Leaks about Biden's dementia coming out fast and furious now


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

It is truly amazing how all of a sudden leaks about Joe Biden's dementia are now making it to the public. Only after Biden embarrassed himself and the Deep State during the last debate did these leaks start to come out, which means every last one in the media and government held their tongue until they could no longer hide the truth themselves.

Now compare that to Trump. When he was President, there was a leak about every other day, usually about stupid things that were more than likely made up. These leaks came from both the media and government continuously because they wanted him dead.

And if Trump somehow does the impossible and wins again, those leaks will resume no doubt.

It is truly amazing how all of a sudden leaks about Joe Biden's dementia are now making it to the public. Only after Biden embarrassed himself and the Deep State during the last debate did these leaks start to come out, which means every last one in the media and government held their tongue until they could no longer hide the truth themselves.

Now compare that to Trump. When he was President, there was a leak about every other day, usually about stupid things that were more than likely made up. These leaks came from both the media and government continuously because they wanted him dead.

And if Trump somehow does the impossible and wins again, those leaks will resume no doubt.
You're losing Europe...fast. The replacement for Biden would be whom exactly? The Dem Establishment should be excited for a Trump victory. That is, if they care about Americas relationship.with Europe. They wouod rather burn down democratic processes and America though. Frightening.

It is truly amazing how all of a sudden leaks about Joe Biden's dementia are now making it to the public. Only after Biden embarrassed himself and the Deep State during the last debate did these leaks start to come out, which means every last one in the media and government held their tongue until they could no longer hide the truth themselves.

Now compare that to Trump. When he was President, there was a leak about every other day, usually about stupid things that were more than likely made up. These leaks came from both the media and government continuously because they wanted him dead.

And if Trump somehow does the impossible and wins again, those leaks will resume no doubt.

They think we're dumb. They also do not care what we think. The very people who screech and cry about THREAT TO DEMOCRACY don't give a crap about it....of course.

No one but no one but no one but no one deserves this like this Democrats
I'm guessing some of the leaks are coming from Team Kamala, but I don't care. It's clear that Biden is not the man he used to be and last Thursday's debate made that abundantly clear. He needs to step aside.

It is truly amazing how all of a sudden leaks about Joe Biden's dementia are now making it to the public. Only after Biden embarrassed himself and the Deep State during the last debate did these leaks start to come out, which means every last one in the media and government held their tongue until they could no longer hide the truth themselves.

Now compare that to Trump. When he was President, there was a leak about every other day, usually about stupid things that were more than likely made up. These leaks came from both the media and government continuously because they wanted him dead.

And if Trump somehow does the impossible and wins again, those leaks will resume no doubt.
Power & Control Politick'n 101!

It is truly amazing how all of a sudden leaks about Joe Biden's dementia are now making it to the public. Only after Biden embarrassed himself and the Deep State during the last debate did these leaks start to come out, which means every last one in the media and government held their tongue until they could no longer hide the truth themselves.

Now compare that to Trump. When he was President, there was a leak about every other day, usually about stupid things that were more than likely made up. These leaks came from both the media and government continuously because they wanted him dead.

And if Trump somehow does the impossible and wins again, those leaks will resume no doubt.
A significant reason these are all coming out now is that come late October, when this is raised as an issue, the media will just brush it aside as "Old News." People will have been inoculated against the outrage of the media's deceit against the American people. It will give them, at least in the eyes of the left, a justified reason for just ignoring it.
A significant reason these are all coming out now is that come late October, when this is raised as an issue, the media will just brush it aside as "Old News." People will have been inoculated against the outrage of the media's deceit against the American people. It will give them, at least in the eyes of the left, a justified reason for just ignoring it.
In other words, they have begun to normalize the situation, which is what they do with every unacceptable and absurd scenario in life.
Just more proof of how the mainstream is just not credible. They are partisan liberal hacks for the democrats. Its really that simple.
I watched CNN and they are just whining that Trump is a horrible choice that voters can't elect.

They have no Republicans other than rabid Never-Trumpers like Kinzinger.

They always say that the people that know Trump best would never vote for him, like his old cabinet members and VP Pence.

