Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people

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Oh my, someone questioning the system again?
Calling for "killing" is not just "someone questioning the system again".

I'm not sure the BLM movement as a whole is "calling for killing".
From all appearances it taints your "whole".

It's always appeared that way to some folks they were whining from day one, as some always do, anytime anyone questions the system.

Wow, thats inciting violence how dumb sre you?
Who knew BLM was a violent crazy bunch of dumbfucks?

Its time to put these people in their place. Violence is rediculous, but if they eant to go, they'll see just how cowboy conservatives are.

Translation, the left dont want none!

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

People like blm and violent muslim immigrants is another reason many democrats crossed over to the Trump side. hillary would have had them over to the white house as advisors.
Who knew BLM was a violent crazy bunch of dumbfucks?

Its time to put these people in their place. Violence is rediculous, but if they eant to go, they'll see just how cowboy conservatives are.

Translation, the left dont want none!

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’
Black lives matter is no different than the KKK

That's certainly what some want everyone to believe, hence this thread.
As a minority I see no difference between the two

Uh huh, and I guess some other idiots think all cops are murderers just because of a few bad apples in some departments that need cleaned out. Reckon that's just how unbalanced some folk are.

You just described BLM
Black lives matter is no different than the KKK

That's certainly what some want everyone to believe, hence this thread.
As a minority I see no difference between the two

Uh huh, and I guess some other idiots think all cops are murderers just because of a few bad apples in some departments that need cleaned out. Reckon that's just how unbalanced some folk are.
Only Liberals claim that all cops are murderers.
And only idiots claim everyone involved in BLM is dying to be.

So are you gonna discuss the topic of the op or do I need to report?
There are hundreds of videos on youtube of ordinary people showing leftards running amok and attacking people and trying to bully them.

What, is there some Youtube special snowflake channel that helps you get terrified?

You're obviously terrified because you constantly seek out reasons to be terrified. Victimhood is your drug of choice. You'd never make it in the reality-based community, where we reject such hysteria.

If it does happen it will be because of the commie George Soros funded snowflakes.

Ah, back to the Nazi propaganda.

AND since you are fine with the leftard clown posse of snowflakes going around and attacking people and flinging shit at them (and I mean that literally) AGAIN I can say safely that you don't have any moral high ground to chastise anyone.....and I will ALSO keep pointing that out, ya little commie snowflake.

I don't do that. Nobody does. That's why everyone is laughing at you, because you fell for such obvious nonsense.

But please, go on, keep squealing about your status as the world's biggest victims. I certainly don't mind. It reinforces my point about how the right is now composed mostly of squealing sissyboys.

Nope, no propaganda here at all....just some truths that you can't hang with. Bringing attention the fact that the leftard clown posse is roaming in packs to attack people or sling shit at them and then they run away with their faces covered isn't "squealing"....it's simply bringing it to the forefront so that others can beat down self-righteous acting commie douches such as yourself. You can deny it all you want because it paints the leftards in a bad light and damages the demcrat brand, but it is what it is. I guarantee you that if rightwingers were roaming in packs and beating up leftards after the Barrypuppet was elected? They would be calling in the national guard. Face it, your side is as unhinged as you are.

Hope this helps!
Oh my, someone questioning the system again?

If it was a simple as that, no one would have a problem. However, it's not. It's whining by a bunch of entitlement minded morons.

Well everytime I've ever seen any kind of social movement question the system there are always folks horribly upset at the notion; much like we see on this thread. And here we're only talking about some nut lob on a video. Lord knows what some of you would do with a real threat.

Well conservatives do all the time without protests or violence
Gee.....sounds almost like the German brownshirts...but we're the Nazis? ;)

Obviously yes.

Not familiar with the Burning of the Reichstag?

You know, where the Nazis invented a fake crisis to justify the removal of democracy.

Just like you're doing.

if you don't want to be called Nazis, stop using their playbook.

Then hsve yor fucking tard lefties stop advocating violence, because if they pull shit, you lefties will know the true meaning of fear
Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.
Who called for martial law?
Bringing attention the fact that the leftard clown posse is roaming in packs to attack people[/QUOTE

Take a moment to read your posts, and try to understand just how crazy you sound to normal people.

They only "sound" insane to an idiot....anyone else with common sense knows that I am "dead on"....

There are hundreds of these, "snowflake".......lots of commies out in mass and they proudly proclaim it.

Black lives matter as with the KKK are all about getting the attention…
Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.
Who called for martial law?

Rosie O'Donnell, but Mamooth is okay with Leftists calling for Martial Law to stop The Donald getting Inaugurated.

Typical Leftist hypocrite.
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