Left Groups Now Fear: Gov't Grab Going Too Far!...

"The vote on the new Internet regulations is scheduled for Thursday. The FCC’s two Republican commissioners have asked Wheeler to delay the vote to allow more time for review. The changes would allow the commission to regulate the Internet like a public utility, setting new standards that require the provision of equal access to all online content."
Read more at: National Review

Good, Congress can go fuck itself.
It's always reassuring to see you supporting tyranny. That's how we know the world is spinning properly on its axis.
Corporations without concerns for your rights in charge, or the government with concerns for your rights in charge, pick one?
"The vote on the new Internet regulations is scheduled for Thursday. The FCC’s two Republican commissioners have asked Wheeler to delay the vote to allow more time for review. The changes would allow the commission to regulate the Internet like a public utility, setting new standards that require the provision of equal access to all online content."
Read more at: National Review

Good, Congress can go fuck itself.
It's always reassuring to see you supporting tyranny. That's how we know the world is spinning properly on its axis.
Corporations without concerns for your rights in charge, or the government with concerns for your rights in charge, pick one?

The government with concerns for your rights?

Nah. . . . The corporations don't have willful intent to screw you out of your rights, they will give you your rights as long as it is profitable. OTOH, the government really doesn't want you to know what your rights are. . . .

This is what the government will do to the internet, not what corporations will do to it.


"The vote on the new Internet regulations is scheduled for Thursday. The FCC’s two Republican commissioners have asked Wheeler to delay the vote to allow more time for review. The changes would allow the commission to regulate the Internet like a public utility, setting new standards that require the provision of equal access to all online content."
Read more at: National Review

Good, Congress can go fuck itself.
It's always reassuring to see you supporting tyranny. That's how we know the world is spinning properly on its axis.
Corporations without concerns for your rights in charge, or the government with concerns for your rights in charge, pick one?

The government with concerns for your rights?

Nah. . . . The corporations don't have willful intent to screw you out of your rights, they will give you your rights as long as it is profitable. OTOH, the government really doesn't want you to know what your rights are. . . .

This is what the government will do to the internet, not what corporations will do to it.



Rights have limitations, now you know. Be glad, now Fox and MSNBC will have the same speeds loading.
The FCC is violating the Government Procedures Act just like their dear leader and will have their collective asses handed to them in the first court case.

It's the same old story. Be careful what you wish for (like more gov't intervention) ... you just might get it.



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Civil liberties in America have been in a nose dive since ww1, and with each passing decade we have had less freedom of speech and expression.

WW1 laid the groundwork for the Survelliance society, making dissent against the government a criminal offense in war time and expanding the powers of government to silence pacifists and political dissidents.

WW2 then allowed the US government to expand controls still further, and the US government decided to re-interpret the constitution to allow premative detention of people on the grounds of them being the same ethnicity of a current enemy; and thus indefinite detention was born.

The Cold War, expanded government control over the political freedoms of Americans by targeting ideological groups they don't like, and restricting their rights of employment or using the power of government to destroy individuals that dissent against the state.

With the 'war on terror', now privacy from the government is under attack, with the government reading and documenting the emails, phone conversations, and internet activity of every American they can.

What happens next, is difficult to say. But it sure isn't good.
Dear FCC: Rethink The Vague "General Conduct" Rule

For many months, EFF has been working with a broad coalition of advocates to persuade the Federal Communications Commission to adopt new Open Internet rules that would survive legal scrutiny and actually help protect the Open Internet. Our message has been clear from the beginning: the FCC has a role to play, but its role must be firmly bounded.

Two weeks ago, we learned that we had likely managed the first goal—the FCC is going to do the right thing and reclassify broadband as a telecommunications service, giving it the ability to make new, meaningful Open Internet rules. But we are deeply concerned that the FCC’s new rules will include a provision that sounds like a recipe for overreach and confusion: the so-called “general conduct rule.”...

Read More:
Dear FCC Rethink The Vague General Conduct Rule Electronic Frontier Foundation

As usual, they find one valid reason to change things, but always leave a door open for more government intrusion. Why would this be any different?

There is no excuse for vague language. It's done on purpose and they will twist the meaning of the rule so it allows them to do whatever they intend to do at any given time.
"The vote on the new Internet regulations is scheduled for Thursday. The FCC’s two Republican commissioners have asked Wheeler to delay the vote to allow more time for review. The changes would allow the commission to regulate the Internet like a public utility, setting new standards that require the provision of equal access to all online content."
Read more at: National Review

Good, Congress can go fuck itself.

Oh so your a facist too. The POTUS is supposed to realize he doesnt represent all Americans, Congress does , He fucking promised transparency in his campaign. we all saw him do it. Hes a acting like a dictator. He can stop going around Congress now
"The vote on the new Internet regulations is scheduled for Thursday. The FCC’s two Republican commissioners have asked Wheeler to delay the vote to allow more time for review. The changes would allow the commission to regulate the Internet like a public utility, setting new standards that require the provision of equal access to all online content."
Read more at: National Review

Good, Congress can go fuck itself.

Oh so your a facist too. The POTUS is supposed to realize he doesnt represent all Americans, Congress does , He fucking promised transparency in his campaign. we all saw him do it. Hes a acting like a dictator. He can stop going around Congress now
Congress doesn't represent shit, unless it's paid for. Keep your Sunday School Americanism to yourself.
"The vote on the new Internet regulations is scheduled for Thursday. The FCC’s two Republican commissioners have asked Wheeler to delay the vote to allow more time for review. The changes would allow the commission to regulate the Internet like a public utility, setting new standards that require the provision of equal access to all online content."
Read more at: National Review

Good, Congress can go fuck itself.

Oh so your a facist too. The POTUS is supposed to realize he doesnt represent all Americans, Congress does , He fucking promised transparency in his campaign. we all saw him do it. Hes a acting like a dictator. He can stop going around Congress now
Congress doesn't represent shit, unless it's paid for. Keep your Sunday School Americanism to yourself.

You have a president you approve of, someday you wont. If that president uses his pen and his phone like Obama, youll have to live with that too.

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