Learning capabilities enhanced in harsh environments

I think it's evident that different races have (on average) differences in all areas INCLUDING the seven different TYPES of intelligence, too.

Let me give you anecdotal evidence to support my (completely unscientific) presumption.

What "race" of people has been driving music in this nation for the last 200 years?


Does anyone here disagree with that observation about what race has been inventing and perfecting AMERICAN music on a scale that has dwarfed what the "White" race has invented?

And music is one of those seven basic intelligences, isn't it?

And regards Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence?

What "race" in this nation seems to have (on average) the highest intelligence?

Whites? Not hardly, folks...Blacks.

And here mine isn't even an an anecdotal interpretation, because that can be numerically proven by studying the sports records for the last 60 years or so, since we've allowed Blacks to compete with White in amateur and professional sports.

Blacks appear to be far more gifted in the mind/body intelligence.

FYI for those who are not conversant with the the theory of seven distinct kinds of intelligence?

Psychologist Howard Gardner has identified the following distinct types of intelligence in his Multiple Intelligences Theory ("MI Theory") in the book "Frames of Mind." They are listed here with respect to gifted / talented children.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1. Linguistic Children with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2. Logical-Mathematical Children with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3. Bodily-Kinesthetic These kids process knowledge through bodily sensations. They are often athletic, dancers or good at crafts such as sewing or woodworking. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]4. Spatial These children think in images and pictures. They may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing, building with Leggos or daydreaming. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]5. Musical Musical children are always singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss. These kids are often discriminating listeners.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]6. Interpersonal Children who are leaders among their peers, who are good at communicating and who seem to understand others' feelings and motives possess interpersonal intelligence. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]7. Intrapersonal These children may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated[/FONT]

source[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]. [/FONT]

So of the seven types of human intelligence, it appears to me that Blacks exceed the average intelligence of Whites in at least two of the seven fields.

And if CREATIVE use of language is considered, it might be arguable that the Blacks have been driving our common language, too, for quite some time, too, although I am aware that they appear not to score so well on SAT verbal testing

Do my observations on this issue of intelligence make me racist?

Some of my liberal (or conservative chums) might say they do. I have OFTEN been accused of being racist for making such observations by my extreme liberal chums.

Like I care?

But here's the thing...none of that really matters EXCEPT to people obsessed with race issues.

And it's that OBESSION with race, that is the hallmark of racists.

This board is OBSESSED by race and I think that's because there are people who are what?

The term is RACISTS, folks.

Some of you are honest about it, Like our NAZI chum, William.

And some of you are covert (but fairly obviously covertly ) racists, too.

And this is a perfect example of why the tests referred to are idiotic. They're fun to play around with, but in the end they tell you nothing and you can do anything you want with the numbers.

Ian, btw, is in good company. There heretofore #1 geneticist in the world was cut down when he said poverty and generations of violence and oppression affect the average intelligence of human populations. Everybody knows it's true. Fucking poodle breeders know it's true. You take a group of anything...animals, people - probably even plants. Don't feed them enough, treat them bad, subject them to the elements and see how that affects their genetics over time.
Maybe BP will get a nice subsidy from your "leaders" for bringing higher education to the wildlife in the Gulf.
Syrenn- do you believe that human brains, even though they are racially different in size, shape and measurable function are exactly the same? or do you think that evolution has led to adaptations that would make them different in size, shape and function?

Your joking right?

Please show MEDICAL evidence of this "size and shape difference" in relation to brain size and race. Please include ALL races in this evidence.


I don't really want to rehash what was already in another thread. negroid skulls are elongated, asian skulls are quite round, caucasian skulls not quite as rounded. in large part as adaptations to their environment.

image didn't work


Brains please. Weights and measurements. Not drawings of skull shape.
It is probable that the actions of these birds had nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with "racial memory." In other words the southern birds have an easier time getting enough food to eat as the cold season is either very short or nonexistent...and therefore they would have no need to hurry.

