Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people

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Oh my, someone questioning the system again?

If it was a simple as that, no one would have a problem. However, it's not. It's whining by a bunch of entitlement minded morons.

The people that support efforts like BLM shit on themselves by doing so.
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

Nobody would be thinking about Martial Law if the Leftist Maniacs behaved themselves, if they carry on behaving in such a demented way, then yes to restore order and discipline President Trump might have to declare a nationwide State of Emergency and you'll be under Martial Law.
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

Lucy is no Nazi...you need to relax I suspect you're in danger of a stroke
Oh my, someone questioning the system again?

If it was a simple as that, no one would have a problem. However, it's not. It's whining by a bunch of entitlement minded morons.

Well everytime I've ever seen any kind of social movement question the system there are always folks horribly upset at the notion; much like we see on this thread. And here we're only talking about some nut lob on a video. Lord knows what some of you would do with a real threat.

That's because they're not the questioning the system. They're, like I said, entitlement minded morons that think all they have to do is demand something and the answer is supposed to be yes. They're like spoiled brats that don't like an answer other than the one they want to hear.

I'd say people burning cars, breaking windows, and doing all sorts of violent acts when they, as you say, are questioning the system are a threat.
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

Lucy is no Nazi...you need to relax I suspect you're in danger of a stroke

Thank you Sassy :smile:
You're coming off like a college brat who never left his room.
I have yet to watch a BLM video where they're not screaming like idiots.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, I see americans act like idiots everyday, this is just the day I set aside for you.
I have yet to watch a BLM video where they're not screaming like idiots.

Good for you.

Yet you support them doing nothing but screaming like idiots. Bad for you.

I haven't done anything son, relax, you're outta control.

So you oppose the BLM rioters?
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

Lucy is no Nazi...you need to relax I suspect you're in danger of a stroke

Thank you Sassy :smile:

You're most welcome
Oh my, someone questioning the system again?

If it was a simple as that, no one would have a problem. However, it's not. It's whining by a bunch of entitlement minded morons.

Well everytime I've ever seen any kind of social movement question the system there are always folks horribly upset at the notion; much like we see on this thread. And here we're only talking about some nut lob on a video. Lord knows what some of you would do with a real threat.

That's because they're not the questioning the system. They're, like I said, entitlement minded morons that think all they have to do is demand something and the answer is supposed to be yes. They're like spoiled brats that don't like an answer other than the one they want to hear.

I'd say people burning cars, breaking windows, and doing all sorts of violent acts when they, as you say, are questioning the system are a threat.

"I'd say people burning cars, breaking windows, and doing all sorts of violent acts when they, as you say, are questioning the system are a threat."

Yes and yes and also now threatening to kill people and openly wishing for President Trump to be assassinated.
They don't realise that a Community Organising Race Baiting Agitator Faggot isn't in the Oval Office anymore.

You Nazi shitstains miscalculated. The whole nation hates you. You should have stayed in your dark slimy crevices, like the cockroaches that you are.

So, Nazis, what's the plan now? Cry harder?
You think that the ~30% of the nation that always sucks down the media bullshit is the majority of America, and they are not.

You are just too stupid to understand what the word 'majority' means, idiot.
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

That's the problem. You say things that aren't true.

There isn't a single black that has the ability to offend me. If they want to act like a bunch of n*ggers, they shouldn't be surprised that someone calls them a bunch of n*ggers. I'm not PC. If they don't want to be called that, don't act like that. It's that simple.
Oh my, someone questioning the system again?

If it was a simple as that, no one would have a problem. However, it's not. It's whining by a bunch of entitlement minded morons.

Well everytime I've ever seen any kind of social movement question the system there are always folks horribly upset at the notion; much like we see on this thread. And here we're only talking about some nut lob on a video. Lord knows what some of you would do with a real threat.

That's because they're not the questioning the system. They're, like I said, entitlement minded morons that think all they have to do is demand something and the answer is supposed to be yes. They're like spoiled brats that don't like an answer other than the one they want to hear.

I'd say people burning cars, breaking windows, and doing all sorts of violent acts when they, as you say, are questioning the system are a threat.

