Leave Confederate Soldier Statues Alone

No. It's about removing history in order to rewrite it.
To some degree yes. The removal of the history of courage and honor of Florida soldiers during the Civil War, and those who would like to rewrite it, to how they see fit.
To anyone who gives a damn. I was about six years old at the time. My parents were visiting family down in southeastern Ohio. I talked with an old man in his ninety's who was an Ohio soldier of the Civil War. I do not recall him bad mouthing one thing about the Southern troops. The musket he carried during the war hung over the fire place. He asked me if I wanted to hold it. I did and am still amazed at how heavy and unweildly that damned thing was. Of course I asked if he had killed anyone with the musket, to which he became silent. Apparently he had. I remember the conversation ending at that point and my cousin and I were sent out to play around the farm. If an old man such as this man was and I am now, having experienced our own war(s) can forgive and forget, why can't you? They fought, were hurt, some died. Time to leave them and their memories alone. Grow the flip up and get really, real!
Lately, it has become fashionable in the minds of some, to go about proposing bills to removed statues and monuments of Confederate soldiers. Currently in Florida 2 bills have been introduced to do this. These are Florida SB 1360 and SCR 760.

The high horse proposers of these bills are intending to set new standards for all of us in America, about who we can honor, and who we may not. Looks like they’ve got soldiers of the old Confederacy on the don’t honor list.

This is more than stupid. It is disgraceful to DIShonor these people who wore their military uniforms, and put their lives on the line, to follow the orders they were given.

As far as what cause the Confederate soldiers fought for, I’d say that since their homelands were being attacked by outside forces (buildings burned, bridges blown up, etc.), they fought primarily a defensive war. This is more just and legitimate than the Vietnam War, in which US soil and people were not being attacked by any Vietnamese people. And do we ask for Vietnam veterans’ statues or monuments to be removed ? Last time I looked, there were more of them being installed.

I don’t think ANY veterans of any state of the current USA (including Florida), should have their statues or monuments removed. This is a disgrace, and it disgraces those who propose and support such stupid laws.
Ah well, those old slave genes last a long time
To anyone who gives a damn. I was about six years old at the time. My parents were visiting family down in southeastern Ohio. I talked with an old man in his ninety's who was an Ohio soldier of the Civil War. I do not recall him bad mouthing one thing about the Southern troops. The musket he carried during the war hung over the fire place. He asked me if I wanted to hold it. I did and am still amazed at how heavy and unweildly that damned thing was. Of course I asked if he had killed anyone with the musket, to which he became silent. Apparently he had. I remember the conversation ending at that point and my cousin and I were sent out to play around the farm. If an old man such as this man was and I am now, having experienced our own war(s) can forgive and forget, why can't you? They fought, were hurt, some died. Time to leave them and their memories alone. Grow the flip up and get really, real!
Who on earth are you talking to ? And what does leaving memories alone, have to do with removing statues ?
I am not changing the subject. I am correcting you that they were not part of the military of the USA.

And if, as you claim, it was two armies from the same country, how can you claim they were invading? You can't have it both ways.
1. And I am correcting you that they were, and also of the militaries of their respective states. In the case of the legislation cited in the OP, they are soldiers of the STATE of Florida.

2. It was one section of the country invading another. But you knew that, didn't you ? :rolleyes:
I am not changing the subject. I am correcting you that they were not part of the military of the USA.

And if, as you claim, it was two armies from the same country, how can you claim they were invading? You can't have it both ways.
1. And I am correcting you that they were, and also of the militaries of their respective states. In the case of the legislation cited in the OP, they are soldiers of the STATE of Florida.

2. It was one section of the country invading another. But you knew that, didn't you ? :rolleyes:

No, I most certainly did not. I know that the confederate states seceded from the United States of America. That means they were NOT part of the United States of America. They had been, right up until they seceded. And they were again when they were conquered.

Per Merriam Webster:
Definition of secede

  1. intransitive verb
  2. : to withdraw from an organization (as a religious communion or political party or federation)"

And they were not miilitaries of their respective states. They were militaries representing their respective nations.
Maybe you can address this tomorrow. If these ANTIFA assholes arm up and take over a US military installation, are they "American soldiers"? Actually, the ANTIFA assholes have not disavowed their US citizenship. But the confederate soldiers did. And then they invaded and took over forts belonging to the US Military. The US soldiers that were there were either murdered or imprisoned. THAT is what started the war. And that is certainly not "defensive".
To say that the South invaded the North is either lying, or gross stupidity.

