Left has meltdown over impending demise of Biden student loan debt shifting scheme.

Vote buying scheme for young people and deadbeats
Vote for me and your monetary commitments and responsibilities go away.
Biden 101
Funny how nobody is talking about the G.I. Bill. Draft dodger (asthma?) Biden's giveaway bill is an insult to every Veteran who gave up two or more years of Military service and went to college.

Between the 2008 and 2020 covid crisis:

The banks got bailed out, the auto industry got bailed out, home mortgage owners got bailed out, states got bailed out, small businesses got bailed out, the unemployed got bailed out, the financial industry got bailed out, hospitals got bailed out, renters got bailed out (sorta)......

After all those bailouts for other Americans,

Outside of the question of when is it ever going to end, why the STOP on bailing student loan holders vs. all those other bail outs?
I want to be reimbursed for the money I spent to send my kids to college. $208,000 for one, and $90,000 for the other. Cool?

Very cool!

I'd like to be reimbursed for both my son's college education, AND the portion of my own education that in no way benefitted me or my employers. College is 80% an overpriced waste of time!

Too bad so many employers make it a requirement for so many jobs.
Well, congress did write the law giving the admin power to do this, with little restrictions.

The Supreme court should only be making their ruling on whether the law written by congress and passed in to law, covers the Biden admin for their action.

Not whether congress should make this decision because it is a lot of money....that is NOT something the SC should even consider, because it is NOT THEIR JOB... Their job is to decide if the action of the Biden admin is legal and constitutional and whether through the laws on the books, congress gave that power to the administration.

That being said, I think it is a mistake to forgive x amount of the student debt, without taking measures and changing laws, that caused the problem in the first place so it doesn't just continue...

BUT that is not the SC's job, their job is to determine if Biden can do this, under the law, and constitution.
Quote the law giving Chicom Joe the authority to spend half a trillion forgiving loans.
I'm still of the opinion that the schools themselves should cosign these loans. If they want to take the risk on low IQ liberal humanities students, let them regurgitate the money when their product turns out to be worthless in the real world.
I think that's a good idea, except for your purposeful insult about liberals! :(

Something needs to be instituted in law that prevents loans going to schools that do not have more than 70 or 80% graduation and or placement in a job, rate.

And something needs to be in place to prevent schools from raising their school tuition when their school receives x- amount in yearly student loan money, or prevents any tuition hikes above X percentage or I dunno?

But this bull crap of college tuition going up, up, and up, MUST BE CURBED somehow.....imo....get backed loans should make school's costs go down, not up....?
When the Supreme Court knocks this down, Biden can blame Trump for appointment of conservative judges and claim that Republicans hate you.
The courts let Trump do it when he was president.

But since the courts are now controlled by partisans looking for political outcomes, that’s meaningless.
Yes, judges who rule according to the Constitution. Gee, how partisan is that, huh.
The courts let Trump do it when he was president.

But since the courts are now controlled by partisans looking for political outcomes, that’s meaningless.

Again with the apples and oranges. That money was already appropriated by the House for national defense. Stopping people from invading our country is national defense. Since Dementia opened up the border over 100 of those caught were on the Do Not Fly list. Others were convicted felons and gang members. We now have a record amount of fentanyl deaths. So stopping these people from entering our country is easily considered national defense.
I think that's a good idea, except for your purposeful insult about liberals! :(

Something needs to be instituted in law that prevents loans going to schools that do not have more than 70 or 80% graduation and or placement in a job, rate.

And something needs to be in place to prevent schools from raising their school tuition when their school receives x- amount in yearly student loan money, or prevents any tuition hikes above X percentage or I dunno?

But this bull crap of college tuition going up, up, and up, MUST BE CURBED somehow.....imo....get backed loans should make school's costs go down, not up....?

Not really. It's called Supply and Demand. When supply is high (like it was years ago) and demand is low, prices go down. When demand is high and supply is low (like it's been the past two decades) prices go up.
Again with the apples and oranges. That money was already appropriated by the House for national defense. Stopping people from invading our country is national defense. Since Dementia opened up the border over 100 of those caught were on the Do Not Fly list. Others were convicted felons and gang members. We now have a record amount of fentanyl deaths. So stopping these people from entering our country is easily considered national defense.
Not in the least. Trump had to use emergency powers to send the money to fund the border wall which was not appropriated for it.

Trump argued in court that he gets to decide what constitutes an emergency.

Doesn't Biden get the same consideration?
Again with the apples and oranges. That money was already appropriated by the House for national defense. Stopping people from invading our country is national defense. Since Dementia opened up the border over 100 of those caught were on the Do Not Fly list. Others were convicted felons and gang members. We now have a record amount of fentanyl deaths. So stopping these people from entering our country is easily considered national defense.
Not to mention the 100,000 dead Americans each year from Biden’s fentanyl flooding across the border
Not in the least. Trump had to use emergency powers to send the money to fund the border wall which was not appropriated for it.

Trump argued in court that he gets to decide what constitutes an emergency.

Doesn't Biden get the same consideration?
Trump's wall cost about $5 to 10 billion depending on who you ask.
Biden's loan forgiveness will cost between $400 billion and $1 trillion depending on who you ask.
See the difference?

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