking for or providing REAL definitions.

Leftists are the biggest offenders of that, even to the point of being unable to define what a woman is, might I remind you. As others in this thread have pointed out, here we are just attempting to discern the difference between a "public servant" (which I am) and any one person's "MY servant", which I am not.

You're starting to sound increasingly like a leftist. :p

You're basically telling me the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, and I'm telling you we ARE the many!

I'm not in Michigan lately. But three days ago I was in Burbank, now I'm in Oklahoma, and three days from now I'll be in Philly. Been to Philly lately? It's a mess.

Yes, I pay taxes. Lots of them. And you're absolutely right, that gives me the direct right as a taxpaying parent, to participate in "one" school district.

But - I'm not after "you". (Teachers). I'm only encouraging you to stand up.

I'm after bigger fish. I'm after the curriculum. The Superintendents of Education, or whatever they call them in your area. As I'm sure you well know, curriculum filters down all the way from the feds.

I'm organizing groups of parents, in various cities. Because this problem is all over the place, not just in San Francisco which we recently left - it's in Oklahoma and PA and I'm sure it's in Michigan too.

I can see that you're proud of your work. That's fine. If you're not giving up your kids to the leftists, then I have no complaint with you.

But if you're getting mandates from the state and you're not saying (or doing) anything about it then I have a bone to pick with you.

Yes, in the professional world we hire people for their expertise and we trust them to get the job done. Obviously, there some teachers and administrators we can NOT trust and therefore we have to watch. These rotten few are going to cause trouble for all y'all, and as a parent I'm very sorry but we need to enforce against these idiots and YOU SHOULD TOO.
Nah, she's just batshit crazy.

I've enjoyed the exchange between you thee... it's like mental-midget wrestling.

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