Why does Biden continue to remain silent on China?

Was Trump's trade deal with China not good in your opinion?
Then what Xiden's done? Absolutely.

There is a reason China worked to interfere in the 2020 election on Xiden's behalf, and why after he was elected, came to the United States and proclaimed we were not longer coming from a position of strength
Then what Xiden's done? Absolutely.

There is a reason China worked to interfere in the 2020 election on Xiden's behalf, and why after he was elected, came to the United States and proclaimed we were not longer coming from a position of strength

Was Trump's trade deal with China not good in your opinion?
I literally just answered your question

Nope, you totally avoided it.

So, again...

Was Trump's trade deal with China not good in your opinion?

A simple yes or no will suffice
Nope, you totally avoided it.

So, again...

Was Trump's trade deal with China not good in your opinion?

A simple yes or no will suffice
What part of yes, he had a better deal don't you understand? The Chinese were able to escape it by making sure their boy was in office...joey xiden
What part of yes, he had a better deal don't you understand?

Where did you say that in this post...

The Chinese were able to escape it by making sure their boy was in office...joey xiden

How did they escape it if the it still in effect?
And as such secretly supports the genocide in the Ukraine since Xi is what is enabling Putin.

Way to go Dims.

But hey, you support the genocide of abortion, so what does it matter, as Hillary would say?
Dims don’t see abortion as genocidal. They’re all about “rights.” Didn’t you get their memo?
Was Trump's trade deal with China not good in your opinion?
Trump conditioned { Advertised } about China's grossly unfair
trade practices.Something most all Our Founders { if around today } would
have done.But since all a party of unfair,Unamerican type scumbags
could muster was a Confirmed Socialist { Bernie Sanders } and the
likes of Career Democrat Biden and possibly shrill Elizabeth Warren.
Non of whom bothered mush over China's Unfair Trade practices.
It took a verifiable man of people { Or a Donald Trump }
The same guy who pressured Nato members to pay their fair
Dims don’t see abortion as genocidal. They’re all about “rights.” Didn’t you get their memo?
Hey knucklehead on Streroids.Over use of Steroids can kill.
Look at the number of bodybuilders.Then again Abortion{s} do Nothing
but Kill.Given that not long ago { the 50's } abortions were considered
an extremely Vile and Illegal activity.It wasn't even talked about.
The mere mention of having an abortion was roundly accepted as
Devils talk.Heinous and repulsive.Same with Trans Gender crap.
Just because Abortion has been treated as a good thing does not make
it so.Same B.S. crap that BLM used.That Black Lives Matter.
Or Open Borders ... No Biggie.
Again it was once accepted by most all Americans that a Pregnant woman
was blessed.That she was carrying a Living,Breathing little Human { Fetus }.
Yer incapable of even understanding past modern history.
Like in the 50's and 60's.
My Proof ... Love with the Proper Stranger - { 1963 } starring mega hollywood
stars Steve McQueen and Natalie Wood.
Their roles are defining enough.

The world — along with the Biden administration — SHOULD be outraged about Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the destruction caused by President Putin. But there's another ongoing crisis that deserves just as much furor from around the world — yet President Biden remains silent.

On Thursday's program, Glenn details what's currently happening in Shanghai, China, where millions of residents have been forced into their homes — without food — due to strict COVID lockdown measures. People are suffering, but pets are also being thrown in trash cans and clubbed to death. Dogs and cats, in trash bags, set out on the curb like garbage.

The CCP's use of force to keep people in their homes and left to starve is even more disturbing. Lockdowns were meant to last four days, but have lasted two weeks and counting. Shanghai residents are suffering immeasurably, and many of them have already succumbed to the Chinese government's brutality over the last week.

"This is like watching what happened at our World Trade Center on 9/11, except this isn't a fire," Glenn said. "These people are just trying to escape from the government, the lockdown, and hunger."

We must demand our President speak out against this tragedy because if he doesn't, it further proves his administration has been bought and sold by the Chinese Communist Party.

That about sums it up. Biden and Hunter have been bought and sold by the CCP, which is why they could not even bring themselves to boycott the Olympic in China entirely. in protest of open human genocide there

And let's never forget, Xi is the sole funder of Putin.

The "Biden is responsible for ending all the world's problems" narrative has gotten completely out of control. There are legitimate areas to criticize him for without this kind of nonsense.
The "Biden is responsible for ending all the world's problems" narrative has gotten completely out of control. There are legitimate areas to criticize him for without this kind of nonsense.
Not ever to be confused or conflated with ... :
There are legitimate reasons to Praise him.
They are not.If so then name One Positive thing Biden has
done as Potus to Help America and Americans.
Hey knucklehead on Streroids.Over use of Steroids can kill.
Look at the number of bodybuilders.Then again Abortion{s} do Nothing
but Kill.Given that not long ago { the 50's } abortions were considered
an extremely Vile and Illegal activity.It wasn't even talked about.
The mere mention of having an abortion was roundly accepted as
Devils talk.Heinous and repulsive.Same with Trans Gender crap.
Just because Abortion has been treated as a good thing does not make
it so.Same B.S. crap that BLM used.That Black Lives Matter.
Or Open Borders ... No Biggie.
Again it was once accepted by most all Americans that a Pregnant woman
was blessed.That she was carrying a Living,Breathing little Human { Fetus }.
Yer incapable of even understanding past modern history.
Like in the 50's and 60's.
My Proof ... Love with the Proper Stranger - { 1963 } starring mega hollywood
stars Steve McQueen and Natalie Wood.
Their roles are defining enough.
Sometime you’ll have to translate that into English for me. But, using a bit of guesswork, I’d often say that you seem to have me confused for an abortion “rights” advocate.

I’m not. In fact, with a few exceptions, I deem abortions to be essentially evil.
Sometime you’ll have to translate that into English for me. But, using a bit of guesswork, I’d often say that you seem to have me confused for an abortion “rights” advocate.

I’m not. In fact, with a few exceptions, I deem abortions to be essentially evil.
Pseudo-Nouveau Message board complaint among those of the
uppity persuation.Usually it's a pissant complaint about the format.
Meaning,in the long and short of it all ... a failure to communicate
within a written context.
" What we got here is... failure to Communicate.Some men
you just can't reach. " - Cool Hand Luke - { 1967 }
Or " Yeah,well ... sometimes nothin' can be a real cool hand. " - Luke

I don't cotton cutesy-tootsy simplified garden variety-replys.
That is part of Bidenism.Or Obamaville.
Pelosi Land.Chuckie Schumeristic { hands in his pocket when
at the Senate chamber's podium giving an address }.

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