Leave Alvin Greene alone! (video at link)


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Jan 23, 2010
Greene goes a little Skywalker...Hot Air has the video, Huffington Post has the background...

Hot Air Video: America&#8217;s candidate finally starting to lose it

Actually this is more a case of America’s candidate continuing to lose it, isn’t it? I fear the process “started” … some time ago.

Seriously, though, is the GOP really going to use this guy as a midterm talking point against Democrats? As kooky as he is, I can’t help having sympathy for him — which is pretty much the opposite of the emotions evoked by the Democratic leadership. Leave Alvin alone!

Video at the link. (see ***** below for the short, less painful version)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s]YouTube - Darth Vader NO![/ame]

John Cornyn Jumps On Alvin Greene Obscenity Charges

"We support the nominee and respect the right of the primary voters to make that selection," Cornyn said during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday." "I suppose the Democrats in Florida with Kendrick Meek and Jeff Greene running in a spirited primary down there, and in South Carolina with Al Greene, who has now been indicted on obscenity charges, who is running against [Sen.] Jim DeMint, I mean these sorts of things happen in the context of politics, but the American people will be able to render their verdict on November 2."

Cornyn has, somewhat remarkably, not discussed Greene all that often in the past. But that was before the obscenity charges were formally leveled. It wouldn't be terribly surprising if the South Carolina Democrat became even more of a fixture (both in GOP talking points and media coverage) the longer his legal troubles linger. As an illustration of the discomfort Greene causes, Cornyn's co-panelist, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) made a mad-dash shift away from the topic when asked whether a departure from the race should be in the candidate's future.

I have to agree with Hot Air's ALLAHPUNDIT here. I even feel a little sorry for the guy. Yeah, clearly he is moronic and bizarre beyond belief. But there is a degree of kookyness built into our politics anyway and Greene NEVER should have won.

It's always funny when Obama/Pelosi, Bush/Palin make fools of themselves. But when someone so out of his head gets over his head, I don't know. It just feels like we are laughing at the retarded kid. For most of us, that should be a very uneasy feeling.
lol! This weird creep represents the Democrats perfectly. They couldn't bribe him out of the race like they usually do so now they're trying to intimidate him out. The Democrats are just plain sorry at this point. Vote em all out. Make 2010 count America.
lol! This weird creep represents the Democrats perfectly. They couldn't bribe him out of the race like they usually do so now they're trying to intimidate him out. The Democrats are just plain sorry at this point. Vote em all out. Make 2010 count America.

That will happen for sure, to the tune of 52-56 house seats and maybe 4 or 5 in the Senate... that's how America rolls.

This one however... is a bit of a hollow victory. :razz:
Greene goes a little Skywalker...Hot Air has the video, Huffington Post has the background...

Hot Air Video: America’s candidate finally starting to lose it

Actually this is more a case of America’s candidate continuing to lose it, isn’t it? I fear the process “started” … some time ago.

Seriously, though, is the GOP really going to use this guy as a midterm talking point against Democrats? As kooky as he is, I can’t help having sympathy for him — which is pretty much the opposite of the emotions evoked by the Democratic leadership. Leave Alvin alone!

Video at the link. (see ***** below for the short, less painful version)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWaLxFIVX1s]YouTube - ***** Vader NO![/ame]

John Cornyn Jumps On Alvin Greene Obscenity Charges

"We support the nominee and respect the right of the primary voters to make that selection," Cornyn said during an appearance on "Fox News Sunday." "I suppose the Democrats in Florida with Kendrick Meek and Jeff Greene running in a spirited primary down there, and in South Carolina with Al Greene, who has now been indicted on obscenity charges, who is running against [Sen.] Jim DeMint, I mean these sorts of things happen in the context of politics, but the American people will be able to render their verdict on November 2."

Cornyn has, somewhat remarkably, not discussed Greene all that often in the past. But that was before the obscenity charges were formally leveled. It wouldn't be terribly surprising if the South Carolina Democrat became even more of a fixture (both in GOP talking points and media coverage) the longer his legal troubles linger. As an illustration of the discomfort Greene causes, Cornyn's co-panelist, Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI) made a mad-dash shift away from the topic when asked whether a departure from the race should be in the candidate's future.

I have to agree with Hot Air's ALLAHPUNDIT here. I even feel a little sorry for the guy. Yeah, clearly he is moronic and bizarre beyond belief. But there is a degree of kookyness built into our politics anyway and Greene NEVER should have won.

It's always funny when Obama/Pelosi, Bush/Palin make fools of themselves. But when someone so out of his head gets over his head, I don't know. It just feels like we are laughing at the retarded kid. For most of us, that should be a very uneasy feeling.

On e thing I must say about Greene is that he made it without the help of the good ol'e boys of the DNC, and he is a colorful guy. Sad that he's a moron but the democrats are getting exactly what they deserve through Alvin Greene.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxinXadrM1g&feature=related]YouTube - A Positive Note About Alvin Greene?[/ame]

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