Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people

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No, they think that they are organized to win such a thing, so I give them maybe three years tops, if the SHTF.

Most of the left are unarmed and frightened of guns, They will turn to Chicago thugs who hold their Glock's sideways for support. Pitted against American's with AR15's and 30-30 Winchesters, they'll last about 3 weeks. The guy with the deer rifle can down a buck at 300 yards. The rapper with the sideways Glock can miss a house at 20 feet.
What about Rosie O'Donnell?

Duh. I condemn her for calling for martial law.

See how easy that was? That's how an honest and loyal American responds to such a simple and obvious question.

Strangely, all of the Trump-thugs run screaming from such a question, when asked to condemn one of their own who demands martial law.
So far it is the leftard clown posse snowflakes that are attacking people in mobs.....

Someone needs a diaper change. FOX News has done what they do best, which is terrify the wusses into incontinence.

Dale, are you also a Nazi who wants martial law across the nation?

Of course you are. You're getting a Nazi tingle up the leg thinking about martial law and an end to democracy.

so you really should shut the fuck up, moron. You have no moral high ground.

As I'm not a Nazi who wants to eliminate American democracy, of course I have the moral high ground.

And I'll keep pointing that out, and you'll keep crying. You can't shut me up. Yet. Though you'll try.

Scared? Not hardly..........and I don't watch Faux news or ANY lamestream media. There are hundreds of videos on youtube of ordinary people showing leftards running amok and attacking people and trying to bully them. Do I want martial law? What kind of question is that? If it does happen it will be because of the commie George Soros funded snowflakes.

BTW, we were founded as a Republic, not a democracy. You will not find that word in the Declaration of Independence or the organic Constitution. We have a democratic republic with inalienable rights not privileges given to the serfs by a benevolent "gubermint". Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what to have for dinner.
AND since you are fine with the leftard clown posse of snowflakes going around and attacking people and flinging shit at them (and I mean that literally) AGAIN I can say safely that you don't have any moral high ground to chastise anyone.....and I will ALSO keep pointing that out, ya little commie snowflake.
Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.

So, do you condemn those here calling for martial law and the end to democracy?

What's that? Your cult says you're not allowed to do that? Well, stay quiet then. We wouldn't want you to get in trouble with your cult.

All Leftists ultimate fantasy is to be dominated and under the heel of Right-Wing Totalitarians.

And darling I look divine dressed in black with my black leather riding boots and I have a beautiful collection of whips, some made from Moroccan leather :smoke:
There are hundreds of videos on youtube of ordinary people showing leftards running amok and attacking people and trying to bully them.

What, is there some Youtube special snowflake channel that helps you get terrified?

You're obviously terrified because you constantly seek out reasons to be terrified. Victimhood is your drug of choice. You'd never make it in the reality-based community, where we reject such hysteria.

If it does happen it will be because of the commie George Soros funded snowflakes.

Ah, back to the Nazi propaganda.

AND since you are fine with the leftard clown posse of snowflakes going around and attacking people and flinging shit at them (and I mean that literally) AGAIN I can say safely that you don't have any moral high ground to chastise anyone.....and I will ALSO keep pointing that out, ya little commie snowflake.

I don't do that. Nobody does. That's why everyone is laughing at you, because you fell for such obvious nonsense.

But please, go on, keep squealing about your status as the world's biggest victims. I certainly don't mind. It reinforces my point about how the right is now composed mostly of squealing sissyboys.
Here comes the law and order

They don't realise that a Community Organising Race Baiting Agitator Faggot isn't in the Oval Office anymore.

President Trump is an Alpha Male and he won't stand for these knuckledragging criminals causing trouble like Obama did.
OMG! I wish Trump would put YOU in his cabinet!
I myself like her out here and not locked up with files and shit in a drawer.....

Thank you for such a nice compliment :smile:

Praise Kek!

Both of you disgusting pigs should be made the property of a couple of inmates being detained at gitmo.



I guess, I am just going to sit back and relax, enjoying the show...


Praise Kek!

Steve B now on The National Security Council....so surreal and soooooooooooooooooo fantastic.

Memo to MSM, Leftists and Cuckservatives, President Trump can appoint whoever he wants to to anything, so STFU already.

