LeBron James, NBA stars silent on Chinese court ruling homosexuality possible mental disorder


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Some of these "woke" NBAers are major frauds.

Maybe they should do a little research on how black immigrants and tourists to China are treated. From what I have seen and read, it's quite clear that China is consistent with how they treat those different than within their Nationalistic push in the nation by the Commies.

Keep selling your increasing s***ty product NBA.

LeBron James and other NBA stars have kept silent on a Chinese court's recent ruling that homosexuality can be considered a mental disorder, leading to criticism that the progressive league won't speak out on matters that could affect its cash flow.

"Remember, the NBA is the same organization that once pulled its All-Star Game out of Charlotte after a North Carolina law banned transgender people from using bathrooms in accordance with their gender identities," Sam Amico wrote for the sports website OutKick.

"Now, will the league speak out about the Chinese court ruling that states referring to homosexuality as a mental disorder is a-OK? Will it pull preseason games out of China, stop accepting money from Chinese merchandise sales, vehemently speak out about the communist nation’s decision to promote materials that are clearly anti-LGBT?"

A court in the eastern province of Jiangsu this week upheld a ruling that a textbook definition of homosexuality as a mental disorder was an academic view, not an error, according to the South China Morning Post.
You're not making any sense. Why is Lebron James supposed to comment on China?

It's the GOP that's sold the USA out to China. And the GOP hates gays too. Obviously, this requires an investigation. Did the Republicans bribe China to do this, as they've bribed China on so many other things? Or did China bribe the Republicans again? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
You're not making any sense. Why is Lebron James supposed to comment on China?

It's the GOP that's sold the USA out to China. And the GOP hates gays too. Obviously, this requires an investigation. Did the Republicans bribe China to do this, as they've bribed China on so many other things? Or did China bribe the Republicans again? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
The billions they paid to Hunter Biden say you're wrong.
You're not making any sense. Why is Lebron James supposed to comment on China?

It's the GOP that's sold the USA out to China. And the GOP hates gays too. Obviously, this requires an investigation. Did the Republicans bribe China to do this, as they've bribed China on so many other things? Or did China bribe the Republicans again? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
Because he sells his brand there for big bucks as the Chinese government acts like an evil empire...prison camps slave labor camps...breaking their agreements with us and Europe and Hong Kong...we tried to bring that nation around but they just kept kicking us in our ass...
Now the pro sports leagues in the USA want a piece of the China pie...and its wrong on every level...just like it was wrong to do business with Nazi Germany...get it now?...
You're not making any sense. Why is Lebron James supposed to comment on China?

It's the GOP that's sold the USA out to China. And the GOP hates gays too. Obviously, this requires an investigation. Did the Republicans bribe China to do this, as they've bribed China on so many other things? Or did China bribe the Republicans again? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.

Lebron commented on China when Morey, a free American citizen and Houston GM spoke out in support of Hong Kong protesters. Many of those same protesters are now in jail, denied liberty. Morey, conveniently fired for his exercizing of free speech in support of liberty.

Lebron should do some searches of Chinas treatment of others, racism and human right abuses and not just worry about his bank account. A black man in China was denied access to four hospitals in China while his friend begged for them to help his dying friend. When this man did in fact die, due to not getting help, his friend went online and spread this reality to the world. He was then quickly thrown out of the country, two police living in his home with his wife and child, sleeping on their couch, until they were put on a plane. He broke no laws, didn't attack the Communists, but, he caused China to lose face for speaking the truth.

Maybe he should read about the black American football player who was in China, and was treated like a sideshow. While at a bar, some Chinese guys bothered him to sit and drink with them, he refused, tired of being treated like a sideshow. These guys "lost face" for this lowly man daring to deny them their wish and they attacked him with bottles and violence. Even though video showed him only defending himself from this attack, it was HE who was thrown in prison for three years.

The Commies demanded they pay these guys the equivalent of about $100k U.S. They were apparently well connected with the government (sort of how Lebron is well connected) and this poor black man, even though doing nothing wrong, was treated like trash.

Go online and read the abuses foreigners receive from citizens, especially non-white foreigners. Lebron speaks out constantly about the American government, as with others in the NBA, they obediently protect their interests in China , silent in speaking out against their abuses.

Lebron injected himself into this discussion with him lecturing Morey. He is now open to criticism and exposure of his ignorance and cowardice. He is precisely as he illustrates himself to be.
You're not making any sense. Why is Lebron James supposed to comment on China?

It's the GOP that's sold the USA out to China. And the GOP hates gays too. Obviously, this requires an investigation. Did the Republicans bribe China to do this, as they've bribed China on so many other things? Or did China bribe the Republicans again? It would be irresponsible not to speculate.
All the shoe deals and other deals the NBA players have. LeBron needs to be given a one ear sentence to work in a Chinese Slave shop making products for us Americans.

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