Leaked emails reveals Clintons true gun control intentions

specific proposals she would support as President - universal background checks of course, but also closing the gun show loophole by executive orderand imposing manufacturer liability.

orks for me

A purposefully deceitful misnomer. Firearms dealers are subject to the same laws whether they sell at a retail strip mall, a gunshow, or out of their personal garage. What you're proposing is that we outlaw a father giving his son grandpa's rifle.

That you have zero evidence such a new law would prevent a single crime is telling.

I think you should need a background check to give your family a book. Deal?
Then why would you oppose closing a gun show loophole?

Why do you want to sell to criminals?

If a father gives his son grandpas car, he must report it

Because criminals do not buy firearms at gunshows! They buy them on the black market and/or steal them. Dealers at gun shows have to follow the law. Criminals do not follow the law. Duh! And if some thug father is going to give his thug son a gun to commit crime, no law in the world is going to stop him. THAT'S why I oppose your bullshit regulation.

Why do you want to impede the ability of good people to defend themselves?

A car, eh? You want to handle firearms like we handle cars? Great! Keep in mind:
  • One does NOT need a background check to buy a car;
  • One does NOT need a license to operate a car on their own property, only if they operate the vehicle on public roads; and
  • The purchase and operation of a vehicle is dictated by state laws, the Feds have ZERO say.


Other than those who want to drive up and down their driveway...

We require you to be licensed, track each purchase, register each vehicle and require insurance

I'm OK with doing that for guns if you are

No state required licensing, tracking or registration to use a car on private property, only if you're driving on public roads and where licensing, registration, and insurance is required, it's state level law only (no feds). Further, there is never a background check required.

Sure, I'm okay with that for firearms, as long as state laws don't infringe on the right, we're golden.

Careful what you ask for...
His father was KKK and there's no doubt he agrees with and inherited that sickness but he's mostly just afraid of blacks, Jews, women, Hispanics, etc. And he's terrified of real men.

To me it's about Propriety, not Fear. There is a Proper way for people to live. Any nation, Society, Culture, etc.... that is not following those principles has no value.

Who is it that makes these rules?
mmmhmm...OK...lol. A nationalist is someone that puts his country first. Hitler was a NATIONAL socialist but he still did business and made pacts with other nations.

No. A Nationalist is someone who places value ONLY on their nation. A true Nationalist is inherently an Isolationist as well.
Well being a Nationalist which puts your nation first would mean doing business with whoever gives you the best deal and it best helps your people. As a founding father said
“Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none” Thomas Jefferson. That suits me just fine.Otherwise you are going to run out of business in your nation alone.
Well being a Nationalist which puts your nation first would mean doing business with whoever gives you the best deal and it best helps your people. As a founding father said “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none” Thomas Jefferson. That suits me just fine.Otherwise you are going to run out of business in your nation alone.

I disagree with Mr. Jefferson. Anything we can't make here, we don't need.
Well being a Nationalist which puts your nation first would mean doing business with whoever gives you the best deal and it best helps your people. As a founding father said “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none” Thomas Jefferson. That suits me just fine.Otherwise you are going to run out of business in your nation alone.

I disagree with Mr. Jefferson. Anything we can't make here, we don't need.
How about bananas? Pineapple? Coconut? Nickle? Platinum? Manganese? Chromium? Diamonds? Cobalt?
Well being a Nationalist which puts your nation first would mean doing business with whoever gives you the best deal and it best helps your people. As a founding father said “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none” Thomas Jefferson. That suits me just fine.Otherwise you are going to run out of business in your nation alone.

I disagree with Mr. Jefferson. Anything we can't make here, we don't need.
How about bananas? Pineapple? Coconut? Nickle? Platinum? Manganese? Chromium? Diamonds? Cobalt?
Can't we get the first 3 in Hawaii or Puerto Rico? Hell this is why I think the US under a different ideology and leadership should control and inhabit the world.

His father was KKK and there's no doubt he agrees with and inherited that sickness but he's mostly just afraid of blacks, Jews, women, Hispanics, etc. And he's terrified of real men.

To me it's about Propriety, not Fear. There is a Proper way for people to live. Any nation, Society, Culture, etc.... that is not following those principles has no value.

Who is it that makes these rules?
The voices in his head.
Well being a Nationalist which puts your nation first would mean doing business with whoever gives you the best deal and it best helps your people. As a founding father said “Peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations...entangling alliances with none” Thomas Jefferson. That suits me just fine.Otherwise you are going to run out of business in your nation alone.

