Left vs Right, who actually lies and distorts more?

Your German sucks, yes I speak German, the time over here is 1537, I am at work, the weather is warm but not very hot right now, the women here are sexy and I have never been to that damn Gaststatte.

Ich habe nie gesagt, dass ich war, protzt mit auf Deutsch

Your German sucks so bad that you're telling me you didn't say what you just said? Fucking funny. Arschloch.

No I didn't this is what I said
I did not say I was flaunt in German.

Ich habe nie gesagt, dass ich war, protzt mit auf Deutsch
Vielleicht sollten Sie Ihre Zeit nachkontrollieren. Sie haben diese Nachricht um 09:59 staatlicher Seitenzeit aufgestellt, aber Sie haben gesagt, dass es 1537 ist, die Ihre Zeit nicht es sollte, ist 15:09 Ihre Zeit?
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Ich habe nie gesagt, dass ich war, protzt mit auf Deutsch

Your German sucks so bad that you're telling me you didn't say what you just said? Fucking funny. Arschloch.

No I didn't this is what I said
I did not say I was flaunt in German.

Ich habe nie gesagt, dass ich war, protzt mit auf Deutsch
Vielleicht sollten Sie Ihre Zeit nachkontrollieren. Sie haben diese Nachricht um 09:59 staatlicher Seitenzeit aufgestellt, aber Sie haben gesagt, dass es 1537 ist, die Ihre Zeit nicht es sollte, ist 15:09 Ihre Zeit?

My time shows 16:17 and with a 6 hour difference to the East Coast 10:17 in the morning stateside. The time is 1617 as I typed this message/Nachtricht.
Your German sucks so bad that you're telling me you didn't say what you just said? Fucking funny. Arschloch.

No I didn't this is what I said
I did not say I was flaunt in German.

Ich habe nie gesagt, dass ich war, protzt mit auf Deutsch
Vielleicht sollten Sie Ihre Zeit nachkontrollieren. Sie haben diese Nachricht um 09:59 staatlicher Seitenzeit aufgestellt, aber Sie haben gesagt, dass es 1537 ist, die Ihre Zeit nicht es sollte, ist 15:09 Ihre Zeit?

My time shows 16:17 and with a 6 hour difference to the East Coast 10:17 in the morning stateside. The time is 1617 as I typed this message/Nachtricht.
it's not your hour that I find in question it was the min part that I found puzzling
You posted that message at 09:59 state side time, but you said it's 1537 your time shouldn't it have been 15:09 your time?
No I didn't this is what I said
I did not say I was flaunt in German.

Ich habe nie gesagt, dass ich war, protzt mit auf Deutsch
Vielleicht sollten Sie Ihre Zeit nachkontrollieren. Sie haben diese Nachricht um 09:59 staatlicher Seitenzeit aufgestellt, aber Sie haben gesagt, dass es 1537 ist, die Ihre Zeit nicht es sollte, ist 15:09 Ihre Zeit?

My time shows 16:17 and with a 6 hour difference to the East Coast 10:17 in the morning stateside. The time is 1617 as I typed this message/Nachtricht.
it's not your hour that I find in question it was the min part that I found puzzling
You posted that message at 09:59 state side time, but you said it's 1537 your time shouldn't it have been 15:09 your time?

Check your timezone, my time is not off, its almost 1630 right now, 1629 to be exact.
My time shows 16:17 and with a 6 hour difference to the East Coast 10:17 in the morning stateside. The time is 1617 as I typed this message/Nachtricht.
it's not your hour that I find in question it was the min part that I found puzzling
You posted that message at 09:59 state side time, but you said it's 1537 your time shouldn't it have been 15:09 your time?

Check your timezone, my time is not off, its almost 1630 right now, 1629 to be exact.

Nether is my time it is 1031 now the minuts in your time is what I find puzzling. You posted that message at 09:59 state side time, but you said it's 1537 your time shouldn't it have been 15:09 your time
fox lies more than all other media combined

they may or may not lie, but at least they will make an attempt to report the news. Any other media source if its shows obama in a negative way will not report it.

