Leave it Trump to drag NASCAR rednecks into this....the man is a racist to the core

Donald J Trump is a race baiting maniac who use and abuse mindless hicks to back his ass. He is making a huge huge mistake in taking on the most powerful financially solid blacks in this country, the sports world. Unlike BLM and Moveon, these players have the clout, the venue and the means to not only take this white whore on, but to win. Realizing this, leave it to Trump to drag the most white sport in the country into the fray, NASCAR...who by the way, have no reason to protest anything, its white, its popular and its white...why should they protest anything, but the price of hooch and beer going up at these events?

And leave it to Trump to drag in the American flag apple pie and bullshit to make the hate even more sweeter...another big fuckin mistake on his part.....if anybody is guilty of fuckin over this country, its conservatives and Trump.
YOU are the racist for bringing up race when race has NOTHING to do with it
YOU obviously are obsessed with race
race here, race there race EVERYWHERE
Listen, no matter how hard you and Trump try to make this all about white people dominating the call for the heads of these players, nothing is gonna stop the protest. For the last and final time rednecks, its not always about YOU!!!!

Are you talking to me? The link I was pointing out that if these people can disrespect the flag by wearing it then there is nothing wrong with a peaceful protest by the NFL to kneel, sit or stand on their fucking heads for that matter. This was to show the buffoons that are bitching about the players they better look in the mirror about disrespect.

NFL and liberal Flag


NASCAR and conservative flag


trump flag
Donald J Trump is a race baiting maniac who use and abuse mindless hicks to back his ass. He is making a huge huge mistake in taking on the most powerful financially solid blacks in this country, the sports world. Unlike BLM and Moveon, these players have the clout, the venue and the means to not only take this white whore on, but to win. Realizing this, leave it to Trump to drag the most white sport in the country into the fray, NASCAR...who by the way, have no reason to protest anything, its white, its popular and its white...why should they protest anything, but the price of hooch and beer going up at these events?

And leave it to Trump to drag in the American flag apple pie and bullshit to make the hate even more sweeter...another big fuckin mistake on his part.....if anybody is guilty of fuckin over this country, its conservatives and Trump.

Remind me of when Sarah Palin tried to court soccer moms.

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