Left wing actors on show glorifying Transgender issues....don't want to use transgender bathrooms.

Offensivelyopenminded.....enough.....please stop with the gay bashing...take that to a more appropriate place.......you too daws101......

Be polite or leave...thank you.
hey how about shutting the fuck up and minding your own business?
Notice how the RWNJs avoid saying only some of the crew are bothered.
I've been in the biz for more than 30 years .
There have always been a few homophobes in it .
Odd considering show business is better than 50% gay.

Ole Bathroom Bob is at it again I see. Bob why do you want to pee in restrooms little girls use?
It's not me who's obsessed with little girls and bathrooms.
You mention it in every post.
Don't ya, urinal Eustis.

7 posts just on the first page of this thread, and it's not you???? Who is it, then???

You're obviously in an absolute panic over the possibility sanity is going to win in the end, dude, just as the other neurotic sicko freaks are.
Transgender seems to be having a problem in Hollywood. Now that the novelty is wearing off it's not as cuddly.
Transgender seems to be having a problem in Hollywood. Now that the novelty is wearing off it's not as cuddly.

When the union carpenter walks in on the young starlet.....it gets a little awkward......

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