Left-Wing Conspiracies Explained...


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
...by the wisest man (on politics) in America:

Everyone should understand this. It explains "everything" spat out by the Media.
Yeah like Israel is a democracy and is only killing Hamas in Gaza.
...by the wisest man (on politics) in America:

Everyone should understand this. It explains "everything" spat out by the Media.
Every accusation is an admission. :cool-45:

Hamas hiding behind burkas and children and in hospitals is not my concern.
Dumb as always. Where do you think Hamas is in tiny Gaza with over 2 million people pushed into an even smaller space, by the apartheid white supremacy state you support?

You think murdering tens of thousands of defenseless women and children is justified because a few hundred were murdered by Hamas. Fucking psycho freak.

...by the wisest man (on politics) in America:

Everyone should understand this. It explains "everything" spat out by the Media.

One important point not mentioned is NONE of these democrat conspiracies could have succeeded without help from rinos.
Dumb as always. Where do you think Hamas is in tiny Gaza with over 2 million people pushed into an even smaller space, by the apartheid white supremacy state you support?

You think murdering tens of thousands of defenseless women and children is justified because a few hundred were murdered by Hamas. Fucking psycho freak.

I don't watch Fox or ANY teee veee bullshit.
You take the numbers Hamas feeds you as gospel.
Why is that?
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The fact that Russia's Putin aided the election campaign of Benedict Donald in 2016 and that Benedict welcome that aid was established by the Mueller investigation. The Mueller investigation was driven by Benedict Donald's firing the Boy Scout FBI director James Comey. Calling these things a hoax is the one of the Neo-GOP CTs. Turn off Faux Not News. It's not really news and you know it.

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...by the wisest man (on politics) in America:
A fine conspieracy theory from a right-wing sore-loser conspiracy kook, Victor David Hanson, America's #1 pajama-boi crybaby.

Why are so many righties open conspiracy kooks?

Sore-loserdom explains a lot of it. Mentally, they're spoiled toddlers, unable to admit that they lost fair and square.

Also, there's the senility, substance abuse, lead poisoning and fetal alcohol syndrome at work. Righties tend to not be normal in the head.

And there's the fact that they're sicko addicts. Spouting the lies and conspiracy theories gives them a hit a dopamine. They crave that rush, they need that rush. Like any addict, a conservative needs a bigger and bigger hit to get the same thrill, so they have to go off on ever-crazier lies and conspiracy theories.

And so we get threads like this one.
...by the wisest man (on politics) in America:

Everyone should understand this. It explains "everything" spat out by the Media.
Trump staff did have meetings with Russian Agents to get dirt on Hillary. Russia did interfere in the 2016 election
There was no way to connect the two but it needed to be looked into.

There is still no definitive proof of where COVID came from

When initially found, there was no way to confirm that it was Hunters laptop or that it had not been tampered with

Jan 6 was an attempt to stop a lawful election through a violent attack. There was no other reason for them to enter the Capitol while Congress was in session
Dumb as always. Where do you think Hamas is in tiny Gaza with over 2 million people pushed into an even smaller space, by the apartheid white supremacy state you support?

You think murdering tens of thousands of defenseless women and children is justified because a few hundred were murdered by Hamas. Fucking psycho freak.

“a few hundred”….WTF…more than 1,100 were killed on 10/7
What do you think happens in war? Innocent people die, always have, always will.
Why do you struggle to understand causation?
Media reports what they're paid to report ... it's a commercial business solely created to make money ... even NPR caters to the monied Left ... that's capitalism, not a conspiracy ...

Big Pharm pushed the Covid catastrophe ... it's their 1st Amendment Right ... just "print" up the $7 trillion and we're good ... Big Pharm shareholders are happy, what's your problem? ...
The old Dem lies are the best :auiqs.jpg:
Robert Mueller was a hard charging Marine who was a Republican all his life. He reported:

As set forth in detail in this report, the Special Counsel’s investigation established that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election principally through two operations. First, a Russian entity carried out a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump and disparaged presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Second, a Russian intelligence service conducted computer-intrusion operations against entities, employees, and volunteers working on the Clinton Campaign and then released stolen documents. The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign. Although the investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency and worked to secure that outcome, and that the Campaign expected it would benefit electorally from information stolen and released through Russian efforts, the investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.

But don't let that stop ya from believing the lies they feed ya'll over at Faux Not News. They bank on ya'll believing you know.
Media reports what they're paid to report ... it's a commercial business solely created to make money ... even NPR caters to the monied Left ... that's capitalism, not a conspiracy ...

Big Pharm pushed the Covid catastrophe ... it's their 1st Amendment Right ... just "print" up the $7 trillion and we're good ... Big Pharm shareholders are happy, what's your problem? ...
thats cronyism not capitalism,,
thats cronyism not capitalism,,

Big Pharm companies are public ... anyone can invest ... capitalism ... why do you think only select people are allowed to invest in public equities? ... I believe all the big media companies are public ...

Certainly there's cronyism in government ... but that doesn't automatically mean media is catering to one party and not the other in some kind of conspiracy ... Free Speech and Free Press isn't a crime, so there is no conspiracy when it's exercised, even if we speak collectively ...

Media will advocate what helps their profits the most ... and that's Big Pharm ... "look at [all the commercials they run] !!!" - Tim the Enchanter ...

NB - There's a Wikipedia article on the rabbit ... I'm never believing that rag again ...
“a few hundred”….WTF…more than 1,100 were killed on 10/7
What do you think happens in war? Innocent people die, always have, always will.
Why do you struggle to understand causation?
Your news sources keep you in the dark and you like it that way. The IDF killed plenty that day.

It was all a false flag dummy. Get informed. SHUT OFF FOX NEWS.


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