Left outraged Romney went to private and prep schools .. So did Obama


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
He went to Punahou School in HI which is a private school, He went to Columbia and Harvard.. Why is this any different???? The only thing that concerns me is HOW if he only grew up with mediocre means how did he pay for these schools unless they are based on lies since all his records are sealed
Who in the hell is outraged? I don't give a fuck where the Corporatist Fuckwad went to school....I don't care about his Mormon Faith.....I care that he wants to turn America into more of a Plutocracy than it already is.
Who in the hell is outraged? I don't give a fuck where the Corporatist Fuckwad went to school....I don't care about his Mormon Faith.....I care that he wants to turn America into more of a Plutocracy than it already is.

Calm the fuck down, I think you may have soiled your frilly panties there Nancy.
He went to Punahou School in HI which is a private school, He went to Columbia and Harvard.. Why is this any different???? The only thing that concerns me is HOW if he only grew up with mediocre means how did he pay for these schools unless they are based on lies since all his records are sealed

Typical Left wing Hypocrisy.
Who in the hell is outraged? I don't give a fuck where the Corporatist Fuckwad went to school....I don't care about his Mormon Faith.....I care that he wants to turn America into more of a Plutocracy than it already is.

Calm the fuck down, I think you may have soiled your frilly panties there Nancy.

Really? It's just that I get a little tired of being assigned "outrage" over stupid assed nonsense like this. Some far right idiot doesn't speak for me....neither does the far left, for that matter.
Anything...anything but the economy, unemployment, wild spending, burgeoning deficit, skyrocketing energy costs, lack of leadership, and on and on. That's the game, set, and match for the lefties... try to baffle them all with bullshit. It's works on the base idiots they've got, but turns other voters they need off like a switch. The dumb ones buy it while the intelligent folks just shake their heads and walk away.
But, I thought Obama was poor!

He's never had a job. How'd he afford a private high school, occidental, Columbia (with a trip around the world) and Harvard?
The only ones who care are birthers.

Wait a sec, democrats dont want kids going to good schools or they'd support vouchers, even blacks support that, because they've seen it work.....*cough* DC Voucher system *cough*

And you're right liberals never mention his schooling or his background or his wealth, naaaaaaah, I mean only republicans are rich, because I NEVER hear liberals bitch about their own "rich" people
Democrats are hypocrites.

They bitch about:

Wall street
Rich people

But are silent when Democrats:

Bail out wall street
Are rich

Obama is a 1%er. He bailed out corporations and supported a mandate that requires every one to buy a product from a corporation.
But, I thought Obama was poor!

He's never had a job. How'd he afford a private high school, occidental, Columbia (with a trip around the world) and Harvard?

Why would I be outraged? I went to private/prep schools as well. They're kind of a big thing in that liberal enclave known as New England.
Who specifically is outraged.? What did they say? Are youl sure you didn't just hear it from some rabid right wing talkshow host or some other right wing opinion show on Faux news?
He went to Punahou School in HI which is a private school, He went to Columbia and Harvard.. Why is this any different???? The only thing that concerns me is HOW if he only grew up with mediocre means how did he pay for these schools unless they are based on lies since all his records are sealed

Typical Left wing Hypocrisy.

Actually it's typical bullshit from Lovebear, "Retard".
Care to name some names?

EXACTLY who is "outraged" about where mittens went to school?

Indeed, does anyone care?

I think you're confused ... its the nutty rw's who keep lying about where Obama went to school.

What the left cares about is that all US children get the same opportunity for an excellent education which is something the pubs and pots are dead set against.
He went to Punahou School in HI which is a private school, He went to Columbia and Harvard.. Why is this any different???? The only thing that concerns me is HOW if he only grew up with mediocre means how did he pay for these schools unless they are based on lies since all his records are sealed
I've not noticed anyone caring where Romney went to school.

I've seen people care that he was a bully. And plenty of people care that he's hiding something in his tax returns.

If you're getting paid by the RNC they deserve a refund.

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