Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people

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Who knew BLM was a violent crazy bunch of dumbfucks?

Its time to put these people in their place. Violence is rediculous, but if they eant to go, they'll see just how cowboy conservatives are.

Translation, the left dont want none!

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

BLM need to be declared an American Domestic Terrorist organisation, they should be rounded up and thrown into dungeons.

President Trump's Department of Justice should get on the case, also if BLM do what they're threatening then they're stupider than people already thought, President Trump has Emergency Powers he can use to shut it all down.

The same people are funding all these groups who protest and riot. It's Soros and company, who want to take America down. These idiots are all being played.

Some are outright calling for a bloody revolution. It's not just about Trump. It's about having any non-socialist/communist in the WH who won't go along with the grand plan for one world government.
Bringing attention the fact that the leftard clown posse is roaming in packs to attack people

Take a moment to read your posts, and try to understand just how crazy you sound to normal people.

Leftist Maniacs are not normal people though.
Neither are RWNJ Nazis.

Yeah, people that believe in liberty and freedom without "da gubermint" micromanaging every aspect of their lives just seems like a crazy concept by a communist that worships the state.
Bringing attention the fact that the leftard clown posse is roaming in packs to attack people

Take a moment to read your posts, and try to understand just how crazy you sound to normal people.

Leftist Maniacs are not normal people though.
Neither are RWNJ Nazis.
Apparently you have a very limited vocabulary. Go back to your agitprop training and try to learn some new words. I am quite certain you have no idea what Nazi is. I know exactly why you do not call others communists. It is because you are one and you think murdering 100 million innocent people because of their religion and opposing views is just fine.
Who called for martial law?

Originally, Lucy, back in the thread.

So, what exactly are you threatening with your "know the true meaning of fear" talk?

Conservatives are nice people, follow the law and tend to not try and run others lives. Were also not violent, UNLESS,we need to be. This dumb bitch, has no idea whats shes fucking with. We may not protest and beatup people who attend rallies all using large groups, but when it comes to combat, we would straight destroy the pussy left. Violence is a last resort, but sometimes a necessary one.
But you are okay with Rosie O'Donnell calling for Martial Law, we know.

As I directly condemned that, on this thread, why are you lying to everyone's face like that?

Oh, that's right. Goebbels tactic. Use the big lie. The bigger, the better.

You've learned well from the masters. Who of your mentors do you love the most, Goebbels, Stalin, or Alinsky?
Conservatives are nice people, follow the law and tend to not try and run others lives. Were also not violent, UNLESS, we need to be. This dumb bitch, has no idea whats shes fucking with. We may not protest and beat up people who attend rallies all using large groups, but when it comes to combat, we would straight destroy the pussy left. Violence is a last resort, but sometimes a necessary one.

We've been hearing such tough guy talk for many months now, yet according to your side's latest crying jag, the "pussy left" has been beating down your bitch asses over and over, with rather contemptuous ease.

So, when do you plan to stop letting yourself get beat down by the "pussy left"? Can you give us a firm date? And why should anyone believe it this time around?

You've got a problem, trying to play the tough guy and the ultimate victim at the same time. It just makes you look ridiculous.
Conservatives are nice people, follow the law and tend to not try and run others lives. Were also not violent, UNLESS, we need to be. This dumb bitch, has no idea whats shes fucking with. We may not protest and beat up people who attend rallies all using large groups, but when it comes to combat, we would straight destroy the pussy left. Violence is a last resort, but sometimes a necessary one.

We've been hearing such tough guy talk for many months snow, yet according to your side's latest crying jag, the "pussy left" has been beating down your bitch asses over and over, with rather contemptuous ease.

So, when do you plan to stop letting yourself get beat down by the "pussy left"? Can you give us a firm date? And why should anyone believe it this time around?

You've got a problem, trying to play the tough guy and the ultimate victim at the same time. It just makes you look ridiculous.

When you guys start killing people, go for it!
Conservatives are nice people, follow the law and tend to not try and run others lives. Were also not violent, UNLESS, we need to be. This dumb bitch, has no idea whats shes fucking with. We may not protest and beat up people who attend rallies all using large groups, but when it comes to combat, we would straight destroy the pussy left. Violence is a last resort, but sometimes a necessary one.

We've been hearing such tough guy talk for many months now, yet according to your side's latest crying jag, the "pussy left" has been beating down your bitch asses over and over, with rather contemptuous ease.

So, when do you plan to stop letting yourself get beat down by the "pussy left"? Can you give us a firm date? And why should anyone believe it this time around?

You've got a problem, trying to play the tough guy and the ultimate victim at the same time. It just makes you look ridiculous.

Yes, they have been, here is just the newest clip:

"We come in peace", and then they beat people unconscious. They are as logical, as they are violent. Even torture of Trump voters is justifiable with that combo, as we have seen.

And yes they are pussies. Is that about 150 vs 1?
if they pull shit, you lefties will know the true meaning of fear

And the internet tough guy award goes to...

I'm kidding of course. You're just a pussy

Coming from a leftard limp-wristed POS that cheers on the cowardly pack of leftards that go around attacking people for not being a fellow leftard? That's rich.

Now, with that being said? We don't have to take this shit anymore. Before, any retaliation by a Trump supporter was purposely portrayed as an attack on some snowflake SJW....those days are over. I am giving fair warning.....there is going to be a group of leftard commies that attack the wrong person that is legally licensed to carry and the ending will be tragic. Your right to air your views ends when you violate my space. I am all for the leftard clown posse spewing angst and pitching temper tantrums.....it hurts the leftard commie brand......but when they become a mob of cowards attacking people? Well, they are going to suffer some dire consequences and there isn't a court in this land that would convict the one defending himself.
Bringing attention the fact that the leftard clown posse is roaming in packs to attack people

Take a moment to read your posts, and try to understand just how crazy you sound to normal people.

Leftist Maniacs are not normal people though.
Neither are RWNJ Nazis.
Apparently you have a very limited vocabulary. Go back to your agitprop training and try to learn some new words. I am quite certain you have no idea what Nazi is. I know exactly why you do not call others communists. It is because you are one and you think murdering 100 million innocent people because of their religion and opposing views is just fine.

Notice not one of them has condemned the statement from BLM about them needing to "start killing people"

Not that any of us expected them to condemn BLM, I mean that would be racist or something....whatever :rolleyes-41:
But you are okay with Rosie O'Donnell calling for Martial Law, we know.

As I directly condemned that, on this thread, why are you lying to everyone's face like that?

Oh, that's right. Goebbels tactic. Use the big lie. The bigger, the better.

You've learned well from the masters. Who of your mentors do you love the most, Goebbels, Stalin, or Alinsky?

"Who of your mentors do you love the most, Goebbels, Stalin, or Alinsky?"

This illustrates how uneducated you are.
Closed temporarily closed for fumigation.

Make that permanently. 17 posts cleaned. Clearly folks didn't make note of the moderator warning after the FIRST clean up.

Infractions have been handed out for ignoring warnings. Thread will remain closed.
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