Left has meltdown over impending demise of Biden student loan debt shifting scheme.

The solution to that is simple: There is no law that states you have to attend college right out of high school. You can live at home with mom and dad, work a full-time job for two or three years, then you'd have enough money for college without borrowing a dime.
If you are smart you can stay at home and learn a trade. Save up some money and go to college or perhaps the company you work for will help you financially. You always have that trade to fall back on when you get replaced by a robot or AI computer.

Another possibility is to join the service. Not only do you learn how the real world works but often you can learn a trade useful in civilian life and you can go to college, either while in the service or once you leave it.

Not only that but I can't tell you how many kids I've known or ran across that had no idea what they want to go to college for, only that they must get a college education. My niece? She wanted to go for a marine biologist. I told her to find me a Help Wanted ad that was looking for one. She switched her major to biology and after she graduated, ended up waiting tables in Florida.

When you get out into the working world you run across people from all different walks of life. I think after a few years of that kids will have a much better idea of what kind of profession to seek out and end up not wasting their time and money on some worthless degree with no job opportunities.

Maybe to solve this problem we need a federal law stating nobody can go to college until the age of 21 so we never have this problem again.
We’d have a hard time passing that much of a change. But a mere ONE year out in the working world, as an uneducated teen, can do wonders for the attitude once they arrive in college at age 19, to say nothing of the money earned.

They are thrilled to get away from that boring key-punch computer card job with the mean boss and instead be in college preparing for a career. They will also, as you point out, pick a major with a career in mind, rather than useless crap.

I would know.
This was a bad idea from the get-go.

What about all the kids who played by the rules, worked hard and paid off their loans? What about all the families who sacrificed to help their children? What about the future, are we going to keep doing this? And what about all the kids who couldn't go to college? Too bad for them?

I say it all the time: Band aids DON'T WORK.
When I was in college, lots of kids on student loans had the money to go skiing in Vermont over Thanksgiving and to Cancun on spring break.

(I, OTOH, didn‘t have excess money like that and couldn’t go. And my breaks were filled with studying so I could keep my grades up and my academic scholarships active.)

In effect, the student loans enabled kids who weren’t paying tuition to go on upscale vacations. So I think everyone of us who are NOT getting the student loan handout should get a ski vacation and a beach vacation, paid for by taxpayers.

Seems fair to me.
No SCOTUS ruling yet?
This is a no-brainer!!
Pay up for your bad choices or :anj_stfu:.
They often announce decisions in the Summer.

This isn't an election year of course but Every election year, the right wing decries this as some sort of plot that the decisions are unpopular and SCOTUS is trying to affect the election.
We’d have a hard time passing that much of a change. But a mere ONE year out in the working world, as an uneducated teen, can do wonders for the attitude once they arrive in college at age 19, to say nothing of the money earned.

They are thrilled to get away from that boring key-punch computer card job with the mean boss and instead be in college preparing for a career. They will also, as you point out, pick a major with a career in mind, rather than useless crap.

I would know.

Yes but three years would be better because of the money they could save. They should also hold colleges accountable for giving bad advice.

My nephew did fine. He got a Masters and has a fantastic job. His ex-wife didn't know what she wanted, so the school talked her into taking up advertising. She ended up with a job showing apartments where they moved to. I asked her why in the world out of all the things did she take up something like advertising? She said later she found out nobody in college was taking advertising and the school preyed on confused kids to get them to fill up the classes.

Paying off their school debts was one of the things that led to their divorce. He wanted to be debt free before starting a family and she was concerned about her biological time clock. I told my nephew she should have got a lawyer and sued the college.
Yes but three years would be better because of the money they could save. They should also hold colleges accountable for giving bad advice.

My nephew did fine. He got a Masters and has a fantastic job. His ex-wife didn't know what she wanted, so the school talked her into taking up advertising. She ended up with a job showing apartments where they moved to. I asked her why in the world out of all the things did she take up something like advertising? She said later she found out nobody in college was taking advertising and the school preyed on confused kids to get them to fill up the classes.

Paying off their school debts was one of the things that led to their divorce. He wanted to be debt free before starting a family and she was concerned about her biological time clock. I told my nephew she should have got a lawyer and sued the college.
Oh I agree three years would be better, but I’m thinking there would be an uproar - and no way to pass it - if we required three years.

One year alone can make a difference. I had no idea what I wanted to study in college as high school graduation neared, so I delayed by a year and took a job. It changed my outlook entirely, and I was a much more mature - and successful - college student than I would have been had I gone straight through. Plus of course….the extra money.
Make no mistake about it, this isn’t loan forgivenes, it is shifting the responsibility of paying the loans from those who signed contracts to pay them back to those who did not.

And it will go down since the Constitution is crystal clear that spending originates in Congress, not the executive branch.

Biden overstepped his authority Bigly here.

But it is entertaining to watch leftist go bat shit crazy over the inevitable ruling by the Supreme Court.

I heard Sotomayor yesterday say something like these people are having a hard time making ends meet so they need this forgiveness. No mention from her on Constitutionality or laws involved. I guess those are irrelevant.
This was a bad idea from the get-go.

What about all the kids who played by the rules, worked hard and paid off their loans? What about all the families who sacrificed to help their children? What about the future, are we going to keep doing this? And what about all the kids who couldn't go to college? Too bad for them?

I say it all the time: Band aids DON'T WORK.

It was all about getting votes in the mid-terms
I heard Sotomayor yesterday say something like these people are having a hard time making ends meet so they need this forgiveness. No mention from her on Constitutionality or laws involved. I guess those are irrelevant.
Congress and not Biden should have the final say.
Too bad students can't file bankruptcy on student loans. How many people did the orange combover ape god screw over in his filings?
What in the Sam Hill blazes is that second sentence supposed to mean?
I heard Sotomayor yesterday say something like these people are having a hard time making ends meet so they need this forgiveness. No mention from her on Constitutionality or laws involved. I guess those are irrelevant.
Also, what about the majority of non-college people having trouble making ends meet? Why is the focus on the group with the highest earning potential?
You want poor and middle class working folks to pay the debts of people who agreed to take out the loans and pay them back, Simp.

It isn’t their fault morons racked up debt getting useless degrees like gender studies.
They're shifting the burden from white collar students to blue collar union workers. Why doesn't Quid Pro ever mention that?
Congress and not Biden should have the final say.
That’s what will happen - and hopefully the Republican House will squash the idea of placing the financial obligations knowingly incurred by professionals onto the backs of the working class.

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