That is an absolute flat out lie.

If the news media went after Republicans they way they go after Democrats, with all the shit Republicans do and the lies they tell, no one would ever vote Republican.

Man, there are so many examples. The most recent, saying Obama gets more money from BP than any other politicians. On the surface, it's seems true. But the REAL truth is Obama got NOTHING from the company itself. The money given to Obama was from the employees. You know, the janitor's, the secretaries, the engineers. The money the actual company paid to politicians was one Democrat and the rest Republican.

Or death panels. How can the media repeat that nonsense.

Or when the Republicans passed a trillion dollar unpaid for drug bill under Bush and no one said the thing. THAT'S RIGHT, A TRILLION DOLLARS AND NO ONE REPORTED A THING. Look how they go after Obama's health care plan. Most people have no idea what's in it. When they find out, they stop protesting.

It's sickening the way Obama gets raked over the coals by the press and the filthy Republican leadership gets a free pass.

Obama bowing to a foreign ally is shocking news.

Bush tongue swapping spit with a foreign prince? Nary a notice.

Republicans groveling to a foreign company, begging forgiveness, after they ruined a thousand miles of US coast land and devastated a huge part of the US economy and receives only a "ho hum, time to sleep, good night all, no news here". Republicans groveling to that company. What a disgrace. Shame on them.
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fox lies more than all other media combined

they may or may not lie, but at least they will make an attempt to report the news. Any other media source if its shows obama in a negative way will not report it.

That is an absolute flat out lie.

If the news media went after Republicans they way they go after Democrats, with all the shit Republicans do and the lies they tell, no one would ever vote Republican.

Man, there are so many examples. The most recent, saying Obama gets more money from BP than any other politicians. On the surface, it's seems true. But the REAL truth is Obama got NOTHING from the company itself. The money given to Obama was from the employees. You know, the janitor's, the secretaries, the engineers. The money the actual company paid to pollutions was one Democrat and the rest Republican.

Or death panels. How can the media repeat that nonsense.

Or when the Republicans passed a trillion dollar unpaid for drug bill under Bush and no one said the thing. THAT'S RIGHT, A TRILLION DOLLARS AND NO ONE REPORTED A THING. Look how they go after Obama's health care plan. Most people have no idea what's in it. When they find out, they stop protesting.

It's sickening the way Obama gets raked over the coals by the press and the filthy Republican leadership gets a free pass.

Obama bowing to a foreign ally is shocking news.

Republicans groveling to a foreign company, begging forgivenes, after they ruined a thousand miles of US coast land and devastated a huge part of the US economy and receives only a "ho hum, time to sleep, good night all, no news here". Republicans groveling to that company. What a disgrace. Shame on them.

Doesn't lying on a daily basis get tiring?
WHich side lies more? Are we talking about politicians or posters? All politicians lie equally, if their mouth is open, it's probably a lie.

As for posters, in my opinion the left currently lies more, simply because they are in the unenviable position of defending the indefensible. It amazes me that anyone would try to defend Obama as being a good leader, but it's done everyday on here. Of course I'm sure when Bush was in power it was the right who were lying to defend their man. It's just the way it is, and no amount of arguing will change that fact.
Both lie all the time, and I don't think either lies more than the other.

But the right is much better at it. The Left is pretty incompetent.
Lets see from the right, they lied about a McCain campaign worker who said she was beat up and spray painted with an O by Obama supporters, they lied about New Black Panthers blocking Republican voters from voting, they posted edited half truthful videos about Sherrod and ACORN, they lied and said Obama went to a madrassa, they lied and fabricated quotes from Obama's book about his father, they lied and said Jeremiah Wright condemed all of America and Americans, they lied and said Obama was Muslim and not American, they lied and distorted the relationship between Obama and Ayers, they lied and said Obama dropped charges against the New Black Panthers when it was the Bush administration who decided not to pursue charges, they lied and said Obama went to a racist church, they lied and Michelle Malkin was threatened, they lied and said there are not racists in the Tea Party, they lied about WMDs in Iraq, I have even more. To top it off, they have media outlets and blogs that continually lies, distort and falsify facts for political gain.

