Left/Right should ALL read this!

I have not only followed this movement on TV and the net but I have actually been to a local Occupy Rally.....

I saw the expected 99%ers and the anti bankers, and anti corps, then thrown in among them was the pro Union anti SB 5 (If you know Ohio you know what that is) And of course the green party had their representatives there, and the Anti-war crowd. And I'm supposed to believe it's not a leftist movement? I don't think I can stretch that far...............
First of all, the left was against the TPM from the VERY start. Furthermore, the TPM has not been taken over by the GOP, or been some mouthpiece for them...in fact they've often been a thorn in the side of the Republicans. While they may have had more in common with some of their conservative values, the TPM made it pointedly clear that they were no longer satisfied with the status quo. Even so, at no time did the left say anything about the TMP having ANY valid points, or offer any support on the issues they were protesting against. Again, rather they mocked them and their positions, the same ones that they now claim to have in common, at every possible opportunity. Now that it would suit the left's agenda, they suddenly want to buddy up and work for a common cause. Once bitten, twice shy.

Really? Please link to tea party outrage over 'Too Big To Fail'. That's what started all this: opposition to the TARP bailouts, which Bush/Paulson claimed would save the economy, since we couldn't let these financial institutions go down.

Show me the tea party outrage over 'TBTF', and make it from 2011.
First of all, the left was against the TPM from the VERY start. Furthermore, the TPM has not been taken over by the GOP, or been some mouthpiece for them...in fact they've often been a thorn in the side of the Republicans. While they may have had more in common with some of their conservative values, the TPM made it pointedly clear that they were no longer satisfied with the status quo. Even so, at no time did the left say anything about the TMP having ANY valid points, or offer any support on the issues they were protesting against. Again, rather they mocked them and their positions, the same ones that they now claim to have in common, at every possible opportunity. Now that it would suit the left's agenda, they suddenly want to buddy up and work for a common cause. Once bitten, twice shy.

Really? Please link to tea party outrage over 'Too Big To Fail'. That's what started all this: opposition to the TARP bailouts, which Bush/Paulson claimed would save the economy, since we couldn't let these financial institutions go down.

Show me the tea party outrage over 'TBTF', and make it from 2011.

Tea party was protesting that in 2008 and 2009. You know, when the last two administrations were making that bullcrap argument.

Seems odd that now the OWS has a problem with it. Despite their candidate doing it.
Get over it Synthia.. The Tea Party was demonized by the left wing assholes and their media. The Tea Party has nothing to do with the shitters marching around now demanding more more more more. Get over it.

Left/Right should ALL read this!


You can lead an idiot to a good article, but you can't make him read.
It seems the LEFT is now trying to Occupy the Tea Party.

must be because they were a success and this OCCUPYING bull is turning out to look like a joke.

Remember how they ALL told us the Tea Party was INSIGNIFICANT...:lol:

terrorists, tea baggers, extremists, bla bla bla bla deee da.. yep I remember it well.. oh and racists too.. don't ever forget that one.
Yes - after they were taken over by FOX/FreedomWorks.

They pivoted from being angry at TARP and TBTF to hating Obama when he had only been in office 2 months!

Who directed that pivot? Not Ron Paul, whose followers were the real, original tea partiers.
I have not only followed this movement on TV and the net but I have actually been to a local Occupy Rally.....

I saw the expected 99%ers and the anti bankers, and anti corps, then thrown in among them was the pro Union anti SB 5 (If you know Ohio you know what that is) And of course the green party had their representatives there, and the Anti-war crowd. And I'm supposed to believe it's not a leftist movement? I don't think I can stretch that far...............
When are you going to tell us all about the shitters that you saw?

First of all, the left was against the TPM from the VERY start. Furthermore, the TPM has not been taken over by the GOP, or been some mouthpiece for them...in fact they've often been a thorn in the side of the Republicans. While they may have had more in common with some of their conservative values, the TPM made it pointedly clear that they were no longer satisfied with the status quo. Even so, at no time did the left say anything about the TMP having ANY valid points, or offer any support on the issues they were protesting against. Again, rather they mocked them and their positions, the same ones that they now claim to have in common, at every possible opportunity. Now that it would suit the left's agenda, they suddenly want to buddy up and work for a common cause. Once bitten, twice shy.

Really? Please link to tea party outrage over 'Too Big To Fail'. That's what started all this: opposition to the TARP bailouts, which Bush/Paulson claimed would save the economy, since we couldn't let these financial institutions go down.

