Left has meltdown over impending demise of Biden student loan debt shifting scheme.

Also, what about the majority of non-college people having trouble making ends meet? Why is the focus on the group with the highest earning potential?
Democrats feel this will benefit them at the voting booth.
Democrats feel this will benefit them at the voting booth.
How so? Two-thirds of voters never went to college, and of the remaining third, most of them paid off their loans or never borrowed in the first place (making sacrifices elsewhere).
How so? Two-thirds of voters never went to college, and of the remaining third, most of them paid off their loans or never borrowed in the first place (making sacrifices elsewhere).
Democrats are appealing to college grads and hoping to get the votes of the current college crowd as well.
Too bad students can't file bankruptcy on student loans. How many people did the orange combover ape god screw over in his filings?
Why cant the students file for bankrupty?

My guess is that they can
Why cant the students file for bankrupty?

My guess is that they can
I worked my way through college. While many of my peers partied during the Summer months I was working road construction.
I worked my way through college. While many of my peers partied during the Summer months I was working road construction.
Dems aka libs will do or say anything for political power

The educators like loan forgiveness because it indirectly puts money in their pockets
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Well, congress did write the law giving the admin power to do this, with little restrictions.

The Supreme court should only be making their ruling on whether the law written by congress and passed in to law, covers the Biden admin for their action.

Not whether congress should make this decision because it is a lot of money....that is NOT something the SC should even consider, because it is NOT THEIR JOB... Their job is to decide if the action of the Biden admin is legal and constitutional and whether through the laws on the books, congress gave that power to the administration.

That being said, I think it is a mistake to forgive x amount of the student debt, without taking measures and changing laws, that caused the problem in the first place so it doesn't just continue...

BUT that is not the SC's job, their job is to determine if Biden can do this, under the law, and constitution.
Well, congress did write the law giving the admin power to do this, with little restrictions.

The Supreme court should only be making their ruling on whether the law written by congress and passed in to law, covers the Biden admin for their action.

Not whether congress should make this decision because it is a lot of money....that is NOT something the SC should even consider, because it is NOT THEIR JOB... Their job is to decide if the action of the Biden admin is legal and constitutional and whether through the laws on the books, congress gave that power to the administration.

That being said, I think it is a mistake to forgive x amount of the student debt, without taking measures and changing laws, that caused the problem in the first place so it doesn't just continue...

BUT that is not the SC's job, their job is to determine if Biden can do this, under the law, and constitution.

The law allows a President to do this under a national emergency or disaster. It was created during GW to aid solders that left college to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan after 911.

There is no national emergency and hasn't been for well over a year.
Democrats are appealing to college grads and hoping to get the votes of the current college crowd as well.
So you think college grads who paid off their loans, or never had them and made sacrifices elsewhere, will find this appealing?

I wouldn’t be too happy if I a) bought a smaller house so I could have a mortgage that would also enable me to travel, and b) just finished paying off the 30th year of a 30-year mortgage, when all of a sudden it is announced that all people who took out mortgages for McMansions they couldn’t afford will have them forgiven.
The law allows a President to do this under a national emergency or disaster. It was created during GW to aid solders that left college to fight in Iraq and Afghanistan after 911.

There is no national emergency and hasn't been for well over a year.
The law does not say it has to be DURING the National Emergency, it says it has to be a result or cause by the natural emergency ....that is being bailed out, .... is my understanding....?
Maybe to solve this problem we need a federal law stating nobody can go to college until the age of 21 so we never have this problem again.
I'm still of the opinion that the schools themselves should cosign these loans. If they want to take the risk on low IQ liberal humanities students, let them regurgitate the money when their product turns out to be worthless in the real world.
So you think college grads who paid off their loans, or never had them and made sacrifices elsewhere, will find this appealing?

I wouldn’t be too happy if I a) bought a smaller house so I could have a mortgage that would also enable me to travel, and b) just finished paying off the 30th year of a 30-year mortgage, when all of a sudden it is announced that all people who took out mortgages for McMansions they couldn’t afford will have them forgiven.
That's one big problem. Another is that IF this stands and goes through, it's just the camel's nose under the tent flap. Here's what would happen:

1. Future graduates will demand their piece of the pie, stating it to be unfair that their future loans will not also be forgiven.
2. When the government inevitably agrees to forgive future student loans, colleges will simply raise tuition by the same percentage that the loans are forgiven.

That puts us right back where we started, leading to an ever-spiraling mess, ultimately ending where the socialists want, government paid secondary education.
The only person that put them in massive debt was themselves when they decided to borrow the money.
Not only that, but many of them come from relatively well-to-do families and attended very expensive prestigious universities.

And now the Democrats think they shouldn't have to delay any gratification, wants, luxuries in order to pay what they agreed to pay?

Again millions of us worked whatever crappy jobs we could get, did without some nice things and a lot of wants in order to pay our own way as much as possible and pay what we owed.

So again, where is the morality, justice, fairness that we should now pay the bills for those who want no consequences of any kind for the debt they owe?

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