Leaked emails from transgender doctors state link between hormone therapy and cancer.


Diamond Member
May 2, 2021
A journalist has posted a great many emails communications from leading transgender health professionals where they talked about the ill effects of transgender care.

Granted this is just email communications and no real case studies provided but I don't doubt at some point more will come forward with this as it becomes more and more of an issue. With such rapid and widespread treatments you can't gauge long term effects till they happen. All these so called doctors just jumped on a social justice bandwagon in order to cash in on a trend. They should have their licenses revoked. No doctor worth their salt would just dive right into surgeries and drugs.

Hopefully more doctors will have a crisis of conscious and come forward. You can't take adolescents and start injecting them with chemicals their bodies either don't naturally produce or produce in very limited quantities there by altering their bodies in ways their genetic code wasn't designed for and not expect negative outcomes.

These people need better families, they need mental health treatment and they need a better society to grow up in. Not surgeries and drugs that do nothing but support their mental health issues and damage them physically and biologically.
Hormones are powerful agents, the fact that they can encourage the growth of different cancers has been known for many decades and the fact has been used by clinicians.

If a man wants to become a transvestite and look like a broad or a reasonable facsimile thereof, makeup and clothes can do a tremendous job.

The 3 dames in this photo are actually men, and no one is the wiser.

It wasn't long ago that the height of treatment for mental illness was driving a metal spike into the brain and hoping the patient didn't die, suffer from convulsions the rest of his/her life or become a drooling vegetable. I predict that, in the future, psychologists will look back at the way we treat confused children and shudder in revulsion.
I guess it does make sense. Hormone therapy for menopausal women or men with low T is only prescribed for so long due to increased risks in cancer. I would imagine that risk is still the same for trans. Chalk that up to another risk of the warm and fuzzy life saving gender affirming care.

Oh and here is another link:

Gender transition side effects include death, patients have severe mental illness: leaked convos​

World Professional Association for Transgender Health members swap candid stories, seek advice in private forum, panel discussion. Testosterone wreaks havoc on women's bodies over time. WPATH dismisses "scare tactics."


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