Show me the tea party outrage over 'TBTF', and make it from 2011.

Tea party was protesting that in 2008 and 2009. You know, when the last two administrations were making that bullcrap argument.

Seems odd that now the OWS has a problem with it. Despite their candidate doing it.
Last two administrations? Bush and Clinton?
First of all, the left was against the TPM from the VERY start. Furthermore, the TPM has not been taken over by the GOP, or been some mouthpiece for them...in fact they've often been a thorn in the side of the Republicans. While they may have had more in common with some of their conservative values, the TPM made it pointedly clear that they were no longer satisfied with the status quo. Even so, at no time did the left say anything about the TMP having ANY valid points, or offer any support on the issues they were protesting against. Again, rather they mocked them and their positions, the same ones that they now claim to have in common, at every possible opportunity. Now that it would suit the left's agenda, they suddenly want to buddy up and work for a common cause. Once bitten, twice shy.

Really? Please link to tea party outrage over 'Too Big To Fail'. That's what started all this: opposition to the TARP bailouts, which Bush/Paulson claimed would save the economy, since we couldn't let these financial institutions go down.

Show me the tea party outrage over 'TBTF', and make it from 2011.

Tea party was protesting that in 2008 and 2009. You know, when the last two administrations were making that bullcrap argument.

Seems odd that now the OWS has a problem with it. Despite their candidate doing it.

Why aren't they protesting that anymore?
It seems the LEFT is now trying to Occupy the Tea Party.

must be because they were a success and this OCCUPYING bull is turning out to look like a joke.

Remember how they ALL told us the Tea Party was INSIGNIFICANT...:lol:

terrorists, tea baggers, extremists, bla bla bla bla deee da.. yep I remember it well.. oh and racists too.. don't ever forget that one.
Yes - after they were taken over by FOX/FreedomWorks.

They pivoted from being angry at TARP and TBTF to hating Obama when he had only been in office 2 months!

Who directed that pivot? Not Ron Paul, whose followers were the real, original tea partiers.

you can try to walk it back but that ain't gonna happen either. never.
terrorists, tea baggers, extremists, bla bla bla bla deee da.. yep I remember it well.. oh and racists too.. don't ever forget that one.
Yes - after they were taken over by FOX/FreedomWorks.

They pivoted from being angry at TARP and TBTF to hating Obama when he had only been in office 2 months!

Who directed that pivot? Not Ron Paul, whose followers were the real, original tea partiers.

you can try to walk it back but that ain't gonna happen either. never.
Show me some recent tea party outrage over TBTF.

You can't and you know it. So you'll make an excuse why you won't try.
The common refrain from the OWS airheads is that those greedy corporations and those rich fuckers are sitting on their massive wealth. Implicit in that "complaint" is the notion (which some of the OWS jerkoffs at least have enough sense not to verbalize): "we" should be able to take "it" away from "them" for the common good.

NO, they are sitting on YOUR massive wealth. It was your money, Liability. They took it courtesy of government transfer - and both government and corporations convinced you to carry their water for them.


I had no massive wealth. I have had some wealth and the government has taken much of it for reasons we never agreed to. They forgot their ability and authority to take my money was not unfettered. They forgot that their authority was, by design and law, LIMITED.

The wealth I do have I have by way of pretty hard work. But it's mine. Not yours. I could spend it or not as I see fit. Some I might HAVE to spend for trivial things like mortgage and food and clothing and cars and maintenance etc.

If however I were a multi billionaire, and I did not feel inclined to spread my money around while the economic opportunities out there are not to my liking, I would be rightfully free to make that decision. And none of you guys would have any legitimate right to take any more from me (beyond what was already taken in the form of taxes) and no justification to even try to compel me to spend any of it in any way with which I did not agree.
One cannot "hinder" a "conversation" with a group of inarticulate sheep.

The fact remains, however pure their intent and however valid their basic (though ill-defined) complaint may be, the OWS protestors are unable and/or unwilling to articulate a rational proposal for a solution.

And they absolutely wouldn't even TRY to articulate their proposal for a "solution" to the extent that it flows naturally from their major premise. For they know in advance that such a proposed "solution" would be rejected flatly and forever.

Most aren't running for office, they're just letting their representatives know they don't feel accurately represented. Nothing un-American 'bout that!

So? They have every right to march around in a circle carrying homemade signs that say nothing and chanting "Greed like all sucks and shit!"