There are no equivalents to Karl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, Glen Beck, Sarah Palin, Briebart, Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Juan Williams, and Angela McGowan on the left who engage in dishonest buffonery in the media.
Why even Participate in a debate which asks 2 sides to decide which side lies more. Do you think you will ever get an honest answer from either side?
WHich side lies more? Are we talking about politicians or posters? All politicians lie equally, if their mouth is open, it's probably a lie.

As for posters, in my opinion the left currently lies more, simply because they are in the unenviable position of defending the indefensible. It amazes me that anyone would try to defend Obama as being a good leader, but it's done everyday on here. Of course I'm sure when Bush was in power it was the right who were lying to defend their man. It's just the way it is, and no amount of arguing will change that fact.

I may have even caught the OP in a lie. Take a look at the last post I made to him which can be found on this page.
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they may or may not lie, but at least they will make an attempt to report the news. Any other media source if its shows obama in a negative way will not report it.

That is an absolute flat out lie.

If the news media went after Republicans they way they go after Democrats, with all the shit Republicans do and the lies they tell, no one would ever vote Republican.

Man, there are so many examples. The most recent, saying Obama gets more money from BP than any other politicians. On the surface, it's seems true. But the REAL truth is Obama got NOTHING from the company itself. The money given to Obama was from the employees. You know, the janitor's, the secretaries, the engineers. The money the actual company paid to pollutions was one Democrat and the rest Republican.

Or death panels. How can the media repeat that nonsense.

Or when the Republicans passed a trillion dollar unpaid for drug bill under Bush and no one said the thing. THAT'S RIGHT, A TRILLION DOLLARS AND NO ONE REPORTED A THING. Look how they go after Obama's health care plan. Most people have no idea what's in it. When they find out, they stop protesting.

It's sickening the way Obama gets raked over the coals by the press and the filthy Republican leadership gets a free pass.

Obama bowing to a foreign ally is shocking news.

Republicans groveling to a foreign company, begging forgivenes, after they ruined a thousand miles of US coast land and devastated a huge part of the US economy and receives only a "ho hum, time to sleep, good night all, no news here". Republicans groveling to that company. What a disgrace. Shame on them.

Doesn't lying on a daily basis get tiring?

Republicans always call the truth "lies". I think it's part of their religion. They're always talking about morals. Where are they? What are some "morals" that Republicans have put into practice?

Let the rich scam?

Screw the middle class?

Hate the gays?

If these are their "morals", then I don't want them.

Notice how I'm called a liar, but no one could give a single example why? That's Republicans MO. Accusations. They are very good at slime.
Conhog your a moron but funny. I'm not shocked a narrow minded racist like you picked history as a major.
That is an absolute flat out lie.

If the news media went after Republicans they way they go after Democrats, with all the shit Republicans do and the lies they tell, no one would ever vote Republican.

Man, there are so many examples. The most recent, saying Obama gets more money from BP than any other politicians. On the surface, it's seems true. But the REAL truth is Obama got NOTHING from the company itself. The money given to Obama was from the employees. You know, the janitor's, the secretaries, the engineers. The money the actual company paid to pollutions was one Democrat and the rest Republican.

Or death panels. How can the media repeat that nonsense.

Or when the Republicans passed a trillion dollar unpaid for drug bill under Bush and no one said the thing. THAT'S RIGHT, A TRILLION DOLLARS AND NO ONE REPORTED A THING. Look how they go after Obama's health care plan. Most people have no idea what's in it. When they find out, they stop protesting.

It's sickening the way Obama gets raked over the coals by the press and the filthy Republican leadership gets a free pass.

Obama bowing to a foreign ally is shocking news.

Republicans groveling to a foreign company, begging forgivenes, after they ruined a thousand miles of US coast land and devastated a huge part of the US economy and receives only a "ho hum, time to sleep, good night all, no news here". Republicans groveling to that company. What a disgrace. Shame on them.

