Left has meltdown over impending demise of Biden student loan debt shifting scheme.

Democrats love to promise stuff they will never deliver on. It’s cheap, it gets votes and when it doesn’t happen the Dems can blame republicans.
That is the huge and most destructive trend with those in government. Mostly the Democrats but also a few Republicans don't give a damn about future consequences of what they do.

They make themselves look good, generous, benevolent, caring now. Then later when the chickens come home to roost and the very bad consequences kick in, they figure they'll have amassed their fortunes and will be out of office. And whoever is in office gets blamed for it.

And since it generally falls to Republicans to deal with fiscally/socially unsound government policy and initiatives--the modern radically leftist Democrats won't do it--the Democrats love to point at the GOP as evil, cruel, controlling, uncaring etc. etc. etc.
Not only that, but many of them come from relatively well-to-do families and attended very expensive prestigious universities.

And now the Democrats think they shouldn't have to delay any gratification, wants, luxuries in order to pay what they agreed to pay?

Again millions of us worked whatever crappy jobs we could get, did without some nice things and a lot of wants in order to pay our own way as much as possible and pay what we owed.

So again, where is the morality, justice, fairness that we should now pay the bills for those who want no consequences of any kind for the debt they owe?
We're on the downside of the historical way empires dies. Multiple generations sacrifice wants to build better for future generations, then once peace and wealth is attained, the citizens demand ever more for ever less effort. Eventually, everything decays from the inside out when the takers outnumber the producers and empire starts over again somewhere else. The next big empire? China.
We're on the downside of the historical way empires dies. Multiple generations sacrifice wants to build better for future generations, then once peace and wealth is attained, the citizens demand ever more for ever less effort. Eventually, everything decays from the inside out when the takers outnumber the producers and empire starts over again somewhere else. The next big empire? China.
Indeed the history is often that way. But it doesn't have to be that way if a people will just learn from their history. All humans are fallible and fallible humans will get it wrong, make mistakes, create messes that need to be cleaned up.

Currently too many in power are self-serving, greedy, drunk with power, and look to their immediate interests instead of being intellectually honest and having integrity to care what the consequences of what they do might be.

The only answer is to find a way to take the profit motives out of government as much as possible so that we elect true public servants again instead of career politicians.
He declared that it is ending this coming May actually.

Biden: ‘The pandemic is over’​

They can, but student loan debt can't be cancelled by bankruptcy.
Yes, so I found out

I have no advice for the ones who already graduated

They should pay even if it takes 20 years

But for others they should join the military and pay for college that way
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Not only that, but many of them come from relatively well-to-do families and attended very expensive prestigious universities.

And now the Democrats think they shouldn't have to delay any gratification, wants, luxuries in order to pay what they agreed to pay?

Again millions of us worked whatever crappy jobs we could get, did without some nice things and a lot of wants in order to pay our own way as much as possible and pay what we owed.

So again, where is the morality, justice, fairness that we should now pay the bills for those who want no consequences of any kind for the debt they owe?

Not only that, but what "emergency" warrants paying these loans?

As I stated the HEROs act was started during GW for the solders in Iraq and Afghanistan. They couldn't pay their bills while serving. When Dementia got in, we were in full recovery; employers were looking high and low for help; kids were still able to attend college either in person or video. So what was stopping any of them from repaying their loans? We were on our way out of covid two years ago. There is absolutely nothing that warrants fighting for this now.
I'm still of the opinion that the schools themselves should cosign these loans. If they want to take the risk on low IQ liberal humanities students, let them regurgitate the money when their product turns out to be worthless in the real world.

We just need to go back to the way things were before DumBama Fkd it all up and have banks take care of student loans instead of the government.
Who determines what is and isn't a national emergency?

It's not you. It's the president.

Let the courts decide that. Let Dementia prove there was a national emergency or disaster the last year. The judges will laugh at him. A President can't willy-nilly declare an emergency for no reason at all, and there is no reason to declare an emergency for well over a year. In the past year colleges and public schools were open, employers begging for help and increased wage offers, so what's the emergency. Tell me what that emergency was/is?
The law does not say it has to be DURING the National Emergency, it says it has to be a result or cause by the natural emergency ....that is being bailed out, .... is my understanding....?

Fair enough, so what was this national emergency that precluded people from paying these loans back?
We just need to go back to the way things were before DumBama Fkd it all up and have banks take care of student loans instead of the government.
I still believe the end goal here is to have the government pay for all secondary education. Give out student loans, forgive some of them so colleges raise tuitions to match, then take over the whole thing when no one can less wealthy than Bill Gates can afford to go without government assistance.
Funny how nobody is talking about the G.I. Bill. Draft dodger (asthma?) Biden's giveaway bill is an insult to every Veteran who gave up two or more years of Military service and went to college.
Can't stand the fact that poor & middle class students may get a break on student loans, right asswipe?

How are harmed by the idea other then the fact that you're soiling yourself over it?

I want to be reimbursed for the money I spent to send my kids to college. $208,000 for one, and $90,000 for the other. Cool?
The U.S. government is 31$ trillions dollars in debt.

Where did that money go?

Well, it goes to the American people (mostly) thru a lot of different mechanisms

But where does it go after that?

Since we have a trickle up economy, it all ends up in the hands of the wealthiest 0.01%

So the wealthiest 0.01% should pay for 100% of all student loans (since they have the money and won't just pay the money back to the government in taxes).

This is how to end slavery in America!
The U.S. government is 31$ trillions dollars in debt.

Where did that money go?

Well, it goes to the American people (mostly) thru a lot of different mechanisms

But where does it go after that?

Since we have a trickle up economy, it all ends up in the hands of the wealthiest 0.01%

So the wealthiest 0.01% should pay for 100% of all student loans (since they have the money and won't just pay the money back to the government in taxes).

This is how to end slavery in America!
You funny.
That's one big problem. Another is that IF this stands and goes through, it's just the camel's nose under the tent flap. Here's what would happen:

1. Future graduates will demand their piece of the pie, stating it to be unfair that their future loans will not also be forgiven.
2. When the government inevitably agrees to forgive future student loans, colleges will simply raise tuition by the same percentage that the loans are forgiven.

That puts us right back where we started, leading to an ever-spiraling mess, ultimately ending where the socialists want, government paid secondary education.
Or college degrees become a part of social programs for every student who wants, like many European democracies have already???? K - college is schooling years???

Money would be better spent on vocational schools like the old days imho, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, brick layers, computer technicians, robot operators, truck drivers etc etc.... For both women and men....
It is unfair when so many others have got millions and millions and millions of dollars. Being fair or not is not what the court will rule on though. They will rule on the legality. Hopefully if they rule it illegal, they get a shot at others getting millions of dollars also.

You're a socialist and practice responsibility displacement.
The U.S. government is 31$ trillions dollars in debt.

Where did that money go?

Well, it goes to the American people (mostly) thru a lot of different mechanisms

But where does it go after that?

Since we have a trickle up economy, it all ends up in the hands of the wealthiest 0.01%

So the wealthiest 0.01% should pay for 100% of all student loans (since they have the money and won't just pay the money back to the government in taxes).

This is how to end slavery in America!

I want to be reimbursed for the money I spent to send my kids to college. $208,000 for one, and $90,000 for the other. Cool?

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