Not sure what you are trying to say with this....southerners are stupid?

I think a great experiment would be to put IanC and a black man raised in similar circumstances in a controlled environment with food under a clear cover and see who got the food. That would certainly be a definitive answer on IanC's level of intelligence.

odd sort of experiment. what are you implying? that the black man would get the food? obviously in reality white men are superior in supplying food and other resources for their families.
You have to forgive Ravi. She's trying to be politically correct, but in the end she just comes across as a racist yahoo.
Ian, btw, is in good company. There heretofore #1 geneticist in the world was cut down when he said poverty and generations of violence and oppression affect the average intelligence of human populations. Everybody knows it's true. Fucking poodle breeders know it's true. You take a group of anything...animals, people - probably even plants. Don't feed them enough, treat them bad, subject them to the elements and see how that affects their genetics over time.

I am curious what you meant by this statement AB. who was the geneticist, how did he get cut down, what happens to people living under adverse conditions?

surely you're not supporting the increased intelligence of whites and asians because of living under the adverse conditions of northern europe and asia?
Your joking right?

Please show MEDICAL evidence of this "size and shape difference" in relation to brain size and race. Please include ALL races in this evidence.


I don't really want to rehash what was already in another thread. negroid skulls are elongated, asian skulls are quite round, caucasian skulls not quite as rounded. in large part as adaptations to their environment.

image didn't work


Brains please. Weights and measurements. Not drawings of skull shape.

hahaha, you do the work for a change. find a site that shows black skulls are the same volume. they would need to have a larger circumference because of the shape, of course.
I couldn't let you down Syrenn. Here a copied quote from a different thread.
Craniometry - Racial difference in brain size
In his 1839 Crania Americana, anthropologist Samuel George Morton reported that the mean cranial capacity of the skulls of Whites was 87 in³ (1,425 cm³), while that of Blacks was 78 in³ (1,278 cm³). Based on the measurement of 144 skulls of Native Americans, he reported an a figure of 82 in³ (1,344 cm³).

Morton's work has been criticized by Stephen Jay Gould, who alleged in his 1981 book The Mismeasure of Man that Morton was guilty of fudging data and "overpacking" the skulls with filler. Gould writes that the differences are "trivial", but J. Philippe Rushton (1996) responds that a difference of only 1 cubic inch (16 cm³) equates to millions of neurons.

In 1988, J. S. Michael remeasured a random sample of Morton's skulls and concluded that Morton had made very few errors. J. Philippe Rushton (1989) additionally reanalyzed Gould's retabulation, concluding that Morton had shown a pattern of decreasing brain size proceeding from East Asians, Europeans, and Africans.

In 1873, Paul Pierre Broca found the same pattern by weighing brains at autopsy. Other historical studies showing a Black-White difference in brain size include Bean (1906), Mall, (1909), Pearl, (1934) and Vint (1934).

In his controversial 1995 work Race, Evolution, and Behavior, J. Philippe Rushton reported an average endocranial volume of 1,415 cm³ for "Orientals" [sic], 1,362 for Whites, and 1,268 for Blacks. When adjusted for average body size, the differences become more pronounced; i.e., the encephalization quotients (EQ) display greater differences than do absolute brain sizes (Jerisen, 1973, 2000; Rushton, 1991). Rushton (1991) found an EQ of 7.26 for East Asians as compared to 6.76 for Caucasians. Differences in brain size between Asians and Europeans sometimes do not appear until adjusted for body size (Rushton, 1997). In some cases Europeans averaged higher absolute brain sizes than East Asians but lower relative brain sizes when adjusted for body size (Rushton, 1994).