I disagree with Mr. Jefferson. Anything we can't make here, we don't need.
How about bananas? Pineapple? Coconut? Nickle? Platinum? Manganese? Chromium? Diamonds? Cobalt?

Uranium. Titanium. Magnesium. Bismuth. Bauxite. Tin. Tungsten.
you forgot to say your a stupid independent use to be, now repub-lie-tard we get it we saw your post
I don't consider myself a republican but had to change to vote for Trump :) If he loses I will change back....:) Back to your crying now.
now I ask you all out there ... have any of you voter ever saw a ballot where it didn't have both parties on it ??? just saying .... here's this moron here who said he had to change his ballot to republican so he can vote republican ... is that stupid or what ???? really !!!!! I ask you have you ever seen such a moronic statement ever ... now you know why we say repub-lie-tards are retarded
You go in they ask you what ballot you want. Might be different in your state. I wonder if this idiotic statement of yours is as stupid as not knowing about the non existent gun show loophole LOL
Other than those who want to drive up and down their driveway...

We require you to be licensed, track each purchase, register each vehicle and require insurance

I'm OK with doing that for guns if you are

Licensing gun owners does nothing to stop crime or mass shootings and on top of that it would be a Literacy test on the Right to bear arms...which is unConstitutional.
lets see the guys in littleton colorado license gun owner ... the guy that kill all these children at sandy hook, license gun owner ... the guy who shot the people in colorado at the movie theater, license gun owner ... all of them had one thing in common they were nut cases ... hillary want all nut cases not to be able to buy guns... you're agai9ns that right??? cause only license gun owneres are the ones who never commit a crime right???

Moron....what did licensing gun owners do to stop these mass shootings? are you really this fucking stupid....? What does licensing gun owners do to stop the 9,616 gun murders in 2015....90% of them committed by people who could not get a gun license, they can't buy, own or carry a gun...

so please, genius....what is the point to licensing law abiding gun owners?

and every single shooting you point out...was a gun free zone...created by morons like you to stop mass shootings at those locations........so law abiding gun owners left their guns at home...and the killers had gun free killing zones .......
and another gun nut goes off the deep end... you keep making a fool of yourself ... thoses killers had one thing in common ... they were nut cases ... nut cases with the anility to buy a gun you idiot pull you head out of your ass ... Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold bought their guns at a gun show ... why ??? they didn't have to go through a back ground check ... moron

See, moron...they got their guns from a straw buyer...who bypassed the background check for them because she was able to pass the background check....so even if you have fucking universal background checks, she still could have bought the guns for them...since she could already pass the fucking background check....

There is nothing that you know about guns that is true, factual or based in reality.....

Robyn Anderson

Robyn Anderson was a close friend to Dylan and partially knew Eric. In November or December of 1998, Anderson and both boys went to a store that sold firearms. Anderson purchased three of the guns for Eric and Dylan, who were both under aged and could not acquire them themselves. These guns were the Hi-point Carbine rifle, the pump action shotgun, and the double barrelled shotgun. She was unaware what they intended to use the guns for at the time. Once the guns were purchased, Eric and Dylan would saw the barrels of their shotguns for easy concealability.
sorry they bought them through the gun show dumb fuck ... a guy who had a stand in the show who was required to do back ground checks .... with the new laws straw buys would no long be allowed period !!!! even a person in their home who wants to sell their gun...the person buying would have to go through a back ground check ... they would be checking if they are felons ... they would be checking if they were nut cases, all psychiatrist would have to list their nut cases ...all people who are involved in spousal abuse, people who are on the NO fly list ... its that simple anyone can call up give their name and their social and they will know if they can legally sell them a gun ... eric Haris was going to a psychiatrist he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns ... nest bull shit story you want to tell us ...
I don't consider myself a republican but had to change to vote for Trump :) If he loses I will change back....:) Back to your crying now.
now I ask you all out there ... have any of you voter ever saw a ballot where it didn't have both parties on it ??? just saying .... here's this moron here who said he had to change his ballot to republican so he can vote republican ... is that stupid or what ???? really !!!!! I ask you have you ever seen such a moronic statement ever ... now you know why we say repub-lie-tards are retarded
You go in they ask you what ballot you want. Might be different in your state. I wonder if this idiotic statement of yours is as stupid as not knowing about the non existent gun show loophole LOL
Licensing gun owners does nothing to stop crime or mass shootings and on top of that it would be a Literacy test on the Right to bear arms...which is unConstitutional.
lets see the guys in littleton colorado license gun owner ... the guy that kill all these children at sandy hook, license gun owner ... the guy who shot the people in colorado at the movie theater, license gun owner ... all of them had one thing in common they were nut cases ... hillary want all nut cases not to be able to buy guns... you're agai9ns that right??? cause only license gun owneres are the ones who never commit a crime right???