Nobody is contending that they don't have the right to give voice to their inarticulate emotional bleatings.

What I have maintained is that they lack ANY hint of giving voice to a rational proposed SOLUTION.
First of all, the left was against the TPM from the VERY start. Furthermore, the TPM has not been taken over by the GOP, or been some mouthpiece for them...in fact they've often been a thorn in the side of the Republicans. While they may have had more in common with some of their conservative values, the TPM made it pointedly clear that they were no longer satisfied with the status quo. Even so, at no time did the left say anything about the TMP having ANY valid points, or offer any support on the issues they were protesting against. Again, rather they mocked them and their positions, the same ones that they now claim to have in common, at every possible opportunity. Now that it would suit the left's agenda, they suddenly want to buddy up and work for a common cause. Once bitten, twice shy.

Really? Please link to tea party outrage over 'Too Big To Fail'. That's what started all this: opposition to the TARP bailouts, which Bush/Paulson claimed would save the economy, since we couldn't let these financial institutions go down.

Show me the tea party outrage over 'TBTF', and make it from 2011.

Pretend to claim ignorance and/or deflect if you choose...but the point still remains that YOUR link is the one claiming that the TPM has stood against those issues, and THAT is why they have so much in common with the OWS. You just shot yourself in the foot and revealed your true colors. Now please continue to go on about how much the two groups have in common.:eusa_whistle:

Also, if opposition to the TARP bailouts under Bush is what "started all this", then why wait to protest until now??
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Really? Please link to tea party outrage over 'Too Big To Fail'. That's what started all this: opposition to the TARP bailouts, which Bush/Paulson claimed would save the economy, since we couldn't let these financial institutions go down.

Show me the tea party outrage over 'TBTF', and make it from 2011.

Tea party was protesting that in 2008 and 2009. You know, when the last two administrations were making that bullcrap argument.

Seems odd that now the OWS has a problem with it. Despite their candidate doing it.
Last two administrations? Bush and Clinton?

No. Obama and Bush. Clinton is third back.

1) Obama
2) Bush
3) Clinton

Seriously, I didn't realize you wouldn't have realized that.
The OWS is not now and never was a non-partisan populist movement.

It is and always was the handiwork of the left.

Pretending otherwise is quite unconvincing and the test is crystal clear.

What part of the "populist" base favor the crap those sub-morons are spewing?

Claiming to be the 99% does not make it true. And we can all be against "greed," but that doesn't mean that we favor the limitation on liberty these schmucks endorse.

The common refrain from the OWS airheads is that those greedy corporations and those rich fuckers are sitting on their massive wealth. Implicit in that "complaint" is the notion (which some of the OWS jerkoffs at least have enough sense not to verbalize): "we" should be able to take "it" away from "them" for the common good.

The OWS propagandists might try to deny it, but again, they refuse to get pinned down. Just ASK them: "What is your proposed 'solution' to the 'problem' you have somewhat inarticulately 'identified?'"

And you get greeted with stoney silence and an occasional grunt.

Liability, that is your claim. But the Teabaggers started out protesting the bailout, and sequed into protesting any attempt to increase taxes on the rich, or close any loopholes that the very wealthy use to avoid paying taxes. It was soon apparent that the Koch Bros owned the Teabaggers the same as they own Cain.
Really? Please link to tea party outrage over 'Too Big To Fail'. That's what started all this: opposition to the TARP bailouts, which Bush/Paulson claimed would save the economy, since we couldn't let these financial institutions go down.

Show me the tea party outrage over 'TBTF', and make it from 2011.

Tea party was protesting that in 2008 and 2009. You know, when the last two administrations were making that bullcrap argument.

Seems odd that now the OWS has a problem with it. Despite their candidate doing it.

ah your retard s showing. Here let me explain it for you. Hopefully you will understand because i dont have a neat little pop up book for you.

See the OWS gave Obama a chance to right the ship, he didnt, so therefore he is part of the problem. Is there now something wrong in giving people a chance? or is it right off the bait they are failures because they didnt it fast enough. The economy isnt a Burger king. Its more like a fine restaurant where it takes time to make your food.

oh course Captain pop-up book here most likely wouldnt understand such things. Thats why you watch beck.

See. that's the difference between you and us. We object to bad ideas when they are proposed. You see them through and then feign outrage when things that obviously wouldn't work don't.

Had we simply not bailed anyone out like we wanted, this wouldnt be an issue.
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