"I'd say people burning cars, breaking windows, and doing all sorts of violent acts when they, as you say, are questioning the system are a threat."

Yes and yes and also now threatening to kill people and openly wishing for President Trump to be assassinated.

Gee.....sounds almost like the German brownshirts...but we're the Nazis? ;)
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

Lucy is no Nazi...you need to relax I suspect you're in danger of a stroke

It wouldn't bother me is it happened.
You're coming off like a college brat who never left his room.
I have yet to watch a BLM video where they're not screaming like idiots.

Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawn, I see americans act like idiots everyday, this is just the day I set aside for you.
I have yet to watch a BLM video where they're not screaming like idiots.

Good for you.

Yet you support them doing nothing but screaming like idiots. Bad for you.

I haven't done anything son, relax, you're outta control.

I'm not the one rioting, looting, and acting like a savage. That's the BLM rioters.
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

Is Rosie O'Donnell a Nazi, she was demanding that Obama declared Martial Law to stop The Donald being Inaugurated.

You would have supported Martial Law for that though wouldn't you? Yes, of course you would.

Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell calls for martial law

Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell calls for martial law
Gee.....sounds almost like the German brownshirts...but we're the Nazis? ;)

Obviously yes.

Not familiar with the Burning of the Reichstag?

You know, where the Nazis invented a fake crisis to justify the removal of democracy.

Just like you're doing.

if you don't want to be called Nazis, stop using their playbook.
I don't know, another month of this crap from the Leftist Maniacs, President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....and then wouldn't that be fun for some
but a nightmare of epic proportions for others :badgrin:

Thanks for that illustration of just what a proud Nazi shitstain you are.

And none of the other Trump-thugs will condemn you for it. All of the Trump thugs on this board refuse to utter a peep of condemnation of the Nazi shitstains, even when I prompt them directly. They're either proud Nazis themselves, or they're whupped, terrified of their own party.

Liberals, being made of sterner stuff, just laugh at you Nazi shitstains. And there's jack you can do about it.

Hey, how about you get your bestest Nazi pal Bannon to send some thugs after me? That would be interesting.

Mamooth, I hear a car driving by your home, dont you think you better go bark at it and give chase?

It might get away.
Where in the fuck did you come up with "martial law across the nation"?

How about you read the thread?

Left unhinged: BLM, we need to start killing people
Lucy Hamilton said:
President Trump might just declare a nationwide State of Emergency and shut it all down and you'll be under Martial Law....

NaziLucy is openly hoping for martial law across the nation, because a black guy said something that offended her.

That makes her a Nazi.

If you don't condemn her, that makes you a defender of Nazis.

You Trump-wimps need to understand I'm not PC. I'll say that Nazis are Nazis. I don't care if it makes the Nazis cry and rage. The whole point is to get them to show what Nazis they are, which will make the nation hate them even more.

Is Rosie O'Donnell a Nazi, she was demanding that Obama declared Martial Law to stop The Donald being Inaugurated.

Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell calls for martial law

Trump nemesis Rosie O’Donnell calls for martial law

Rosie O'Donnell is just a disgusting pig with mental issues
Oh my, someone questioning the system again?

If it was a simple as that, no one would have a problem. However, it's not. It's whining by a bunch of entitlement minded morons.

Well everytime I've ever seen any kind of social movement question the system there are always folks horribly upset at the notion; much like we see on this thread. And here we're only talking about some nut lob on a video. Lord knows what some of you would do with a real threat.

That's because they're not the questioning the system. They're, like I said, entitlement minded morons that think all they have to do is demand something and the answer is supposed to be yes. They're like spoiled brats that don't like an answer other than the one they want to hear.

I'd say people burning cars, breaking windows, and doing all sorts of violent acts when they, as you say, are questioning the system are a threat.

"I'd say people burning cars, breaking windows, and doing all sorts of violent acts when they, as you say, are questioning the system are a threat."

Yes and yes and also now threatening to kill people and openly wishing for President Trump to be assassinated.

Ever notice that all the rioting and looting takes place in their own isolated communities? There's a reason for that.
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