Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people

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Oh my, someone questioning the system again?
Calling for "killing" is not just "someone questioning the system again".

I'm not sure the BLM movement as a whole is "calling for killing".
From all appearances it taints your "whole".

It's always appeared that way to some folks they were whining from day one, as some always do, anytime anyone questions the system.
They can't win at the ballot box so they get sour grapes and become unhinged.

They were told by the International Worldwide MSM that Hillary was certain to win, that The Donald only had a 1% chance of winning, so this was pushed into their tiny pea-brains, they had already prepared how they would celebrate Hillary's landslide win....and then she lost.

They are devoid of any coping mechanism to deal with anything that doesn't turn out the way they are told it will, being emotionally immature and Adult-Toddlers they can only throw a bedwetting tantrum and scream and smash things up.

The only logical way to deal with these out of control, deranged maniacs is to go full-spectrum Zero Tolerance on their buttocks and bring them under the heel and keep them there, some will have to be made a public example of as a warning to any others who might think of causing trouble, to illustrate that this crap isn't going to be tolerated.
"If" duly noted.

That is the threat in the OP.

Some are just waiting for the left to start shooting. I personally dread it. But you of the Khmer Rouge get more violent everyday. It's only a matter of time until you turn violent.

And then you will be no more....
They can't win at the ballot box so they get sour grapes and become unhinged.

They were told by the International Worldwide MSM that Hillary was certain to win, that The Donald only had a 1% chance of winning, so this was pushed into their tiny pea-brains, they had already prepared how they would celebrate Hillary's landslide win....and then she lost.

They are devoid of any coping mechanism to deal with anything that doesn't turn out the way they are told it will, being emotionally immature and Adult-Toddlers they can only throw a bedwetting tantrum and scream and smash things up.

The only logical way to deal with these out of control, deranged maniacs is to go full-spectrum Zero Tolerance on their buttocks and bring them under the heel and keep them there, some will have to be made a public example of as a warning to any others who might think of causing trouble, to illustrate that this crap isn't going to be tolerated.

I love a good police state, let's look for a tweet on that, shall we?
Oh my, someone questioning the system again?
Calling for "killing" is not just "someone questioning the system again".

I'm not sure the BLM movement as a whole is "calling for killing".
From all appearances it taints your "whole".

It's always appeared that way to some folks they were whining from day one, as some always do, anytime anyone questions the system.
We questioned the system...that's why WE elected Trump.
They don't realise that a Community Organising Race Baiting Agitator Faggot isn't in the Oval Office anymore.

You Nazi shitstains miscalculated. The whole nation hates you. You should have stayed in your dark slimy crevices, like the cockroaches that you are.

So, Nazis, what's the plan now? Cry harder?

Who cares what an idiot like you thinks Mamooth?

I don't know, another month of this crap from the Leftist Maniacs, President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....and then wouldn't that be fun for some
but a nightmare of epic proportions for others :badgrin:
Too close to home shoog?

Not at all, they grabbed their guns and fought for your convictions. You Stalinists can do the same.

I figure you'll last about 3 weeks...

"Not at all, they grabbed their guns and fought for your convictions."?

Sounds like it's all a matter of perspective to me, but no, they were not fighting for my convictions or they would have granted the vote to everyone as opposed to wealthy land holding white males only, the senate would have been elected as opposed to appointed by the aristocracy, and they would have knocked of the genocide business.

And about that first Tea Party; looting, pure and simple.
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