Moron....what did licensing gun owners do to stop these mass shootings? are you really this fucking stupid....? What does licensing gun owners do to stop the 9,616 gun murders in 2015....90% of them committed by people who could not get a gun license, they can't buy, own or carry a gun...

so please, genius....what is the point to licensing law abiding gun owners?

and every single shooting you point out...was a gun free zone...created by morons like you to stop mass shootings at those locations........so law abiding gun owners left their guns at home...and the killers had gun free killing zones .......
and another gun nut goes off the deep end... you keep making a fool of yourself ... thoses killers had one thing in common ... they were nut cases ... nut cases with the anility to buy a gun you idiot pull you head out of your ass ... Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold bought their guns at a gun show ... why ??? they didn't have to go through a back ground check ... moron

See, moron...they got their guns from a straw buyer...who bypassed the background check for them because she was able to pass the background check....so even if you have fucking universal background checks, she still could have bought the guns for them...since she could already pass the fucking background check....

There is nothing that you know about guns that is true, factual or based in reality.....

Robyn Anderson

Robyn Anderson was a close friend to Dylan and partially knew Eric. In November or December of 1998, Anderson and both boys went to a store that sold firearms. Anderson purchased three of the guns for Eric and Dylan, who were both under aged and could not acquire them themselves. These guns were the Hi-point Carbine rifle, the pump action shotgun, and the double barrelled shotgun. She was unaware what they intended to use the guns for at the time. Once the guns were purchased, Eric and Dylan would saw the barrels of their shotguns for easy concealability.
sorry they bought them through the gun show dumb fuck ... a guy who had a stand in the show who was required to do back ground checks .... with the new laws straw buys would no long be allowed period !!!! even a person in their home who wants to sell their gun...the person buying would have to go through a back ground check ... they would be checking if they are felons ... they would be checking if they were nut cases, all psychiatrist would have to list their nut cases ...all people who are involved in spousal abuse, people who are on the NO fly list ... its that simple anyone can call up give their name and their social and they will know if they can legally sell them a gun ... eric Haris was going to a psychiatrist he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns ... nest bull shit story you want to tell us ...

Moron.....she was 18 buying long guns and she would have passed a background check.....the guy checked her I.D. to make sure she was 18 because he wouldn't sell long guns to anyone under 18......were you born stupid or did you work at it?

Asswipe......Harris was underage, he couldn't buy a fucking gun in the first place........but he still got it and would have gotten it with universal background checks....
I don't consider myself a republican but had to change to vote for Trump :) If he loses I will change back....:) Back to your crying now.
now I ask you all out there ... have any of you voter ever saw a ballot where it didn't have both parties on it ??? just saying .... here's this moron here who said he had to change his ballot to republican so he can vote republican ... is that stupid or what ???? really !!!!! I ask you have you ever seen such a moronic statement ever ... now you know why we say repub-lie-tards are retarded
You go in they ask you what ballot you want. Might be different in your state. I wonder if this idiotic statement of yours is as stupid as not knowing about the non existent gun show loophole LOL
Licensing gun owners does nothing to stop crime or mass shootings and on top of that it would be a Literacy test on the Right to bear arms...which is unConstitutional.
lets see the guys in littleton colorado license gun owner ... the guy that kill all these children at sandy hook, license gun owner ... the guy who shot the people in colorado at the movie theater, license gun owner ... all of them had one thing in common they were nut cases ... hillary want all nut cases not to be able to buy guns... you're agai9ns that right??? cause only license gun owneres are the ones who never commit a crime right???

Moron....what did licensing gun owners do to stop these mass shootings? are you really this fucking stupid....? What does licensing gun owners do to stop the 9,616 gun murders in 2015....90% of them committed by people who could not get a gun license, they can't buy, own or carry a gun...

so please, genius....what is the point to licensing law abiding gun owners?

and every single shooting you point out...was a gun free zone...created by morons like you to stop mass shootings at those locations........so law abiding gun owners left their guns at home...and the killers had gun free killing zones .......
and another gun nut goes off the deep end... you keep making a fool of yourself ... thoses killers had one thing in common ... they were nut cases ... nut cases with the anility to buy a gun you idiot pull you head out of your ass ... Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold bought their guns at a gun show ... why ??? they didn't have to go through a back ground check ... moron

See, moron...they got their guns from a straw buyer...who bypassed the background check for them because she was able to pass the background check....so even if you have fucking universal background checks, she still could have bought the guns for them...since she could already pass the fucking background check....

