Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people

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Gee.....sounds almost like the German brownshirts...but we're the Nazis? ;)

Obviously yes.

Not familiar with the Burning of the Reichstag?

You know, where the Nazis invented a fake crisis to justify the removal of democracy.

Just like you're doing.

if you don't want to be called Nazis, stop using their playbook.

Listen up you whiny old bitch, you need to cease going around calling anyone that opposes you a Nazi, grow the hell up and get over the fact Clinton lost.

I know more about the history of Germany and the Nazi Party than you will ever know and trust me hag what is happening today pales in comparison to what happened in the 1930's Germany
Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.
I don't know, another month of this crap from the Leftist Maniacs, President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....and then wouldn't that be fun for some
but a nightmare of epic proportions for others :badgrin:

Thanks for that illustration of just what a proud Nazi shitstain you are.

And none of the other Trump-thugs will condemn you for it. All of the Trump thugs on this board refuse to utter a peep of condemnation of the Nazi shitstains, even when I prompt them directly. They're either proud Nazis themselves, or they're whupped, terrified of their own party.

Liberals, being made of sterner stuff, just laugh at you Nazi shitstains. And there's jack you can do about it.

Hey, how about you get your bestest Nazi pal Bannon to send some thugs after me? That would be interesting.

Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

Mamooth prefers chasing parked cars.
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

Is Rosie O'Donnell a Nazi, she was demanding that Obama declared Martial Law to stop The Donald being Inaugurated.

Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell calls for martial law

Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell calls for martial law

Rosie O'Donnell is just a disgusting pig with mental issues

Yes she should just be thrown into Gitmo already :smoke:
Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.
Feel free to torch your own property and neighborhood.
Listen up you whiny old bitch, you need to cease going around calling anyone that opposes you a Nazi,

I only call Nazis Nazis, Nazi. I've never called anyone a Nazi before this era. You're just crying over being busted.

grow the hell up and get over the fact Clinton lost.

That doesn't make your side any less Nazi, you know.

I know more about the history of Germany and the Nazi Party than you will ever know and trust me hag what is happening today pales in comparison to what happened in the 1930's Germany

So you admit to the similarities.

And yes, it pales now, but you're working on that. My job, and the job of every loyal American, is to make sure you don't succeed.
Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.

Better pucker up. We wouldn't the cult of Obama asshole lickers to put your further back in line.
Listen up you whiny old bitch, you need to cease going around calling anyone that opposes you a Nazi, grow the hell up and get over the fact Clinton lost.

That doesn't make your side any less Nazi, you know.

I know more about the history of Germany and the Nazi Party than you will ever know and trust me hag what is happening today pales in comparison to what happened in the 1930's Germany

So you admit to the similarities.

And yes, it pales now, but you're working on that.

It doesn't make them Nazi at all just because you say so.
Listen up you whiny old bitch, you need to cease going around calling anyone that opposes you a Nazi, grow the hell up and get over the fact Clinton lost.

That doesn't make your side any less Nazi, you know.

I know more about the history of Germany and the Nazi Party than you will ever know and trust me hag what is happening today pales in comparison to what happened in the 1930's Germany

So you admit to the similarities.

And yes, it pales now, but you're working on that.
The early Nazis were rioters; who rioting now?
Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.
Feel free to torch your own property and neighborhood.

Ever notice the BLM rioters stay in their own little isolated communities? There's a reason for that.
Listen up you whiny old bitch, you need to cease going around calling anyone that opposes you a Nazi, grow the hell up and get over the fact Clinton lost.

That doesn't make your side any less Nazi, you know.

I know more about the history of Germany and the Nazi Party than you will ever know and trust me hag what is happening today pales in comparison to what happened in the 1930's Germany

So you admit to the similarities.

And yes, it pales now, but you're working on that.

I never admitted to any similarities. You're batshit crazy, lady. Your typical old leftist hag
Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.

"So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?"

What about Rosie O'Donnell? :popcorn:


Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.
1. We are not a democracy, we are a Republic.

2. This Republic has Martial Law as part of the legal process in times of war or emergency, and the Republic has always survived it.

3. Trump is making a temporary ban on travel from unstable nations that cannot run background checks or allow us to, or whom are considered openly promoting terrorism against the USA. I know you libtards just hate that, but that is the Truth, and this is also a well established power of the POTUS, and you know it.
Who knew BLM was a violent crazy bunch of dumbfucks?

Its time to put these people in their place. Violence is rediculous, but if they eant to go, they'll see just how cowboy conservatives are.

Translation, the left dont want none!

BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

The left is actually now saying that it is completely OK to beat people up...

The justification? Those people are Nazis and it's OK to beat Nazis.

As usual, they have no sense of time. True Nazis were beaten almost a hundred years ago, and it was the conservative military that did it. But that doesn't stop them from believing that anyone who disagrees with them is in fact a Nazi.
Too close to home shoog?

Not at all, they grabbed their guns and fought for your convictions. You Stalinists can do the same.

I figure you'll last about 3 weeks...

"Not at all, they grabbed their guns and fought for your convictions."?

Sounds like it's all a matter of perspective to me, but no, they were not fighting for my convictions or they would have granted the vote to everyone as opposed to wealthy land holding white males only, the senate would have been elected as opposed to appointed by the aristocracy, and they would have knocked of the genocide business.

And about that first Tea Party; looting, pure and simple.

Yep, they fought for their convictions. True enough that they were not seeking a Marxist dictatorship and return to a feudal structure where all assets were property of the crown (state) to be allocated as the ruling elite sees fit. as you are.
If BLM does not start killing people they will lose street cred. They have to at least make the effort to turn the nation into Chicago.
The early Nazis were rioters; who rioting now?

I don't know. Who is rioting?

That's a serious question. I'm not part of your kook cult, so I haven't been told what I should wet myself over.

That's the main reason why your Reichstag Fire tactic won't work. You don't have enough cultists who have been duped into believing that the whole nation is under attack by Jews/muslims/blacks/liberals/whatever.
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