I wonder if those folks still feel that way after seeing the debate?
I watched CNN and they are just whining that Trump is a horrible choice that voters can't elect.

They have no Republicans other than rabid Never-Trumpers like Kinzinger.

They always say that the people that know Trump best would never vote for him, like his old cabinet members and VP Pence.

I wonder if those folks still feel that way after seeing the debate?
They don't even try to hide their blatant advocacy for the Democrats.

If the GOP does gain control of the Justice Department, they should subpoena all documents between the DNC, DCCC, and every news organization in America on suspicion of election interference along with fraud.

At the minimum, their tax filing status should be changed to Political Action Committee status, along with all legal jeopordies attached to that.
Well truth be told FJB was never much of a man to start with....He's always been a dick.

You're free to see it as you wish. I thought he was okay his first 3 years in office - sometimes better than okay. I never thought he and his campaign team was setting him up to win reelection, and I'm not talking about just his age, either. Maybe they're having discussions in private, but in public, they've been oblivious to the economic realities that people in below-median households are dealing with.

My concern is that I'm not entirely sure that Kamala Harris gets it, either. Not sure the Democratic leadership is really giving these issues the time and attention they deserve. I've not seen a single one of them speak authentically on inflation, interest rates, housing affordability, etc. I'm not saying those discussions and policy efforts aren't happening but I'm not seeing it much in the public discourse.
Before the June 27, 2024 debate between Biden and Trump, every mainstream news source had been repeatedly saying for years that Biden's mental health was fine, and that any claims to the contrary were "right wing conspiracy theories," "fake news,"of "cheap fakes."

However, after the debate, every one of these mainstream news sources admitted that there was indeed something wrong with Biden's mental condition.


New York Times, June 24, 2024: "How Misleading Videos Are Trailing Biden as He Battles Age Doubts"

How Misleading Videos Are Trailing Biden as He Battles Age Doubts

New York Times, July 2, 2024: "Biden’s Lapses Are Increasingly Common, According to Some of Those in the Room"


CNN, July 2, 2024: "Biden’s mental fitness could have been better covered leading up to the debate, some White House reporters acknowledge"


Vox July 3, 2024: "Did the media botch the Biden age story? Asleep at the wheel? Complicit in a cover-up? The real story is far more complicated — and more interesting."

Did the media botch the Biden age story?

The Hill, July 3, 2024: "On Biden’s debate, Democrats have no one to blame but themselves... They did what they did — they lied, they concealed the truth and they rigged their own party’s electoral process — to protect President Biden."


USA Today, June 30, 2024: "Democrats gaslighted Americans about Biden's cognitive decline. The debate exposed the truth."

Democrats gaslighted Americans about Biden's cognitive decline. The debate exposed the truth.

Boston Herald, June 29, 2024: "Democrats... have been telling you endlessly, for years, that... Biden was fit as a fiddle, sharp as a tack and absolutely at the top of his game... Of course, if you’ve been reading this newspaper, or listening to my radio show, you’ve known about Biden’s senility for years."

Howie Carr: The truth about Biden comes out yet again

Magnolia Tribune, July 1, 2024: "They lied: mainstream media covered for Biden until they could cover no more"

They lied: mainstream media covered for Biden until they could cover no more

Wall St. Journal, June 28, 2024: "The World Saw Biden Deteriorating. Democrats Ignored the Warnings."


Wall St. Journal, July 3, 2024: "Biden’s Frailty Isn’t Breaking News. It took Washington’s news hounds 4½ years to discover his obvious deterioration."


MSNBC's Joe Scarborough's said there was nothing wrong with Biden's health, March 2024:

On July 1, 2024, Elon Musk retweeted a 6 minute video compilation of many mainstream news sources (from before the debate) claiming there was nothing wrong with Biden's mental health

Associated Press, July 3, 2024: “Why was it a surprise? Biden's debate problems leave some wondering if the press missed the story”

Why was it a surprise? Biden's debate problems leave some wondering if the press missed the story
Biden has been butt stupid his entire life. Now his halfwit brain doesn't work.

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