There is nothing that you know about guns that is true, factual or based in reality.....

Robyn Anderson

Robyn Anderson was a close friend to Dylan and partially knew Eric. In November or December of 1998, Anderson and both boys went to a store that sold firearms. Anderson purchased three of the guns for Eric and Dylan, who were both under aged and could not acquire them themselves. These guns were the Hi-point Carbine rifle, the pump action shotgun, and the double barrelled shotgun. She was unaware what they intended to use the guns for at the time. Once the guns were purchased, Eric and Dylan would saw the barrels of their shotguns for easy concealability.
sorry they bought them through the gun show dumb fuck ... a guy who had a stand in the show who was required to do back ground checks .... with the new laws straw buys would no long be allowed period !!!! even a person in their home who wants to sell their gun...the person buying would have to go through a back ground check ... they would be checking if they are felons ... they would be checking if they were nut cases, all psychiatrist would have to list their nut cases ...all people who are involved in spousal abuse, people who are on the NO fly list ... its that simple anyone can call up give their name and their social and they will know if they can legally sell them a gun ... eric Haris was going to a psychiatrist he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns ... nest bull shit story you want to tell us ...
Straw purchases are ALREADY A CRIME! Are you fuckin' STUPID, boy?
now I ask you all out there ... have any of you voter ever saw a ballot where it didn't have both parties on it ??? just saying .... here's this moron here who said he had to change his ballot to republican so he can vote republican ... is that stupid or what ???? really !!!!! I ask you have you ever seen such a moronic statement ever ... now you know why we say repub-lie-tards are retarded
You go in they ask you what ballot you want. Might be different in your state. I wonder if this idiotic statement of yours is as stupid as not knowing about the non existent gun show loophole LOL
lets see the guys in littleton colorado license gun owner ... the guy that kill all these children at sandy hook, license gun owner ... the guy who shot the people in colorado at the movie theater, license gun owner ... all of them had one thing in common they were nut cases ... hillary want all nut cases not to be able to buy guns... you're agai9ns that right??? cause only license gun owneres are the ones who never commit a crime right???

Moron....what did licensing gun owners do to stop these mass shootings? are you really this fucking stupid....? What does licensing gun owners do to stop the 9,616 gun murders in 2015....90% of them committed by people who could not get a gun license, they can't buy, own or carry a gun...

so please, genius....what is the point to licensing law abiding gun owners?

and every single shooting you point out...was a gun free zone...created by morons like you to stop mass shootings at those locations........so law abiding gun owners left their guns at home...and the killers had gun free killing zones .......
and another gun nut goes off the deep end... you keep making a fool of yourself ... thoses killers had one thing in common ... they were nut cases ... nut cases with the anility to buy a gun you idiot pull you head out of your ass ... Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold bought their guns at a gun show ... why ??? they didn't have to go through a back ground check ... moron

See, moron...they got their guns from a straw buyer...who bypassed the background check for them because she was able to pass the background check....so even if you have fucking universal background checks, she still could have bought the guns for them...since she could already pass the fucking background check....

There is nothing that you know about guns that is true, factual or based in reality.....

Robyn Anderson

Robyn Anderson was a close friend to Dylan and partially knew Eric. In November or December of 1998, Anderson and both boys went to a store that sold firearms. Anderson purchased three of the guns for Eric and Dylan, who were both under aged and could not acquire them themselves. These guns were the Hi-point Carbine rifle, the pump action shotgun, and the double barrelled shotgun. She was unaware what they intended to use the guns for at the time. Once the guns were purchased, Eric and Dylan would saw the barrels of their shotguns for easy concealability.
sorry they bought them through the gun show dumb fuck ... a guy who had a stand in the show who was required to do back ground checks .... with the new laws straw buys would no long be allowed period !!!! even a person in their home who wants to sell their gun...the person buying would have to go through a back ground check ... they would be checking if they are felons ... they would be checking if they were nut cases, all psychiatrist would have to list their nut cases ...all people who are involved in spousal abuse, people who are on the NO fly list ... its that simple anyone can call up give their name and their social and they will know if they can legally sell them a gun ... eric Haris was going to a psychiatrist he wouldn't have been able to buy the guns ... nest bull shit story you want to tell us ...
Straw purchases are ALREADY A CRIME! Are you fuckin' STUPID, boy?

Sure, that's true, but if what just one more law, that would do the trick. I'm just sure of it! :cool-45:

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