I didn't say that. But you knew that, didn't you? :rolleyes:

But if an ANTIFA invaded and took over a US military installation (as the confederate soldiers did ie Fort Sumter), coming to take back the installation is not invading.
Removing the Confederate history is not going to help the nation unify.

If you haven't been paying attention the past 20 years the nation will never unify.
True. And removing confederate history won't change that.

In some ways, it would have been better had the south won.

I guess that depends on whether you were a slave or not.

Is it so hard to understand why blacks (and freedom loving Americans) dislike statues dedicated to men who fought, killed and died to keep them in chains, as property?
Removing the Confederate history is not going to help the nation unify.

If you haven't been paying attention the past 20 years the nation will never unify.
True. And removing confederate history won't change that.

In some ways, it would have been better had the south won.

I guess that depends on whether you were a slave or not.

Is it so hard to understand why blacks (and freedom loving Americans) dislike statues dedicated to men who fought, killed and died to keep them in chains, as property?
Is this a good time to note one of the monuments we are talking about LITERALLY has the words 'white supremacy' written on it?

Keep your revisionist history from the statues and graves of brave men who fell in battle with honor.
There is no honor in treason.
It was not treason. It was patriotism in their eyes. Civil War was fought over unresolved issues at Convention of 1787.
I don't give a shit what it was "in their eyes". It was treason.
No it was not. They were protecting themselves from invasion by a foreign army.
Removing the Confederate history is not going to help the nation unify.

If you haven't been paying attention the past 20 years the nation will never unify.
True. And removing confederate history won't change that.

In some ways, it would have been better had the south won.

I guess that depends on whether you were a slave or not.

Is it so hard to understand why blacks (and freedom loving Americans) dislike statues dedicated to men who fought, killed and died to keep them in chains, as property?
Is this a good time to note one of the monuments we are talking about LITERALLY has the words 'white supremacy' written on it?

Your point is what?
I am not changing the subject. I am correcting you that they were not part of the military of the USA.

And if, as you claim, it was two armies from the same country, how can you claim they were invading? You can't have it both ways.
1. And I am correcting you that they were, and also of the militaries of their respective states. In the case of the legislation cited in the OP, they are soldiers of the STATE of Florida.

2. It was one section of the country invading another. But you knew that, didn't you ? :rolleyes:
I am not changing the subject. I am correcting you that they were not part of the military of the USA.

And if, as you claim, it was two armies from the same country, how can you claim they were invading? You can't have it both ways.
1. And I am correcting you that they were, and also of the militaries of their respective states. In the case of the legislation cited in the OP, they are soldiers of the STATE of Florida.

2. It was one section of the country invading another. But you knew that, didn't you ? :rolleyes:

No, I most certainly did not. I know that the confederate states seceded from the United States of America. That means they were NOT part of the United States of America. They had been, right up until they seceded. And they were again when they were conquered.

Per Merriam Webster:
Definition of secede

  1. intransitive verb
  2. : to withdraw from an organization (as a religious communion or political party or federation)"

And they were not miilitaries of their respective states. They were militaries representing their respective nations.
They felt they had every right to do so.
To anyone who gives a damn. I was about six years old at the time. My parents were visiting family down in southeastern Ohio. I talked with an old man in his ninety's who was an Ohio soldier of the Civil War. I do not recall him bad mouthing one thing about the Southern troops. The musket he carried during the war hung over the fire place. He asked me if I wanted to hold it. I did and am still amazed at how heavy and unweildly that damned thing was. Of course I asked if he had killed anyone with the musket, to which he became silent. Apparently he had. I remember the conversation ending at that point and my cousin and I were sent out to play around the farm. If an old man such as this man was and I am now, having experienced our own war(s) can forgive and forget, why can't you? They fought, were hurt, some died. Time to leave them and their memories alone. Grow the flip up and get really, real!
Because he wasn't a communist.

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