Leaked ISIS strategy: Conquer Libya; use immigration on boats to flood Europe w/ Islam

ISIS will make them migrate. Use a little immagination sometime.
If I had the wild imagination you and other nutters do I'd be living in constant terror. So no thanks.

Wild imagination? did you watch the videos of the beheadings? If they are willing to do that to fellow Arabs, how much more do you think they would love to do that to you? Sure put your head in the sand and name people who call ISIS out for what they are doing alarmists. The Coptic Christians didnt drop any bombs in Iraq. These Ultra Muslims are telling you what they want to do .... and you say its someones imagination. YOU are history repeating itself in 1938.
Excuse me if I don't drop into the fetal position. :cool:

No bodys talking about dropping into the fetal position, thats your Red Herring
What are you talking about? What do you think we should do?

At least recognize them for who they are. obviously what we say here on this board is of no great consequence, but just my opinion. and yours. I just watched tat video, it was a little hard to take as well
If I had the wild imagination you and other nutters do I'd be living in constant terror. So no thanks.

Wild imagination? did you watch the videos of the beheadings? If they are willing to do that to fellow Arabs, how much more do you think they would love to do that to you? Sure put your head in the sand and name people who call ISIS out for what they are doing alarmists. The Coptic Christians didnt drop any bombs in Iraq. These Ultra Muslims are telling you what they want to do .... and you say its someones imagination. YOU are history repeating itself in 1938.
Excuse me if I don't drop into the fetal position. :cool:

No bodys talking about dropping into the fetal position, thats your Red Herring
What are you talking about? What do you think we should do?

At least recognize them for who they are. obviously what we say here on this board is of no great consequence, but just my opinion. and yours. I just watched tat video, it was a little hard to take as well
Recognizing them for who they are? What do you mean?
ISIS will make them migrate. Use a little immagination sometime.
If I had the wild imagination you and other nutters do I'd be living in constant terror. So no thanks.

Wild imagination? did you watch the videos of the beheadings? If they are willing to do that to fellow Arabs, how much more do you think they would love to do that to you? Sure put your head in the sand and name people who call ISIS out for what they are doing alarmists. The Coptic Christians didnt drop any bombs in Iraq. These Ultra Muslims are telling you what they want to do .... and you say its someones imagination. YOU are history repeating itself in 1938.
Excuse me if I don't drop into the fetal position. :cool:

I dont like the suffering they are inflicting on people, do you ? or you just dont give a shit? or you think its all someones vivid imagination. Its not about being afraid,
So what would you do?

The first step and I think this must already being taking place hopfully. Is gathering as much intel as possible on their leaders and their tendencies, If this requires kiddnaping as many ISIS members as possible, I would do that.

The next steps depend on the inteligence gathered and if their attacks become more widespread, as we are only in the begining. Continuing strikes on targets we can see, seems like a good plan as well, but not enough alone to defeat them. Anyone who sells little girls into sex slavery dont deserve much mercy. dont give it to them. I have no way of knowing EXACTLY what else must be done because I dont have access to the necessary information, If they start with what they are doing in more and more countries, the world will have no choice but to hunt them down more forcefully
Wild imagination? did you watch the videos of the beheadings? If they are willing to do that to fellow Arabs, how much more do you think they would love to do that to you? Sure put your head in the sand and name people who call ISIS out for what they are doing alarmists. The Coptic Christians didnt drop any bombs in Iraq. These Ultra Muslims are telling you what they want to do .... and you say its someones imagination. YOU are history repeating itself in 1938.
Excuse me if I don't drop into the fetal position. :cool:

No bodys talking about dropping into the fetal position, thats your Red Herring
What are you talking about? What do you think we should do?

At least recognize them for who they are. obviously what we say here on this board is of no great consequence, but just my opinion. and yours. I just watched tat video, it was a little hard to take as well
Recognizing them for who they are? What do you mean?

Watch the videos of their beheadings, their murders, and what they are saying, they are telling you who they are. they are telling you who they are by what they ve done in Syria and Iraq. They want to impose 12 century Islam in your world, you can just ignore it as they brutalize people into submission. That by the way is how Islam spread itself in the first place. You have a group now who once again thinnks this is an effective tactic. What would You do about it?
I think it's hilarious how seriously you guys take ISIS propaganda.

After invading Europe, I hear they're planning on conquering the Moon.


Way to make my point for me.

Better go hide under your desk now, I hear ISIS is building a giant robot that'll shoot infidel-killing death rays from its eyes.
You think it's funny?

I sure do.

What's not funny about tough guy Conservatives such as Vigilante and yourself pissing your pants in fear every time the ISIS propaganda minister makes some ridiculous claim?

Let me guess, you took Bagdad Bob at his word, too. Right?
You call beheading and burning innocent civilians propaganda?
I think it's hilarious how seriously you guys take ISIS propaganda.

After invading Europe, I hear they're planning on conquering the Moon.


Way to make my point for me.

Better go hide under your desk now, I hear ISIS is building a giant robot that'll shoot infidel-killing death rays from its eyes.
You think it's funny?

I sure do.

What's not funny about tough guy Conservatives such as Vigilante and yourself pissing your pants in fear every time the ISIS propaganda minister makes some ridiculous claim?

Let me guess, you took Bagdad Bob at his word, too. Right?
You call beheading and burning innocent civilians propaganda?

No. But I guess you could make an argument that beheading and burning innocents is in itself, an act of propaganda.

Actually, I was talking about *surprise* the topic of this thread. That is, ISIS "conquering Libya" and "flooding Europe" with terrorist-immigrants.

That is straight-up propaganda - and you guys eat it up.
Someone said xenophobia.

Well....maybe bombophobia. Beheadophobia. Burnedaliveophopia.
Shit, looks like ISIS is going to n!ggerbomb us. They found the most powerful bioweapon.

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