Other studies that have shown similar patterns in average brain size include Ho et al. (1980), who measured 1,261 brains at autopsy, and Beals et al. (1984), who measured approximately 20,000 skulls, finding the same East Asian → European → African pattern. Other studies have shown the same pattern in average head size, including Rushton (1992), Rushton (1994), and the National Collaborative Perinatal Project [1] (described by Broman, Nichols, Shaugnessy, & Kennedy, 1987) which collected anthropometric data, including head measurements and IQ, on approximately 35,000 children from 1959 to 1974 (although the study began with over 50,000 subjects, some attrition occurred as with many longitudinal studies). Analyses of the data found the East Asian → White → Black pattern in head size and IQ at 4 months, 1 year, and 7 years of age.

East Asian brains have greater width and breadth (i.e., are more brachycephalic) and are more spherically shaped than those of Europeans, which are more so than those of Africans. Africans tend to have longer and narrower (more dolichocephalic) brains (Beals et al., 1984; McShane, 1983; Rushton & Ankney, 2000). Beals et al. proposed that the longer and narrower African brain evolved for better heat dissipation in a warmer climate, while East Asians and Europeans evolved comparatively shorter and wider brains for thermoregulatory purposes in a cooler climate. Rushton & Ankney (2000, pp. 612-613) question the thermoregulatory hypothesis, instead positing that brachycephalization and sphericalization allow for greater brain size. At the same time, Rushton and Ankney believe it is possible that the need to thermoregulate in Africa may have selected against increasing brain size.

Rushton and Ankney (2000) found a pattern of descending prognathism, glabella size, postorbital constriction, and temporal fossae in African, European, and East Asian skulls and propose that these structures shrank over the course of evolution to allow greater brain size.
You have to forgive Ravi. She's trying to be politically correct, but in the end she just comes across as a racist yahoo.

Ravi is a racist, but as is the new fad, she believes black on white racism is ok.
Liar. Ineffectual asshole. Why don't you go brag about breaking the law some more.
obviously in reality white men are superior in supplying food and other resources for their families.

Could you please elaborate on this statement? Also, could you [for once] provide a link to support this statement? I am in no way saying that this is incorrect.
obviously in reality white men are superior in supplying food and other resources for their families.

Could you please elaborate on this statement? Also, could you [for once] provide a link to support this statement? I am in no way saying that this is incorrect.

that statement doesn't need any links. perhaps you would like a link to why water is wet.
It is probable that the actions of these birds had nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with "racial memory." In other words the southern birds have an easier time getting enough food to eat as the cold season is either very short or nonexistent...and therefore they would have no need to hurry.

Not sure what you are trying to say with this....southerners are stupid?

I think a great experiment would be to put IanC and a black man raised in similar circumstances in a controlled environment with food under a clear cover and see who got the food. That would certainly be a definitive answer on IanC's level of intelligence.

odd sort of experiment. what are you implying? that the black man would get the food? obviously in reality white men are superior in supplying food and other resources for their families.

It looks like no explanations of your post are forthcoming. to me it seemed like you were implying that the black man would get the food through some sort of means other than intelligence. eg haw haw he took your food, what is your intelligence going to do about it? but of course I don't actually know what you were implying and perhaps you didn't either. but it sure sounded like you were going with the stereotype of implied black violence to take stuff. also typical was the implication that food or other resources were just lying around to be taken or received rather than earned or produced.
Your joking right?

Please show MEDICAL evidence of this "size and shape difference" in relation to brain size and race. Please include ALL races in this evidence.


I don't really want to rehash what was already in another thread. negroid skulls are elongated, asian skulls are quite round, caucasian skulls not quite as rounded. in large part as adaptations to their environment.

image didn't work


Brains please. Weights and measurements. Not drawings of skull shape.

why no reply? you asked for something and I produced information for you, and now you just ignore it. this is why I pay scant attention to demands for links and such.

obviously skull and brain size and shape have been studied for a long time. the concensus is that racial differences go from black < white < asian in both size and brachycephaly. please feel free to add any information you have, I would be interested to see it.
Tibetan adaptation to high altitude occurred in less than 3,000 years
July 1, 2010 By Robert Sanders (PhysOrg.com) -- A comparison of the genomes of 50 Tibetans and 40 Han Chinese shows that ethnic Tibetans split off from the Han less than 3,000 years ago and since then rapidly evolved a unique ability to thrive at high altitudes and low oxygen levels.

a dramatic evolutionary change in 3000 years. yet so many deny that evolutionary forces have changed the human brain over the 50-100K years that the races were split apart.

how about the human brain growth genes that Bruce Lahn was studying? ooops! political correctness alert, only whites and asians predominantly have it. better study something else.
obviously in reality white men are superior in supplying food and other resources for their families.

