Leave Confederate Soldier Statues Alone

Removing the Confederate history is not going to help the nation unify.

If you haven't been paying attention the past 20 years the nation will never unify.
True. And removing confederate history won't change that.

In some ways, it would have been better had the south won.

I guess that depends on whether you were a slave or not.

Is it so hard to understand why blacks (and freedom loving Americans) dislike statues dedicated to men who fought, killed and died to keep them in chains, as property?
Is this a good time to note one of the monuments we are talking about LITERALLY has the words 'white supremacy' written on it?

I got news for Ya...Union troops were white supremacist too. Should we remove their statues?
In a letter to Governor Faubus, Ike said "I can understand if a father does not want his daughter to sit in a classroom with some gorilla..." Perhaps Ike should he be removed from history? Hell, white supremacist ran military during WWII...gues we should erase them too.
To anyone who gives a damn. I was about six years old at the time. My parents were visiting family down in southeastern Ohio. I talked with an old man in his ninety's who was an Ohio soldier of the Civil War. I do not recall him bad mouthing one thing about the Southern troops. The musket he carried during the war hung over the fire place. He asked me if I wanted to hold it. I did and am still amazed at how heavy and unweildly that damned thing was. Of course I asked if he had killed anyone with the musket, to which he became silent. Apparently he had. I remember the conversation ending at that point and my cousin and I were sent out to play around the farm. If an old man such as this man was and I am now, having experienced our own war(s) can forgive and forget, why can't you? They fought, were hurt, some died. Time to leave them and their memories alone. Grow the flip up and get really, real!
Who on earth are you talking to ? And what does leaving memories alone, have to do with removing statues ?

I thought I made that clear in the opening sentence, ergo: "To anyone who gives a damn". Memories, which families have and tend to pass onto their children as well as the memories of a general nature normally alive within a community/nation/province. History in general is a source of memories which many study and apply to their own lives for good or bad. Barbara Streisand sang a beautiful song about memories. I am confident you must have one or two in your memory bank. Perhaps you are much less well off than I imagine. In any event, I certainly talked to YOU.
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I give you Orwell's 1984
And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed – if all records told the same tale – then the lie passed into history and became truth. "Who controls the past," ran the Party slogan, "controls the future: who controls the present controls the past." And yet the past, though of its nature alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was an unending series of victories over your own memory. "Reality control," they called it: in Newspeak, "doublethink." (1.3.18)
"It is candidate"?
Whelp --that's kinda what I asked. If Rump is from the South, why does he claim to be from Noo Yawk?

Good thing he took that Hunter Pence guy to get votes from that great Southern state of uh, Indiana.
It's candidate because the southern states (Virginia only exception) all went for Trump. Got it ?

"It is candidate"?

Hey -- your words exactly. Get it?
"Know your enemy" is not simply good advice or slogan. It is a way of life which the conservative understands and watches and listens for, constantly! Another trite is, "Vigilance is freedom", and will be even a greater truth in the ensuing years to come. Why, you ask? Because, "they are coming to get you, ha ha, ho, ho", as your favorite liberally supressive friends are doing. Thinking for one's self is dangerous, beyond belief, according to him\her\it.
THey don't have to . They joined an army of a nation that was NOT the United States of America and invaded US property when they took over various forts.
FALSE! They were of an army that WAS of the USA (then and now), and it was the North who did the invading, with almost the entire war fought in the South. The Southerners were the DEFENDERS. North was the ATTACKERS.

I have 2 minutes left on this library computer. I'm finished with this discussion for today.


Unbelievably, the state where I live now actually touts "the war of nawthern aggression" but no ...

The south was committing treason, sedition and you should probably go ahead and throw away your confederate money son, because the south will not rise again.


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Keep your revisionist history from the statues and graves of brave men who fell in battle with honor.
There is no honor in treason.
It was not treason. It was patriotism in their eyes. Civil War was fought over unresolved issues at Convention of 1787.
I don't give a shit what it was "in their eyes". It was treason.
No it was not. They were protecting themselves from invasion by a foreign army.
"Foreign army"? How long have you hated America?
THey don't have to . They joined an army of a nation that was NOT the United States of America and invaded US property when they took over various forts.
FALSE! They were of an army that WAS of the USA (then and now), and it was the North who did the invading, with almost the entire war fought in the South. The Southerners were the DEFENDERS. North was the ATTACKERS.

I have 2 minutes left on this library computer. I'm finished with this discussion for today.


Unbelievably, the state where I live now actually touts "the war of nawthern aggression" but no ...

The south was committing treason, sedition and you should probably go ahead and throw away your confederate money son, because the south will not rise again.


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Well, some of that money has collectible value :)


Just dripping in slavery....even on their currency.
The true symbol of slavery is not the Confederate flag but rather the Democratic donkey

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