White House defends Steve Bannon’s role on National Security Council

"WASHINGTON — The White House on Monday continued to defend President Trump’s decision to include his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, as part of the National Security Council, while seeming to make attendance at council meetings optional for the director of national intelligence and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Press secretary Sean Spicer cast criticism of the move as much ado about nothing and said Obama political adviser David Axelrod and press secretary Robert Gibbs also attended NSC meetings.

Bannon is specifically included as a member of the NSC, while Axelrod and Gibbs were not. Spicer said during his Monday press briefing that Bannon's inclusion was an example of "transparency."

Spicer tried to highlight the similarities between Trump's directive and those issued by former presidents Obama and George W. Bush. However, while Trump included Bannon on the "principals committee," the "Cabinet-level senior inter-agency forum for considering policy issues that affect the national security interests of the United States," the director of national intelligence and chairman of the Joint Chiefs were listed as optional members of that committee."

White House defends Steve Bannon’s role on National Security Council

Cleaned up the last couple of pages. Dial back the insults
ooooooooooooooooo Mamooth when did you last suck George Soros dick and do you swallow?

You understand that Soros-hatred is a dead giveaway one is looking at a Nazi, right?

I mean, everyone else does.

it's also a dead giveaway you're looking at a coward, one so incapable of honest debate, they have to declare everyone is in the pay of Soros.
Cannot be more wrong. George Soros being a jew has nothing to do with his subversive actions to destroy western civilization. If a person happens to be a jew, he cannot be criticized? The Soros team came up with the spin to bring his jewish ancestry to forefront to shut people up because of the fear of being stigmatized as antisemitic. Nice try to spin it. It works in the EU since they have censorship and the threat of being imprisoned talking about him because he happens to be a jew but it doesn't work here in the States....
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They don't realise that a Community Organising Race Baiting Agitator Faggot isn't in the Oval Office anymore.

You Nazi shitstains miscalculated. The whole nation hates you. You should have stayed in your dark slimy crevices, like the cockroaches that you are.

So, Nazis, what's the plan now? Cry harder?

Leftwing snowflake douche bags are not "the whole nation." The polls show that the majority of Americans support Trump EO on refugees. The left is deluding itself about public support for its idiocies.
Both of you disgusting pigs should be made the property of a couple of inmates being detained at gitmo.



I guess, I am just going to sit back and relax, enjoying the show...


Praise Kek!

Steve B now on The National Security Council....so surreal and soooooooooooooooooo fantastic.

Memo to MSM, Leftists and Cuckservatives, President Trump can appoint whoever he wants to to anything, so STFU already.

White House defends Steve Bannon’s role on National Security Council

"WASHINGTON — The White House on Monday continued to defend President Trump’s decision to include his chief strategist, Stephen Bannon, as part of the National Security Council, while seeming to make attendance at council meetings optional for the director of national intelligence and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Press secretary Sean Spicer cast criticism of the move as much ado about nothing and said Obama political adviser David Axelrod and press secretary Robert Gibbs also attended NSC meetings.

Bannon is specifically included as a member of the NSC, while Axelrod and Gibbs were not. Spicer said during his Monday press briefing that Bannon's inclusion was an example of "transparency."

Spicer tried to highlight the similarities between Trump's directive and those issued by former presidents Obama and George W. Bush. However, while Trump included Bannon on the "principals committee," the "Cabinet-level senior inter-agency forum for considering policy issues that affect the national security interests of the United States," the director of national intelligence and chairman of the Joint Chiefs were listed as optional members of that committee."

White House defends Steve Bannon’s role on National Security Council

I have not heard too much screaming about Valerie Jarrett the Iranian Obama advisor for 8 years...
ooooooooooooooooo Mamooth when did you last suck George Soros dick and do you swallow?

You understand that Soros-hatred is a dead giveaway one is looking at a Nazi, right?

I mean, everyone else does.

it's also a dead giveaway you're looking at a coward, one so incapable of honest debate, they have to declare everyone is in the pay of Soros.
Cannot be more wrong. George Soros being a jew has nothing to do with his subversive actions to destroy western civilization. If a person happens to be a jew, he cannot be criticized? The Soros team came up with the spin to bring his jewish ancestry to forefront to shut people up because of the fear of being stigmatized as antisemitic. Nice try to spin it. It works in the EU since they have censorship and the threat of being imprisoned talking about him because he happens to be a jew but it doesn't work here in the Sates....
Soros is a Nazi and hates jews just as much
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