Could you please elaborate on this statement? Also, could you [for once] provide a link to support this statement? I am in no way saying that this is incorrect.

that statement doesn't need any links. perhaps you would like a link to why water is wet.

You probably can't provide a link for that either. :lol:
It is probable that the actions of these birds had nothing to do with intelligence and everything to do with "racial memory." In other words the southern birds have an easier time getting enough food to eat as the cold season is either very short or nonexistent...and therefore they would have no need to hurry.

Not sure what you are trying to say with this....southerners are stupid?

I think a great experiment would be to put IanC and a black man raised in similar circumstances in a controlled environment with food under a clear cover and see who got the food. That would certainly be a definitive answer on IanC's level of intelligence.

odd sort of experiment. what are you implying? that the black man would get the food? obviously in reality white men are superior in supplying food and other resources for their families.

It looks like no explanations of your post are forthcoming. to me it seemed like you were implying that the black man would get the food through some sort of means other than intelligence. eg haw haw he took your food, what is your intelligence going to do about it? but of course I don't actually know what you were implying and perhaps you didn't either. but it sure sounded like you were going with the stereotype of implied black violence to take stuff. also typical was the implication that food or other resources were just lying around to be taken or received rather than earned or produced.
I was implying that your stupidity would lead you not to get the food...isn't that what your study says...the intelligent one will get the food.
I think it's evident that different races have (on average) differences in all areas INCLUDING the seven different TYPES of intelligence, too.

Let me give you anecdotal evidence to support my (completely unscientific) presumption.

What "race" of people has been driving music in this nation for the last 200 years?


Does anyone here disagree with that observation about what race has been inventing and perfecting AMERICAN music on a scale that has dwarfed what the "White" race has invented?

And music is one of those seven basic intelligences, isn't it?

And regards Bodily-Kinesthetic intelligence?

What "race" in this nation seems to have (on average) the highest intelligence?

Whites? Not hardly, folks...Blacks.

And here mine isn't even an an anecdotal interpretation, because that can be numerically proven by studying the sports records for the last 60 years or so, since we've allowed Blacks to compete with White in amateur and professional sports.

Blacks appear to be far more gifted in the mind/body intelligence.

FYI for those who are not conversant with the the theory of seven distinct kinds of intelligence?

Psychologist Howard Gardner has identified the following distinct types of intelligence in his Multiple Intelligences Theory ("MI Theory") in the book "Frames of Mind." They are listed here with respect to gifted / talented children.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]1. Linguistic Children with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]2. Logical-Mathematical Children with lots of logical intelligence are interested in patterns, categories and relationships. They are drawn to arithmetic problems, strategy games and experiments. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]3. Bodily-Kinesthetic These kids process knowledge through bodily sensations. They are often athletic, dancers or good at crafts such as sewing or woodworking. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]4. Spatial These children think in images and pictures. They may be fascinated with mazes or jigsaw puzzles, or spend free time drawing, building with Leggos or daydreaming. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]5. Musical Musical children are always singing or drumming to themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds others may miss. These kids are often discriminating listeners.[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]6. Interpersonal Children who are leaders among their peers, who are good at communicating and who seem to understand others' feelings and motives possess interpersonal intelligence. [/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]7. Intrapersonal These children may be shy. They are very aware of their own feelings and are self-motivated[/FONT]

source[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]. [/FONT]

So of the seven types of human intelligence, it appears to me that Blacks exceed the average intelligence of Whites in at least two of the seven fields.

