
Lebanese civilians are complaining that they are being punished for Hizballah did and they had nothing to do with It was Hizballah decision to go to war with Israel not theirs I feel sorry about that but that’s what war is it’s not fair its ugly dirty and mean.

Since Hizballah is getting the worst of it I hope they agree to peace soon

Have been in contact with many Lebanese on the other side,

as the conflict continues; a lot of outspoken morale support and appreciation for Israel.
Of course along with the fractured lines of the society in Lebanon, many support Hezbollah.

But the main issue evident is the lack of responsibility,
and undecidedness of those celebrating it as new independence.
The society is so fractured, and the corruption is so deep, they can't but lose it.

Even if you mean well,
it's generally emotional extortion,
by people mainly resisting responsibility.

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