Left has meltdown over impending demise of Biden student loan debt shifting scheme.

Who takes a loan out on a car that breaks down just by looking at it? :abgg2q.jpg:

But we knew you weren't too bright anyway, i.e. supporting the Orange Ape Of MAL.
Seek major professional help soon, Nutjob.

You need a battery of white coats working around the clock on you. :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
This was a vote pandering ploy from minute one and continues to be a political stunt.

Weingarten is the Al Sharpton of the education world. As soon as that clown shows up, you know the situation has gone full retard and is in performative territory.
I accept your concession, Simp.

Thanks for playing.
Not a confession. It’s just that your attempt to raise an interesting point fails miserably.

Your comment has nothing to do with the legal issue.
He sure is eager to force the garage mechanics to pay off the loans of lawyers and doctors, isn’t he?
You didn’t say anything when those mechanics had to pay off far larger loans for rich jerks like Kushner.

Most docs wouldn’t even get loan forgiveness since they put income limits on who could benefit.
Students take out student loans because they can't afford thousands & thousands of dollars for tuition, etc.

Not everybody is a trust fund brat who gets their college education paid for by uber wealthy mommy & daddy.
Go to a trade school and or join the military.
If the left wants people to get behind this simple way to do it show us in the Constitution where the President any President has the legal authority to forgive these loans.
Make no mistake about it, this isn’t loan forgivenes, it is shifting the responsibility of paying the loans from those who signed contracts to pay them back to those who did not.

And it will go down since the Constitution is crystal clear that spending originates in Congress, not the executive branch.

Biden overstepped his authority Bigly here.

But it is entertaining to watch leftist go bat shit crazy over the inevitable ruling by the Supreme Court.

For folks such as myself who avoided college debt it certainly is some thing almost like a slap in the face if you will…. I do feel for Americans who are deeply deeply in debt.

I have no college debt. I have an excellent credit score. I work hard I am my own boss. I’m happy with the route I took. And I want younger Americans to have more opportunities I want this country to be like it was back in the day. Before I was born back in the 1940s and in the 60s This was such a better country for black Americans and white Americans because we could all get the best jobs even if we dropped out of high school. Look at how ugly we are today.

This is a direct result I believe of us losing the prestigious steel and auto jobs and of the government and so many people saying hey if you want to “get ahead” go to college.

We now have white Americans in this country saying “man I’m lucky I’m not black and I don’t have to experience what it’s like to be black and get pulled over by a police officer”. How did it ever get to this point in this country where people talk in such a disgraceful manner and disrespect the police force and disrespect the black and white Americans who work so hard to make up our police force.

This country is not what it used to be. We keep on doing crazy things in this country from the gender issues to BLM, giving people jobs based on how they look not their skills. Legalizing marijuana all over the country everyone thought that would be great it’s a disaster. Getting rid of plastic bags in favor of paper even though apparently paper is worse for the environment.

Equity hires in the airline industry, healthcare industry.

Getting involved in a possible nuclear confrontation with Russia all over Ukraine. Because Russia invade Ukraine and the media goes nuts about it so do some politicians. Never mind that America invaded other countries

Hi grocery prices. An all time high grocery prices are at an all-time high. People are not keeping up with inflation many Americans are facing losing their homes having to move into an apartment or worse.
It gives him the right to “waive or modify” any provision of student loans.

That’s exactly what Biden did.

SCOTUS is probably going to ignore the language of the law to get a political victory. Again.
Fuck YOU and the worthless law you abuse.

Fuck you both.

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