And if CREATIVE use of language is considered, it might be arguable that the Blacks have been driving our common language, too, for quite some time, too, although I am aware that they appear not to score so well on SAT verbal testing

Do my observations on this issue of intelligence make me racist?

Some of my liberal (or conservative chums) might say they do. I have OFTEN been accused of being racist for making such observations by my extreme liberal chums.

Like I care?

But here's the thing...none of that really matters EXCEPT to people obsessed with race issues.

And it's that OBESSION with race, that is the hallmark of racists.

This board is OBSESSED by race and I think that's because there are people who are what?

The term is RACISTS, folks.

Some of you are honest about it, Like our NAZI chum, William.

And some of you are covert (but fairly obviously covertly ) racists, too.

And this is a perfect example of why the tests referred to are idiotic. They're fun to play around with, but in the end they tell you nothing and you can do anything you want with the numbers.

Ian, btw, is in good company. There heretofore #1 geneticist in the world was cut down when he said poverty and generations of violence and oppression affect the average intelligence of human populations. Everybody knows it's true. Fucking poodle breeders know it's true. You take a group of anything...animals, people - probably even plants. Don't feed them enough, treat them bad, subject them to the elements and see how that affects their genetics over time.

Challenge can make a species better IF conditions are not so challenging that the species cannot adaquately feed its young.

But that survival of strongest (in the right environment) doesn't really have much do with any species in the SHORT run.

We know perfectly well if kids don't get enough nutrition or are poisoned they end up retarded in ONE generation.

None of this has a DAMNED thing to do with race
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The racial inferiority theory is basically a more explicitly prejudiced version of the &#8220;cultural underclass&#8221; theory.
Statistics show that three to one, white Americans favor the theory of lower ability over discrimination concerning the status of poor black and Hispanic people. The history of racial inferiority theory goes back in time, back and forth between groups and nations, and spans the globe. It remains a popular theory in justifying colonialism abroad, and to explain away the economic disparity between classes and races in the US. It is much easier for some white people to believe that &#8220;blacks are poor because they are not smart, and they are not smart because they are black,&#8221; rather than try to understand that there are inequities that they benefit from at the expense of others. There is no reliable measurement of intelligence, and where differences in IQ exist, there are no natural causes that cannot be changed by the improvement of socioeconomic and environmental conditions, and in no way explains the 50% lower income of black and Hispanic people on average compared to white people.
The prevalence of racial inferiority theory, and the idea that we know for certain what race is, has clear consequences for government policy:
Geneticists believe anthropologists know what a race is, ethnologists assume their racial classifications are backed up by genetics, and politicians believe that their prejudices have the sanction of both genetics and anthropology.
Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 163-169
The racial inferiority theory is basically a more explicitly prejudiced version of the “cultural underclass” theory.
Statistics show that three to one, white Americans favor the theory of lower ability over discrimination concerning the status of poor black and Hispanic people. The history of racial inferiority theory goes back in time, back and forth between groups and nations, and spans the globe. It remains a popular theory in justifying colonialism abroad, and to explain away the economic disparity between classes and races in the US. It is much easier for some white people to believe that “blacks are poor because they are not smart, and they are not smart because they are black rather than try to understand that there are inequities that they benefit from at the expense of others. There is no reliable measurement of intelligence, and where differences in IQ exist, there are no natural causes that cannot be changed by the improvement of socioeconomic and environmental conditions, and in no way explains the 50% lower income of black and Hispanic people on average compared to white people.
The prevalence of racial inferiority theory, and the idea that we know for certain what race is, has clear consequences for government policy:
Geneticists believe anthropologists know what a race is, ethnologists assume their racial classifications are backed up by genetics, and politicians believe that their prejudices have the sanction of both genetics and anthropology.
Bradley R. Schiller, The Economics of Poverty and Discrimination Tenth Ed. Pearson Prentice Hall, NJ, US, 2008, 163-169
I find this sad. I also wonder, do people believe that because they are basically stupid? :eusa_eh:

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