Doesn't lying on a daily basis get tiring?

Republicans always call the truth "lies". I think it's part of their religion. They're always talking about morals. Where are they? What are some "morals" that Republicans have put into practice?

Let the rich scam?
Madoff was an obama supporter
Madoff was chummy with SEC chairman Bill Donaldson, an Obama supporter | Youtube Options Trading Videos

Screw the middle class?
I am part of the middle class and I feel more screwed with a democrat then whe their was a Republican in the white house

Hate the gays?
Show your proof? or do you mean= gay need special right, never in a million years they are equal as anyone else

If these are their "morals", then I don't want them.

Notice how I'm called a liar, but no one could give a single example why? That's Republicans MO. Accusations. They are very good at slime.
No one can give an example? it's because you refuse any example because it clashes with your lies.
Doesn't lying on a daily basis get tiring?

Republicans always call the truth "lies". I think it's part of their religion. They're always talking about morals. Where are they? What are some "morals" that Republicans have put into practice?

Madoff was an obama supporter
Madoff was chummy with SEC chairman Bill Donaldson, an Obama supporter | Youtube Options Trading Videos

I am part of the middle class and I feel more screwed with a democrat then whe their was a Republican in the white house

Hate the gays?
Show your proof? or do you mean= gay need special right, never in a million years they are equal as anyone else

If these are their "morals", then I don't want them.

Notice how I'm called a liar, but no one could give a single example why? That's Republicans MO. Accusations. They are very good at slime.
No one can give an example? it's because you refuse any example because it clashes with your lies.

Those are your "examples"? Pitiful. Just pitiful.
There just hasn't been any dishonest reporting from liberal media, we react to the bullshit on the right, we don't createc controversy.

No such thing as truly liberal media. It's all conservative. Just different levels of conservative.
To a Marxist, a socialist looks like a conservative.

To a conservative, a CEO of a health care company getting a 73 million dollar bonus by scamming insurance policies and refusing to care for costly sick people is "good capitalism".

To a conservative, getting money from that insurance company to deregulate so they can "scam" legally, is "working together".

To a conservative, if you fight for the rights of veterans or the middle class, you're a "Marxist".

A liberal might work at BP, but a conservative will apologize to them.
Conhog your a moron but funny. I'm not shocked a narrow minded racist like you picked history as a major.

See here is a prime example of a left wing liar. The fool claims to have an MBA but doesn't even know the proper usage of your and you're. Plus he lies by calling me a racist, claiming that others have told him I am one, because he himself of course has seen nothing from to indicate I'm a racist.

And the most shameful thing is that even with liars like this guy and that idiot Ravi, not one single left winger will every say "give the lies a rest." Not one of you has the integrity to do so. I gotta believe Ravi holds the lead here with 38 lies , flat lies , told not once but repeated time and time agian in one 5 page thread and even after I showed her absolute evidence of her lies, her answer ? To just bail on the thread and never once acknowledge that she was either wrong or lied. In fact in the short time I have been here I have yet to see a leftie admit to wrong doing , admit to being mistaken, or call out another leftie for doing so.

You guys have become so dishonest that a leftie will attack a rightie and rightie will respond and the reaction from the left is to jump all over the right leaning person and act as is if the left winger is some poor victim being trampled on. it's pathetic.

Stop fucking lying. Not a single person here is incapable of checking on your lies, so why bother? Liars
Your a moron, a racist and a bigot. The only reason your not on ignore is your funny like Archie bunker.
Your a moron, a racist and a bigot. The only reason your not on ignore is your funny like Archie bunker.

You're not your. Damn what is that like 20 times today alone?

feel free to explain why you believe I am a racist or a bigot?

Wait, let me guess, I'm a racist for telling Tank that he's an idiot for suggesting that black = stupid and or criminal?

I am bigoted though, I hate stupid people and liars. Don't care if they are white, black, red, yellow, brown, or any other shade of the rainbow. If you're stupid or a liar I have no use for you. If you're honest and well read I don't care what color you are, or where you call home.

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